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History of Election in India|Electronic Voting Machine| India After Independence| Voting For the purpose of first General Elections to the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabhas, the first delimitation order was issued by President, in consultation with Ele...

Challenges for Independent India| India After Independence| Voting For the purpose of first General Elections to the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabhas, the first delimitation order was issued by President, in consultation with Ele...

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Consider the following factors:
1. Rotation of the Earth
2. Air pressure and wind
3. Density of ocean water
4. Revolution of the Earth
Which of the above factors influence the ocean
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4

Father Of Surgery Sage Sushruta| Unknown Facts of India Prachin Bharat ke mahaan chikitsak Maharishi Sushruta ne 300 surgeries ka aavishkaar kiya tha. Jaaniye kaise mili unko yeh aasadharan kaarya karne ki prerna....

8 fold path buddhism| 8 fold path of buddha| ashtangik marg kya hai THE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATHRight understanding (Samma ditthi)Right thought (Samma sankappa)Right speech (Samma vaca)Right action (Samma kammanta)Right livelihoo...

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SSI- Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative| Sugar-Cane Farming| Agriculture| Geography Sugarcane or sugar cane refer to several species and hybrids of tall perennial grasses, that are used for sugar production. The plants are two to six metres ...
A statutory reserve is an amount of
cash a financial institution, such as
a bank, credit union, or insurance
company, must keep on hand to
meet the obligations incurred by
virtue of accepting deposits and
premium payments. The statutory
reserves required of banks and
credit unions are generally set by
the nation's central bank, and those
required of insurance companies are set by statute or regulation by
the national, state or provincial
government or regulatory
authority. Calculated in various
ways, statutory reserves are
required to ensure that financial
institutions are capable of paying
claims even in a calamitous
What is/are the facility/facilities the
beneficiaries can get from the services
of Business Correspondent (Bank Saathi)
in branchless areas ?
1. It enables the beneficiaries to draw
their subsidies and social security
benefits in their villages.
2. It enables the beneficiaries in the
rural areas to make deposits and
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 only (d) Neither 1 nor 4
MSF rate or Marginal Standing Facility rate is the interest rate at which the Reserve Bank of India provides money to the scheduled commercial banks who are facing acute shortage of liquidity. This rate differs from the Repo rate and the banks can get overnight funds from RBI by paying the exclusive MSF rate.

Genetics - Chromosome Structure and Types DNA is the basic unit of Heredity. But the stretch of DNA is so long that it seems impossible to fit it in the tiny nucleus. So how is the long DNA stretch f...
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