Why do I have a collage of yt women as a post, you ask?
Well, clearly YouTube/Google has been spying on me. I made a post where a Blk woman shared images of herself before dating Blk men and after dating Blk men.
I made the point that yt women have the same relationship issues but they don't go around posting about yt men as the problem. They simply say "men"...
So this video pops up as a suggestion and I watched it.
Black women truly take their cues from yt women. I mean, I heard all the stuff about being boss women, having their own money, not needing anything from a man etc...followed by, "where are the masculine men?", "men are afraid of them", "I'm fine without a man" etctry, etctry.
I've said this for years, that sisters have internalized yt women's talking points, we all watched Ricki Lake, Sally Jesse Rafael, Jenny Jones, Oprah...y'all watched all the soap operas with your moms and Grandmas and we know what's promoted at the universities...
Sisters are parroting and have, for a long time, parroted the talking points and narratives of yt women but they've done something very destructive by adding "Blk" to the narratives.
Again, not one yt woman in this collage cited yt men specifically....they all said "men".
It is true that all races and ethnicities suffer in the relationship department but for our community it's made worse because we have to deal with a major element called self-hate.
So whenever there's an issue, that all other groups also face, we add "Blk" to it thereby making "Blk" the face of the issues which opens us up to being exploited by others.
And we are exploited by others.
By internalizing a common problem shared across the globe, as uniquely "Blk", we continue in the self-destruction that self-hate perpetuates and it is happening at the worse possible time.