Rasperini PerioClub

Rasperini PerioClub

Periodontics & Implant Dentistry. Discover how to find the best solution for Your clinical cases. Keep in contact with Prof.

ENJOY…We are glad to present you Rasperini Perio Club, an on-line social forum focused on periodontics and implant dentistry. An innovative support to share, manage and discuss the treatment plan even of more complex clinical cases. Giulio Rasperini and dentists all over the word.


Goodmorning all friends of Rasperini PerioClub. This is just to inform you that this page is dismissed. We moved to the new one called IPerio
The web site is www.iperio.org email [email protected] all the best Giulio Rasperini

Home 03/01/2018

Dear friends please visit our new FB page and web page at: www.iperio.org
See you there!

Cari amici visitate la nostra nuova pagina FB e web
Ci vediamo li!

Home iPerio was born to support research and education in the field of Periodontology. The focus on clinical aspects of periodontal therapy puts the patient in the center of all our activities bearing in mind that only through knowledge and practice can a practitioner offer the best available treatment t...

Photos from Rasperini PerioClub's post 26/01/2017

Un corso in Italiano in 3 weekend, un corso in Inglese in una settimana, dalle cose più semplici alle tecnologie più avanzate! Mandate una mail a [email protected] per ulteriori info
A course in Italian in 3 weekends and a course in English of a week full immersion. From the basis to the most advanced technology! Send an email to: [email protected] to receive the program

Timeline photos 30/12/2015

Will Giannobile ha scritto con Klaus Lang un editoriale fantastico. Stampate e leggete! :)

Will Giannobile wrote with Klaus Lang a fantastic editorial. Print and read! :)

Timeline photos 04/06/2015

Few places still available!!!!!

Periodontal surgery: decision making process, flap design, suture techniques, biomaterials! We will talk about these topics and much more during an intensive theoretical and hands-on international course with participants from different Countries.
See you soon in Milan next July!
Infos at [email protected]

Timeline photos 04/06/2015

Periodontal surgery: decision making process, flap design, suture techniques, biomaterials! We will talk about these topics and much more during an intensive theoretical and hands-on international course with participants from different Countries.
See you soon in Milan next July!
Infos at [email protected]

Timeline photos 03/02/2015

Siamo lieti di presentarvi il nuovo Corso di Perfezionamento 2015 in Chirurgia Parodontale Plastica & Rigenerativa.
Vi aspettiamo a Milano per 3 incontri teorico-pratici (15-16 Maggio, 19-20 Giugno, 17-18 Luglio). A presto!
Per Info [email protected]

Timeline photos 03/02/2015

Periodontal surgery: decision making process, flap design, suture techniques, biomaterials! We will talk about these topics and much more during an intensive theoretical and hands-on international course with participants from different Countries.
See you soon in Milan next July!
Infos at [email protected]

Timeline photos 25/01/2015

To answer your questions about future courses: Now it is time plan your trip to Milan in July! See you there during an intense course with great company!


Don't worry about the dentist! :-)

Timeline photos 24/06/2014


Tutti a tifare ITALIA... ognuno come puo'

Il più antico impianto dentale europeo 05/06/2014

Il più antico impianto dentale europeo Nel nord della Francia rinvenuti reperti sepolcrali del 250 AC tra i quali il pi antico impianto dentale rinvenuto finora in Europa occidentale e appartenente ad una donna di 20-30 anni I ricercatori dopo aver individuato 32 denti si accorsero che uno in realt incorporava un pezzo di metallo di circ…

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Viao Xx Settembre, 119