

Let's learn..

Operating as usual


Cutie sweetie Aaru


And there's always a grey area


Diamond days|unforgettable experience


Students joining are team! 😊




When you dramatize the lessons


Shaun & Chris, One interesting other inspiration


2015 me with old friends


There's always hope even in Hopeless places

Never say never


Let's Begin


Once you have the truth you tell it ...


Your Grace is Enough


Wonderful Creation! NO Match Camera of our own. No Wonder why God is Omniscient. Infinitely Awesome God can only make such things.


Puzzles will be Perfect Picture. In future 😉 The Glorious Future. That's why, It's amazing and worth waiting. Still we taste the glory in part.

Photos from rohitdwj's post 02/08/2022



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Hurry! Offer ends in the end of July.


Hi everyone,
Tomorrow is Good Friday.

It's the day when our Savior died on the cross to bear our sins so that we could be forgiven.

Please join us the service at 11 am tomorrow as we gather to remember our Savior's sacrifice for us.

_See you at the church tomorrow..._☺️

कल गुड फ्राइडे है।

वह दिन, जब येशु मसीह ने हमारे पापों से हमारी सजा और छूटकारे के लिए क्रूस पर अपनी जान दी।

कृपया कल आप हमारे साथ जरूर जुड़े और यीशु मसीह हमारे उद्धारकर्ता के बलिदान को याद करे।

कल मिलते है कलीसिया में।☺️

Keep Working 19/09/2021

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol(HELL) where you (Sinners) are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Work work and work! With all your might and all of your strength. Bcoz there will no nothing to do, plan and ideas to create and think.. Boring boring and boring Hell is the eternal boredom Full of Pain, God's Anger and judgment, place of eternal torment and punishment......

Keep Working Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol(HELL) where you (Sinners) are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Work work and wor…

Teacher’s day 19/09/2021

Life will have you many, no! so many techers for small, and also, till very long time.. But Greatest and everlasting is The one who taught your heart to beat, mouth to eat, body to breath and your spirit the power to live. Everything that we have are the blessings from that One Amazing Life giving teacher Christ Jesus. "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. John 6:68

Teacher’s day Life will have you many, no! so many techers for small, and also, till very long time.. But Greatest and everlasting is The one who taught your heart to beat, mouth to eat, body to breath and your …

Prophet Who do Prophesy 19/09/2021

Prophet They send messages of God to peopleProphets(1st Josphe and Moses)brings God's message( Any messege both fresh and foretell the foretold truth that is still to be happen) to people and priest talk to God on behalf of people.But Angles Do both things of priest and prophetBut SINCE GOD HAVE SAID EVERYTHING THAT WE NEED TO KNOW IS IN BIBLE AND NOTHING WILL CONTRADICT TO WHAT GOD ALREADY SAID)...

Prophet Who do Prophesy Prophet  They send messages of God to peopleProphets(1st Josphe and Moses)brings God’s message( Any messege both fresh and foretell the foretold truth that is still to be happen) to…

Good Deeds 19/09/2021

Doing Good is not an Option, It is the Function through which we are to worship God, The one who Created us..Doing Bad is just Missing the target and goal for which we are created whenever you do Good works( especially, Doing it for the one gave you this function for the purpose of His glory). you function the way you are created to function......

Good Deeds Doing Good is not an Option, It is the Function through which we are to worship God, The one who Created us..Doing Bad is just Missing the target and goal for which we are created whenever y…

Freedom 19/09/2021

Let's See what True freedom is...... People say “Freedom is to do whatever one wants and desires”. Or freedom is the condition where one can do what he wants, what he desires, or what he thinks will give him happiness. But just stop and think, will this give you a real freedom? And “Would it be freedom, where you can choose to be addicted of alcohol or any other addiction that will make you SLAVE of something”....

Freedom Let’s See what True freedom is…… People say “Freedom is to do whatever one wants and desires”.  Or freedom is the condition where one can do what he wants, what he desires, o…

Pray for your Enemy 19/09/2021

When we know someone hates us and has done many things that cause us to think and say bad about them. It can be slandering or diminishing though we may not want to harm them or hurt them. But we can still tend to show how we are right and they are wrong. We need not do so. We need to forgive and of course, discern the situation but by no means we should go on doing that which is unbiblical......

Pray for your Enemy When we know someone hates us and has done many things that cause us to think and say bad about them. It can be slandering or diminishing though we may not want to harm them or hurt them. But we ca…

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