


CyclingSavvy is a traffic cycling course developed to teach the principles of Mindful Bicycling. Fin

Ebike Resources for Parents 12/20/2024

Teenagers want ebikes, but it's difficult for parents to know if their kids are ready, and what is the best kind of ebike for them. To make matters worse, the marketplace for ebikes is a Wild West situation! Many devices are being sold as ebikes, though not legally classified as such. These devices are not street-legal in most places. Some of them are dangerous for a child to operate.

If you, or people you know, are considering an ebike for a teen, check out these resources from Teen Ebike Training and Bellemont Project.

Ebike Resources for Parents If you're considering an ebike for your teen, or you know someone else who is, check out these resources.

2024 Recap - American Bicycling Education Association 12/06/2024

2024 Recap - American Bicycling Education Association As 2024 draws to a close, the American Bicycling Education Association is deeply grateful to our donors, contributors, instructors, and students for their on-going support. THANK YOU! Here is a recap of our work this year. Group Ride Leader Training I am currently finishing the last few modules of t...

How to Trigger a Vehicle Detector 10/28/2024

Vehicle detectors that turn traffic lights green may not respond reliably to bicycles. How do you identify vehicle detectors, test them, and get them to work more often — when you are alone? riding in a group? when a car is already waiting? when you are waiting and one comes up behind you? It's all here!

How to Trigger a Vehicle Detector Wire cuts in the road surface show where detector loops are, unless the street was repaved after they were installed. Or there may be a video camera overhead on a signal mast arm pointing toward you.

3-Part Workshop, Waltham, MA September 27 and 28 09/18/2024

Sign-up now to reserve your space:

Waltham, MA. CyclingSavvy 3-Part Workshop September 27 and 28. Don't miss this comprehensive course consisting of 3 parts: Truth and Techniques, Train your Bike and a Tour of Waltham.

3-Part Workshop, Waltham, MA September 27 and 28 The full CyclingSavvy Course INCLUDES Truth & Techniques (virtual classroom session), Train Your Bike (bike handling) session, and our signature on-road experience — Tour of Waltham.


Communication is one of game-changer skills we teach in CyclingSavvy. Looking back is a form of communication.


Every year at this time, we must remind drivers to stop for school buses. Guess what? You’re a driver, too.

If a school bus is stopped ahead of you, or coming toward you, you must stop when the lights are flashing red and the stop sign is out.

Learn more about the rights and duties of bicycle drivers in the Ebike Pro Course.

Truth & Techniques Zoom Virtual Classroom, August 16 08/16/2024

Truth and Techniques Virtual Class (via Zoom) today. Join Pam online and learn about laws, bicycling safety, crash countermeasures and strategies for stress-free cycling. Sign up now:

Truth & Techniques Zoom Virtual Classroom, August 16 You’ll be blown away by the places you can ride a bike without being a road warrior!

3-Part Workshop, Charlotte NC, August 16-18 08/16/2024

Charlotte, NC In-Person CyclingSavvy workshop August 16-18. Don't miss it! Sign-up today:

3-Part Workshop, Charlotte NC, August 16-18 You will come away with a toolkit of knowledge and strategies to apply to whatever kind of riding you want to do.


We brought the best of CyclingSavvy to Ebike Training for Teens. Check it out!

3-Part Workshop, Milford, OH July 19-20 07/19/2024

Milford, OH. There is still time to join Susan and Patrick for a CyclingSavvy full 3-part Workshop. Sign up here:

3-Part Workshop, Milford, OH July 19-20 You will come away with a toolkit of knowledge and strategies to apply to whatever kind of riding you want to do.

Truth and Techniques, Milford, OH, July 19 07/19/2024

Milford, OH. Don't miss the Truth and Techniques (in-person) class today (7/19). Sign up here:

Truth and Techniques, Milford, OH, July 19 Truth and Techniques brings you up to date on the real risks of cycling and how riding strategies and your mindset can minimize these risks.

3-Part Workshop, Charlotte NC, July 12-14 07/12/2024

Join Pam for the 3-Part CyclingSavvy Workshop in Charlotte NC, July 12-14. This full course includes Truth and Techniques Virtual class, Train your Bike in-person bike handling skills and a Tour of Charlotte. Register today:

3-Part Workshop, Charlotte NC, July 12-14 You will come away with a toolkit of knowledge and strategies to apply to whatever kind of riding you want to do.

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