One World United & Virtuous

One World United & Virtuous


One World is an educational foundation that creates learning opportunities for people to focus on their common humanity.

We Educate our students for global awareness, we Connect kids across the globe through character building exercises and then Empower them through service learning projects to understand that they are capable of being positive change agents in their local, national and global communities. In combining character education with global awareness and service learning, we provide our youth with a new se

Operating as usual


Estamos sintiendo "Educación en el Aire" ☀️

Puedes unirte a nosotros mañana en de la UNESCO y más

Regístrate en


Here's what to expect THIS SATURDAY from 4:30-8pm at Denzel Washington School of the Arts. Register for free at 🥰


Promote peace with "Peace Through the Arts" Gallery Walk partners Reverse The Trend and Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York

RSVP to meet them this Saturday, June 22 from 4:30-6:00 at 🕊


Check out the many talented students of Denzel Washington School of the Arts, as well as local artists and peacemakers at PEACE THROUGH THE ARTS.

⭐️June 22nd at DWSA
⭐️Gallery walk 4:30-6:00pm
⭐️Live Performances 6:00-8:00pm


We're feeling "Education in the Air" ☀️

UNESCO's is a call to action through dance, and you can join!
1) Make a video and tag us + UNESCO by 6/20
2) Join us IN PERSON at Denzel Washington School of the Arts on 6/22 for PEACE THROUGH THE ARTS 4:30-8:00pm
Register at

is an exciting initiative that invites everyone to participate in a fun and meaningful way. Here’s how you can get involved:

Record Your Dance: Express your passion for education through dance! Whether you’re a student, teacher, influencer, or community member, your moves can make a difference. Capture your dance performance in at least 1080p (HD quality).
Submission Deadline: June 20th. Email it to [email protected] or [email protected].

Learn More:


As part of One World’s Global Connections Virtual Exchange program, students from Denzel Washington School of the Arts ( .official ) collaborated virtually with Jingling Primary School in China, bridging continents and fostering cross-cultural understanding. ✌️

One World strongly believes in global collaboration as a pathway to peace. We're proud to co-host a Celebration of Peace Through Arts at DWSA on June 22nd- join us for an inspiring event that unites community and celebrates diverse cultures worldwide!


Let's explore through the arts and embrace the magic of creativity. Come be a part of this unforgettable experience!

Saturday, June 22, 2024
Gallery Walk and Peace Exhibition: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Live Performances: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Denzel Washington School of the Arts
121 S 6th Ave, Mt Vernon, NY 10550



We are so grateful to everyone who came to the conference last week. The Westchester Green County USA student leaders are inspirational, and our community partners are leading the way towards a greener future.

Westchester County Government Sustainable Westchester Bedford 2030 Katonah-Lewisboro School District Iona Preparatory School Youth Congress Green Schools Alliance Yonkers Public Schools News 12 Westchester


⭐️Check out who came to visit The Denzel Washington School of the Arts! 🧐

Join talented artists of Denzel Washington School of the Arts (DWSA) and One World as they delve into themes of connectedness, peace, and the potential for a world of abundance through artistic expression.

FREE EVENT open to all. Register at
Mount Vernon City School District CMVNY

Photos from One World United & Virtuous's post 11/06/2024

On June 22nd, peacemakers from across the New York Metropolitan area join with students from Denzel Washington School of the Arts and One World to celebrate our human connectedness through the arts. Gallery Walk of Peace starts at 4:30, Live performances hosted by MC Hip Hop Gamer start at 6:00pm. RSVP at

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Videos (show all)

Estamos sintiendo "Educación en el Aire" ☀️Puedes unirte a nosotros mañana en #DanceForEducation de la UNESCO y másRegís...
Get your tickets and spead love 😍 #hiphopgamer #hiphop #peacethroughart
Reverse The Trend
Promote peace with Gallery Walk partners Reverse The Trend Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York RSVP to meet them this...
Check out the many talented students of Denzel Washington School of the Arts, as well as local artists and peacemakers a...
We're feeling "Education in the Air" ☀️UNESCO's #DanceForEducation is a call to action through dance, and you can join!1...
Let's explore #peace through the arts and embrace the magic of creativity. Come be a part of this unforgettable experien...
Join talented artists of Denzel Washington School of the Arts (DWSA), One World and local Peacemakers as we delve into t...
