सरकारले साइबर क्राइम र बैंकिङ कसुरका मुद्दामा जिल्ला अदालतहरूलाई नै सुरू कारबाही र किनारा लगाउने अधिकार दिएको छ।
Adv SK Gupta
Law Students of Old and New Batch
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all the information, notice and materials about law... all the information regarding law faculty with notice,information and materials...
Operating as usual
LLB 1st year (Partial@Regular) exam form notice
Note:it will be last chance for 2072 batch.
Adv SK Gupta
Scholarship notice...
Adv SK Gupta
LLB first year result published...
To check result, visit this link
https://tuexam.edu.np/ or sms to 33624 with message "LLB1 Symbol number"
Adv SK Gupta
Mootcourt notice
Adv SK Gupta
LLB entrance exam center...
Best Regard,
Adv SK Gupta
Mootcourt viva स्थगित सूचना ।।।
Mootcourt viva notice...
Adv SK Gupta
मस्यौदा सीप
कानून व्यवसायीकालागि चाहिने आवश्यक दक्षतामध्ये मस्यौदा गर्ने दक्षत पनि एक हो । मस्यौदा दैनिक कामको एउटा अभिन्न अंग हुनेछ ।
यस सम्बन्धमा मस्यौदा सीप सम्बन्धी सन्दर्भ साम्रागी नव प्रवेशी कानून व्यवसायीहरुले जानकारीलागि यो सामाग्री प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ ।
कृपया यहाँहरुको सुझाव अपेक्षा गर्दछौं ।
नेपाल बार एशोसिएशन
रामशाह पथ, काठमाडौं ।
Adv SK Gupta
Subject: Moot Court
a) 40 marks internal exam=15 marks Viva and 25 marks moot court practical file
b) 60 Marks external exam= 40 marks and 20 marks legal draftings
Best Regard
Adv SK Gupta
Revised exam center
Adv SK Gupta
प्रवेश पत्र वितरण सुचना ।।।
Admit card distribution notice...
Adv SK Gupta
LLB 2nd year(Regular/partial)
One year BEd
Exam center for all in Nepal...
Adv SK Gupta
Fill up this for Online LLB entrance preparation class... Click here👉️
Orientation class: 2080/01/17, 7:00 pm (Evening)
Online zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 215 291 5347, Passcode: skgupta123)
NOTE: You can purchase all notes and reading materials only for preparation (English and Nepali both available) ... Dial or inbox 9848171054/9823047095
Adv SK Gupta
Revised notice For
LLB 2nd year partial...
Note: Criminology sub is added and more..
Best Regard
Adv SK Gupta
LLB 2nd year regular exam schedule...
Best Regard
Adv SK Gupta
One year B.Ed partial exam
Best Regard
Adv SK Gupta
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