FISD Job Fair coming up at Memorial!
It's almost time for the next Frisco ISD job fair! Whether you're a seasoned educator or wanting to begin your education journey, FISD offers a wide variety of roles to suit your skills and explore your passions.
📅 May 29, 2024
🕒 9:00AM - 11:30AM
📍 Memorial High School (12300 Frisco Street Frisco, TX 75033)
Learn more by visiting: friscoisd.org/employment
Welcome to our newest Warriors, Class of 2028! We look forward to getting to know you!
Parents: Want to connect with other Class of 28 parents? Join the Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1667599519982116
Students: Want to start earning your PTSA graduation cord (for joining PTSA each year you're at MHS)? Join PTSA today: https://2024-2025-memorial-ptsa.cheddarup.com
Sending much love to our graduating class after 4 hard years of work! Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! You are destined for many great things!
We have the most amazing teachers at Memorial! We are grateful for them throughout the year, but especially during Teacher Appreciation Week!
Remember to show some love to your teachers this week for all they do to support our students!
Note: Multicultural Night has been postponed. We'll share more when details are available.
‼️‼️‼️ Attn: MHS Multicultural has been Postponed to be rescheduled for a later date. Thanks
PTSA student leaders at work passing out Powder Puff shirts to Seniors and Juniors, this morning! They are the BEST! ❤️❤️❤️
Memorial's Multicultural Night is NEXT WEEK and we'd love to have families share their culture with its students! For more information, contact Mr. Hoover or complete our Google Form.
Hope to see you tonight @ 6:30pm for this informative presentation! Students will be in attendance for a Q&A panel! You won't want to miss it!
Our final general PTSA meeting of the year is WEDNESDAY! Please join us! We'll elect our 24-25 executive board, vote on several items, and have a presentation to help you prepare yourself & your child for the next level, whatever that may be.
Our final general PTSA meeting of the year is WEDNESDAY! Please join us! We'll elect our 24-25 executive board, vote on several items, and have a presentation to help you prepare yourself & your child for the next level, whatever that may be.
SENIORS! Don't forget to purchase your prom tickets for April 27th! Pay through Online School Fees or at the door!💃🕺
We hope you'll join us on Wednesday, April 17th for our final General PTSA meeting of the school year. We'll elect our 24-25 executive board and vote on several items before hearing from the counselors on planning for the future!
📣📣Congratulations to our amazing PTSA Programs Chair, Maggie Baughman, on receiving a Texas PTA scholarship! We know you are destined for great things, and we're thrilled Texas PTA sees that as well! 🖤💛Frisco ISD Council of PTAs Texas PTA
We are happy to congratulate the Memorial students who received PTA scholarships from Memorial PTSA and our feeder PTAs!!🖤💛
We were thrilled to be able to help so many local organizations with our Memorial Day of Service! And, we are grateful to Maggie Baughman, a senior and our Programs chair, who set up and managed the entire event!
Once again, thank you to everyone who donated and helped us make an impact in our community! 🖤💛🖤💛
We had an AMAZING morning collecting donations for Frisco Threads Student Clothes Closet, Refresh NTX, Frisco Fastpacs, and Donate 2 Impact! Students earned 4️⃣5️⃣0️⃣ volunteer hours through their generous donations! Thank you to everyone who stopped by!
We are set up at Memorial and ready to take donations! Please bring your items before noon!
We were excited to celebrate our PTSA Honorary Life Members! Thank you both for your commitment to Memorial PTSA!
The Memorial PTSA Nominating Committee presents the slate for the 2024-2025 elected officer positions. Our election will occur at our General PTSA meeting on April 17th.
Looking for a way to help local charities AND earn FISD volunteer hours at the same time? Memorial PTSA is holding a donation drive on Saturday, March 23rd (9-noon) for our MHS Day of Service! See the graphic for donation options and hours that can be earned!
Congratulations to Edward LoCicero for earning an Overall Award of Excellence at the Texas PTA Reflections Contest! His Literature entry, "Embracing Hope: The Heartbeat of Resilience", now advances to the National PTA level of judging in the Special Artist division! We are so proud of you! 🖤💛
Tickets are now available for two great nights of RoughRiders baseball! Join us! ⚾️⚾️
April 12 (Frisco PTA Night) - Memorial Drumline will be playing to greet attendees at the main entrance!
May 9 (Frisco ISD High School Night) - Celebrating all Frisco high schools!
It's National School Counseling Week! We are so grateful for all that our counselors do to support our students! Please take a moment to send a note of thanks to a counselor this week!
Want to be more involved in supporting Memorial and its staff/students? Join the PTSA board for 2024-25! Parents AND students are welcome! For more info, visit our interest form!
To support our snack cart next Tuesday, we need a few volunteers to serve treats and cocoa to our amazing staff! If you have a couple of hours to share, we'd love your help!
Serve Treats to our Awesome Memorial Staff
Please join us to serve treats and cocoa to our awesome Memorial staff on Tuesday, January 30 from 10:00 - 12:30. Sign up to help!
Hello all! Reminder that we could use a few donations to bring some warmth to our February treat cart! If you can add an item or two to your grocery shopping this week, we'd appreciate all donations being dropped in the front office by Monday, January 29th! See the original post for details!
With all of our cold weather, we want to update our February snack cart with warm beverages for our amazing staff! When you shop this weekend, we would appreciate if you could pick up an extra item and drop it off by Monday, January 29th!
Donate items: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094DACAD23ABFDCE9-47340863-hotcocoa #/
Donate funds: https://mhs-ptsa-support-2324.cheddarup.com
Senior families, join Warrior Counseling for a Financial Aid Workshop tonight in the MHS Cafe!
With all of our cold weather, we want to update our February snack cart with warm beverages for our amazing staff! When you shop this weekend, we would appreciate if you could pick up an extra item and drop it off by Monday, January 29th!
Donate items: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094DACAD23ABFDCE9-47340863-hotcocoa #/
Donate funds: https://mhs-ptsa-support-2324.cheddarup.com
Get your tickets now to support our Memorial Theatre & Choir next week!