Winning Wednesday

Tips, Techniques and Technology to help you succeed in todays world.


Why stop at Winning Wednesday when you can Win Everyday!

We had a fantastic group accountability meeting this morning! All of our RE/MAX Advisors associates are stepping out of their comfort zone and well into the learning and growth zone and making deep connections with their sphere and serving their clients at a high level.

We do many of our meetings in person but this one is via Zoom


Making commitments to yourself is easy but keeping them actually following through with them can be hard. Tune in to get some rock solid steps to follow and pitfalls to avoid


Our fear of change is based on stories—both real and the imagined ones we tell ourselves. We narrate our lives as if they are out of our control—we feel as we are playing a part someone else wrote for us. Tune in and find out how to make change work for you.


"What are you going to do to sell my home?"

Do you work with home sellers? If so you wont want to miss this episode.


Cheers to America Winning it's Independence! Happy 4th of July!! 🇺🇸🎉


There are 2 types of agents/business models... How fast and how cheap transactional agent or a Highly Concentrative, Referred and Connected agent. Brokerages are the same way, if you are a Connected, Referred Agent you may find it difficult to get the problem solving skills and relationships you need out of an uber Brokerage.


In this episode we discuss getting out of the "funk" that many people are in after the last year. How do you get out of survival mode and back to thriving? Join us for ways to reset and restart your personal growth, to feel joy and live the good life.

Check out our recommending podcast by Brian Buffini # 282


Turning a Problem into a Positive!
Problems and the unexpected derailing your Day? Week? Life? Join us for actionable steps to overcoming challenges.
For example, this last week got a little "derailed" so this week you get TWO videos!! 🥳


Focusing on the Right Activities
Saying "yes" to an activity always involves saying "no" to others. So the key question becomes are you doing the right things?
Join us as we discuss effective time blocking that will always result in a productive day.


Watch this episode to get the most out or your work day and balance your life!
We also touch on Full Leverage Agent. This is a high tech coaching and personal development program designed from strategies and practices of the most productive agents in the market.
The Ripple Effect podcast. Join Brian Buffini as he talks to some of the most successful agents and how they manage activites that spend their time creating a business model off of referrals.
Don't miss out...See you tomorrow!

The Tools of a Remax Agent 05/13/2021

On our 5/12 Show I talked about the new RE/MAX Hustle - Highlight Your Skills. Here is what this looks like and it took me like 2 minutes. There are several other options of easy peasy commercials you can create and post on several different formats. Elisa :)

The Tools of a Remax Agent Show off the unique tools that set you apart from the crowd with a personalized commercial.


iBuyers, Flippers, Micro Flippers what are they? Definition of each and their business models. How are they effecting the current real estate market.
Recommended Podcast - Start With A Win, Adam Contos CEO of RE/MAX talks with Tarek El Moussa, of Fix or Flip fame. RE/MAX Hustle is our Tech Item. Customized commercials with just a couple clicks on your computer, sooo Easy!


With so much digital media coming at us how do you stand out? What is it that makes you choose which businesses and vendors you use or refer others to? In this episode of our digital marketing series we go deeper into the importance of content that not only gets attention but creates TRUST! We share our kudos for a MacLife and Neal Elliott with Be sure to watch to the end for a new RE/MAX commercial that had us laughing and saying "So much This!".


An excerpt from our upcoming class on March 16th on the Power of Video. Upon completing this class you should feel confident enough to incorportae video messaging into your dollar-productive actvities. IM or cal lfor more details.


Join us 2PM today! When working with a Buyer clarify What is important and Why. Creates a foundation to help your client prioritize their interest!


Staying intentional is the ultimate key to your success. Watch this episode for some tips you can emply today to gain control over your schedule.


The MUST-HAVES of creating a personal brand.


How to Buy a Home / Low Inventory. In this episode we talk about how to make your offer stand out and be easy for seller's to accept. Kudos to AlphaGraphic, Mike Wasick and welcoming Charles Seip to RE/MAX Advisors! Our Tech item of the week takes a look at the RE/MAX exclusive First App, contact your sphere when "they" most need you!


-In this episode we will talk about our RE/MAX Advisors, no charge in house consulting and accountability program. Accountability builds trust, improves performance, eliminates distracting activities and inspires Team skills and confidence.
-Kudos to out the Agents we have worked with and are currently working with and Affiliates and Vendors who are doing a fabulous job.
-Technology Item is the RE/MAX Referral Exchange. Referrals are placed agent to agent and not lost in cyber space.
-Recommended Book/Podcast, The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath. Finding a defining moment is where we grow and learn, lets learn to focus on those moments.
-RE/MAX Funny Commecial featuring one of our RE/MAX Agents.


-In this episode we once again visit the Full Leverage Agent. We will go back over the basics of financial set-up and also go deeper into the Advanced Financial set-up of your business.
-Kudos go out to Agents we have worked with and are currently working with and Affiliates and Vendors who are doing a fabulous job.
-Technology Item is Adwerx and how RE/MAX works with Adwerx to build ads for your sphere of influence, target and specialize in certain zip codes and actually post TV commercials that stream to all the major streaming channels at the prime times of the day.
-Recomended Book/Podcast, The Book of Awesome, Neil Pasricha. Make the small stuff count, lookin at the glass as half full.
-RE/MAX Funny Commercial highlighting one of our Agents.

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Videos (show all)

How to keep your weekly commitments to yourself, relationships & business
Fear of Change Holding You Back?
What are you going to do to sell my home?
Are You an Uber Agent?
Reflect, Review, Refocus & Declutter your Life
Turning a Problem into a Positive
Focusing on the Right Activities
Running Out of Time? Here's How to Fix It...
iBuyers, Flippers, Micro Flippers what are they? Definition of each and their business models. How are they effecting th...


