For the selection of the Atkins Elementary principal, the district welcomes stakeholders (students, staff, parents, community members) input through the opportunities below:
Google survey:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0nEc6UZeGLK5vYljwPeUewxc49iSKjTfa7LwOHP-IXNNF7g/viewform?usp=pp_url (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0nEc6UZeGLK5vYljwPeUewxc49iSKjTfa7LwOHP-IXNNF7g/viewform?usp=pp_url)
Selection for Principal of Atkins Elementary
We recognize the important role that a principal plays in the success of a school. Thus, we would like you to participate in the selection process. We would appreciate your input by listing in the space below no more than three qualities, characteristics, attributes, etc. you would like to see in th...
Free uniform give away TODAY from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Highland Center on Olive Street. Bring your Child and your ID.
School uniform for Atkins:
Top: purple and gold
Bottoms: khaki (3-5) navy/khaki: (Pre-k -2)
What a week we have had at Atkins Elementary from the 5th Grade Trip to Baton Rouge to visit the state Capital and both Universities (LSU and SU), the B.E.S.T. Club banquet, the 4th grade trip to Medieval Times and Private Tour, and ending with our Pre-K/Kindergarten promotion today! Great things are happening on the horizon! Lion Pride 💜💛🦁
Don’t forget EVERYTHING IS FREE!!!!
See you at 12:00!
School zone time changes in City of Shreveport.
The Shreveport Police Department in its partnership with Blue Line Solutions and along with the City of Shreveport, and Shreveport schools are working to make Shreveport a safer city.
On Jan 9, school zone times will change from 7-9 AM and 2-4 PM to 7-9 AM and 2:30-4:30 PM.
School zones in Shreveport have been 7-9 and 2-4 for as many years as school zones have been in existence. Within the last few years, high schools have moved their bell times closer to 4 PM, however, there has been no adjustment to “school zone times”. This has come to the attention of community leaders now that school zone times are being enforced with photo speed enforcement.
Another issue brought to light is signage, only about 50% of Shreveport schools have flashers. Although flashers are not legally required by Louisiana law if a placard is present, it’s been proven to be a helpful reminder of a reduced speed zone.
Blue Line Solutions in its partnership with Shreveport will be changing all the placards throughout the city to reflect the new school times of 7-9 AM and 2:30-4:30 PM as well as updating infrastructure to make sure all schools using photo speed will also have flashers installed. This will not be an overnight project, but we hope to have it complete by 2024.
Congratulations to Atkins Elementary’s very own Addyson Toellner on her huge accomplishment.
Presenting to you Miss Louisiana Elementary America 2023
Parents and Community don’t forget tomorrow is the big day for Atkins Elementary Fall Carnival!! 9:00 am - 2:00pm! Come one come all!
What a week we had on the Horizon! Collaboration between staff, parents, and our community partners. Great things are happening on 7611 St. Vincent Avenue!!💛💜🦁
Keith Haring’s art inspired these “kinetic dudes”!!
Aztec & Mayan Empires // the first grade had been learning a lot about the Aztec and Mayan cultures! In art, we’ve made collaborative Aztec “weavings”! Also, they created Aztec and Mayan suns! 🌞