Regional English Language Office - Russia

Regional English Language Office - Russia


The Regional English Language Office supports English language teaching professionals in Russia. Embassy in Moscow. U.S. Acceptance of Terms of Use
The U.S.

The Regional English Language Office (RELO) opened in 1993 and is part of the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. RELO Russia cooperates with teachers’ associations, universities, schools, and English language teaching professionals on a variety of educational and cultural exchange programs and projects in order to enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the Russian Federation and the U

Operating as usual


📌Tell us what you think!
Learners: Do you see language assessments as a way to determine your language abilities or think about what you need to focus on in the future?
Educators: Do you feel like the language assessments you are using are helping you make decisions about language curriculum and instruction?


📌 : Teacher Development
With summer’s arrival, many educators (re)turn to their own development. Over the next week, we plan to share some ideas and associated resources related to teacher development that can help you get started.
👀Check out these Forum articles to get you thinking about the structure, framework, and delivery format that will work best.
1️⃣Using English Teaching Forum in Teacher Development
2️⃣Empowering Teachers through Professional Development
3️⃣Lesson Observation: The Key to Teacher Development
4️⃣The Mini Conference: Creating Localized Opportunities for Professional Development
5️⃣Write That Professional Article!


📌American culture with Molodets!
📚Molodets Module 9 Unit 4 focuses on scientific discoveries. Do you teach students in the STEM field? Are you a scientist learning English? Check out the list of science-related vocabulary on the Molodets website, Module 9 Unit 4.
Looking for additional science materials?
➡️Use these videos in class from the Exploratorium in San Francisco, one the United State’s most famous science museums. See if students can summarize the experiment using the vocabulary from Molodets.
➡️These learning labs from Griffin Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago allow students to engage in science experiments in English virtually. There are videos and accompanying lesson plans for different age groups.
➡️The Smithsonian Science Education Center has numerous educator resources that you can filter by type of media, grade level, or topic.
There are also videos for teachers demonstrating how to implement resources, like this learning log. Maybe you can adapt this tool for your learners when teaching the science vocabulary from Molodets.


📌American culture - Juneteenth Holiday
🗓️Today is Juneteenth, an important celebration in American history. The name Juneteenth, is a combination of "June" and "nineteenth," and marks the day, June 19, 1865, when slaves in Texas were informed of their freedom.
📝Juneteenth is significant because it has become a symbol of the end of slavery in the United States as well as a celebration of African American culture.
⚖️Juneteenth became a federal holiday on June 17, 2021 when President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law.
1️⃣If you would like to learn more about this holiday, American English has the following resource
2️⃣To learn more about the events surrounding June 19, 1865, watch this TED-ED video
3️⃣Detailed information and educational resources from National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)
4️⃣For teaching resources from PBS


📌Teaching tip!
Do you teach different brainstorming techniques when students are starting a writing or speaking assignment? How do you help the idea generation process? Many people may be familiar with mind mapping. Clustering allows students to write down singular ideas or concepts and then work together to connect the ideas into broader themes. If you are able to use manipulatives, students can arrange and rearrange ideas to identify different connections.


🔈Potential new vocabulary!
Referring to someone as a “good egg” means that you trust them because they display moral, kind, and friendly characteristics. It’s a casual phrase that you might hear in conversation between friends and family. When you hear the term “good egg” who in your life do you immediately think of?


📌American culture: Father’s Day
The third Sunday in June is dedicated to Father’s Day in the United States. This is a day for families to celebrate the fathers and father figures in their lives. It is very common for fathers to participate in a hobby or activity they enjoy or to barbeque with friends and family. It is normal for fathers to be presented with cards showing appreciation or small gifts. Happy Father’s Day from the RELO Russia team!


📌Poll results
There are many types of strengths in young learners. Take a look at the graphic for ways to frame or reframe your thinking about what skills students bring to the classroom.
If you would like to dig a little deeper into this idea, the links below have more information
1️⃣New Focus on Strength-Based Learning | NEA
2️⃣St. Louis University Resource Guide
3️⃣Kids Do Well If They Can: A Strength-Based Approach | Edutopia
4️⃣Strengths-Based Instruction for English Language Learners | Colorín Colorado


📌Tell us what you think!
Learners: Do you know your strengths in the classroom?
Teachers: What are some ways you use a strengths-based approach in your classroom?


📌American culture: Flag Day!
The American flag is one of the nation's most famous symbols, and is celebrated every June 14th in the United States.
➡️Learn more about the history of the American flag
➡️ If you would like to teach about Flag Day in the United States, you can have your students read the Presidential Proclamation from 2012 on Flag Day and National Flag Week. Ask students to take notes on what each paragraph is about. For example, the first paragraph is about the origin of Flag Day while the second one is about the meaning of the American flag and its uses. Once they figure out the key points, have them discuss the organization of the speech by looking at how the president begins the speech, how he introduces the main points, and how he ends the speech.


📌American culture with Molodets!
📚Molodets Module 9 Unit 3 is about technology advancements and the reading passage focuses on Silicon Valley, which is located just south of San Francisco in California, near famous universities like Stanford and UC Berkeley.
📚 To learn more about Silicon Valley and the digital revolution, check out Molodets Module 9 Unit 3.
💻To hear directly from some of Silicon Valley’s famous innovators, check out these speeches given at well-known American university graduation ceremonies.
1️⃣Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address:
2️⃣Bill Gates' 2007 Harvard Commencement Speech:
3️⃣Jeff Bezos' 2010 Princeton Commencement Address:


📌Ideas for English practice!
Are you interested in focusing on your English language skills this summer? An English language club might be a fun way to improve or maintain your skills. There are a variety of clubs that you could facilitate, such as conversation, book, or movie clubs! Check out the links for some tips to facilitating and managing language clubs.
1️⃣English Club Manual
2️⃣Creating and Sustaining English Language Clubs to Enhance English Learning
3️⃣Book Clubs for Community Building


📌Professional development for English language educators
🖥️American English Live: Teacher Development Series 20.3: Teaching Listening Comprehension with Communicative Strategies
🎤During this session, Jennifer Rives will explain a structured approach to designing effective, engaging listening lesson plans that can be used with a variety of texts.
There are two ways to join:
1️⃣with the global community on
🗓️June 12, 2024
More information at

2️⃣with Russian colleagues and English Language Specialist Amy Pascucci on
🗓️June 13, 2024 at 1100 MSK. Register at the following link!


🔈Potential new vocabulary!
Saying someone sounds like a broken record is not usually a positive comment. On the contrary, it can mean that someone is annoying you due to the repetition. For example, students may complain that their teacher is a broken record because of all the homework reminders they receive. You can even say that you feel like a broken record when you have to say something over and over again.


📌Teaching tip: Assigning roles for group work
Do you give students different roles for group work?
🥸Check out the graphic for an idea on how to set this up.
Do you use learning teams, especially in large classes?
🖋️Read this article from American English Teacher’s Corner to learn more.
🍡Vocabulary Note: A popsicle is a sweet, frozen treat on a stick. Sometimes it is ice cream and other times it is flavored ice.


📌Tell us what you think!
Teachers: Do you incorporate culture into your lessons? How do you address cultural diversity?
Learners: Does including cultural diversity in English lessons help you achieve your language learning goals?
➡️Two Frameworks for Teaching Culture and Critical Thinking
➡️Make it Meaningful: Bringing Learning to Life with Culturally Relevant Teaching


The last two posts have included ideas for incorporating social emotional learning (SEL) techniques into your classroom.
If this is an area of education you would like to explore further, start with the following Forum article and AE Live webinar.
➡️Forum article titled Nurturing Emotional Intelligence through Literature
➡️AE Live Webinar titled Social-Emotional Learning For Multilingual Learners: Fostering Growth


📌Teaching tip: Building a positive classroom community
A shout-out is when you publicly acknowledge someone’s good work or positive behavior. For example, when working with young learners you might email their parents to let them know that they stay focused in class that day and finished all their work. If you work with university students or adults, you might verbally compliment a student’s performance when handing back an assignment or assessment.
💥See if you can reserve just a few minutes at the end of each class for these shout-outs. You might be surprised to hear what students have to say about one another!


📌Teaching tip: SEL check-in
Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to think about how to include social emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom. However, there are small ways for teachers to start today! Try this SEL check-in posted at your classroom door to get an idea of how students are feeling about their learning experience.


📌Teaching tip: Formative assessment
It is important for teachers to consistently and regularly check students’ progress to better inform instruction and materials. What are some ways that you formatively assess students?
🎫 A common formative assessment is the use of daily or weekly exit tickets at the end of a class or lesson. The following are some ideas for exit tickets!
1️⃣American English
2️⃣Brown University
3️⃣Boston College


📌American culture - high school graduation
It’s graduation season in the United States! Graduating high school is a significant rite of passage for Americans and there are typically large family, school, and even community celebrations. Many graduates receive gifts of money at their graduation party.
Check out these three fun facts about graduation ceremonies in the United States:
1️⃣Graduates walk or proceed to their seats at the beginning of the ceremony to specific music.
“Pomp and Circumstance Marches” are a series of six marches for orchestra originally composed by Sir Edward Elgar. The music was first adopted by Princeton University in 1907 as the processional theme song, which has since become synonymous with graduation events.
2️⃣There are typically several speeches during the graduation ceremony. Usually the head of school, a student speaker, and a guest or invited speaker. The student speaker may be valedictorian, or the person with the highest gpa, or sometimes they are chosen as the student speaker through a contest or student election. The guest or invited speaker is sometimes an alum of the school, a prominent community member, or even a celebrity.
3️⃣Students wear the traditional cap and gown. However, there have been trends in past years where students decorate their cap, also called a mortarboard. They might put the year or a special note to their family or loved ones. It is meant to show some individuality and creativity for an otherwise uniform sea of graduates.


📌For English language teachers passionate about making a difference!
Become a teacher-leader and train other teachers moving forward by joining the Tsvetnik community. The next workshop is titled Digital Media Literacy & Critical Thinking Skills.
🗓️June 4 @1700 MSK
To register follow this link


📌American culture - winter sports
Every year at the end of May or beginning of June, two major American sports have their final tournament and championship: hockey and basketball
🏒The Stanley cup refers to the trophy awarded to the champion hockey team. It is the oldest trophy that can be won by professional athletes in North America. The annual hockey championship tournament began in 1893.
🏀The NBA finals is the championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The tournament is single elimination but the teams play a best of seven series for each matchup. Therefore the tournament, often referred to as the postseason, can take four to six weeks to complete. The Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers have both won the NBA championship 17 times since it began in 1946.
At the end of May and beginning of June every year many Americans will have either a hockey match or a basketball game, or both, on their television in the evening. What will you be watching?
➡️Ideas for hockey-related lessons
➡️Student opinion lesson on Who is the G.O.A.T. - including basketball legend LeBron James


📌Share your research and work with the global community!
The 2025 TESOL convention is scheduled for March 2025 but presentation proposals are due 03 June 2024, so don’t wait!
There are many different ways to be a presenter or panelist. The website presentation descriptions, proposal guidance, and checklist.
Visit the TESOL website to read about the eligibility requirements for grants to attend the TESOL convention.


Educators, did you know that every issue of the English Teaching Forum includes a Reader’s Guide? This guide is designed to enrich your reading of the articles in this issue. You may choose to read them on your own, taking notes or jotting down answers to the discussion questions. Or you may use the guide to explore the articles with colleagues, like in a Community of Practice.
➡️This issue of Forum
➡️Reader’s Guide


🔈Potential new vocabulary!
This is a great idiom, especially if you work with young learners. Americans use this term quite often to talk about children or adolescents that are having a hard time focusing because they have so much energy or excitement. When students are bouncing off the walls, it can make classroom management rather difficult. Are there certain times in your school year where students get so excited that they are bouncing off the walls?


👋🏼Virtual Specialist, Amy Pascucci, grew up in the Hudson Valley of New York. This area of New York has a rich history starting with thousands of Indigenous Americans who lived near the Hudson river. Many lakes, rivers, mountains, and towns still maintain their indigenous names. The Hudson Valley is also the location of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s beloved Hyde Park home and the Vanderbilt mansion, both of which are now museums. Presently, it is an area where many people living in New York City like to escape for the weekend to enjoy outdoor activities like rock climbing and hiking in the summer, skiing in the winter, and even apple and pumpkin picking in the fall.
👀 Check out these links to learn more about the history of the Hudson Valley!
Indigenous Peoples of Hyde Park
Vanderbilt Mansion
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Example lesson plans for teaching the history of the Hudson Valley


📌Professional development for English language educators
🖥️American English Live: Teacher Development Series 20.2: "A Good Speaker Is a Good Listener" by Anne Haggerson and Anita Gail Demitroff. This webinar will explore game-based, multisensory, multicultural, and enjoyable listening activities for ELT.
There are two ways to join:
1️⃣with the global community on
🗓️May 29, 2024
More information at

2️⃣with Russian colleagues and English Language Specialist Amy Pascucci on
🗓️May 30, 2024 at 1100 MSK. Register at the following link!


📌Teaching with manipulatives
You likely use manipulatives and color coding in your teaching. Check out this quick, kinesthetic and visual activity for students to practice or even assess their mastery of sentence structure! Can you think of one or two variations or extensions for this activity?

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Videos (show all)

Guess who’s back? Virtual Educator Brian Cook’s incredibly popular Teacher2Teacher series has returned! Join like-minded...
This #VirtualFellowTuesday, we’re sharing the story of the #VirtualFellow program. When COVID-19 hit, many #EnglishLangu...
This #VirtualFellowTuesday we invite you to join #VirtualFellow Brian Cook for the Teacher2Teacher Series for English-la...
Meet your RELO
Supporting Emerging Writers, Part 3
English Teaching Online: Privacy Security and Safety




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