Apply to be treasurer of RRMS for the academic year of 2022-23!
Write a paragraph of 100-150 words detailing your interest and qualifications for the role in an email to [email protected] by 28th July!
UCLan Remote and Rural Medical Society is the first new society at the UCLan Westlakes Campus. We or
Operating as usual
Apply to be treasurer of RRMS for the academic year of 2022-23!
Write a paragraph of 100-150 words detailing your interest and qualifications for the role in an email to [email protected] by 28th July!
Apply to be vice-chair of RRMS for the academic year of 2022-23!
Write a paragraph of 100-150 words detailing your interest and qualifications for the role in an email to [email protected] by 28th July!
Apply to be chair of RRMS for the academic year of 2022-23!
Write a paragraph of 100-150 words detailing your interest and qualifications for the role in an email to [email protected] by 28th July!
Westlakes’s International night pictures! Hope everyone enjoyed!!
(Link in bio for more)
Join us for a farewell potluck dinner with all the students and staff from the Westlakes Campus! Theme: 90s!
Date: 27/05/20
Time: 6:30-11 pm
It would be great if you could bring a dish for the party and dress in accordance to the theme! See you there!
To launch our society, we are very excited to host the first event of the year- Westlakes International Night! Be prepared to expect a fun evening, with traditional food, trivia games, and music! The event will be at UCLan Westlakes campus, on Friday, 19th November 2021. Time- 6:30-8:45pm
We hope to see you there in your traditional attire (if possible). The best dressed will win an exciting prize! Don't forget to fill out the google form to register for the event by 12th November 2021.
Hi everyone! My name is Zainah Moin, a third year medical student. I will be the Chair of RRMS society this year! We aim to make Westlakes students of all courses feel welcome and at home here in Whitehaven, by hosting both social and academic events!
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected] if you have any queries/ event ideas you’d like to discuss!!
Hi, my name is Anushka Rajesh, I’m a third year medical student at Whitehaven and I’ll be the vice chair for RRMS for the 2021-22 academic year.
Since there are more of us placed here in Whitehaven this year, my role will be to organize and oversee fun events and workshops that will bring us all together! Please contact me at [email protected] with any queries.
Hi everyone! My name is Shanmathi Mahesh and I am a 3rd year medical student at the UCLan Westlakes Campus. I am the treasurer for Remote and Rural Medical Society this year. My role is to manage funds and handle the financial matters. I am excited to work in this team and look forward to organise some fun events this year. Feel free to get in contact with me at [email protected] !!
TREASURER 💵 UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role!💫💫
VICE CHAIR 💥UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role!💫💫
RRMS is now recruiting! CHAIR:UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role! ⭐️⭐️
A Year In the Life of Rural GP! ⛰🩺 Learn about Mountain Medicine, being a Mountain Rescue Doctor and some really interesting rural medicine cases! Join us this Wednesday on Zoom!
Topic: Remote and Rural Medicine- 'A day in the life of a rural GP' event
Time: Mar 24, 2021 08:00 PM London
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Don’t forget to join the mock panel interview session tomorrow! 🩺🏥 good luck to all the students attending their medical school interviews ⭐️
Join us this Saturday for the mock interview TEACHING SESSION ⭐️ we’ll discuss what to expect, tips during the interview and some revision questions! Join with the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a827b324e26114c0a887bc48b3b2b4e83%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=a0e45ec6-75f3-42c3-9cee-c3ab47693594&tenantId=ebf69982-036b-4cc4-b202-7aeb194c5065
We’re hosting a MOCK interview session for the foundation students looking to study medicine at UCLan! 🩺🌡 email us to book your place ASAP!
Pathways to Medicine! Share with friends and family ⭐️
Meet our newest member! “I’m Sara, the foundation year rep for the RRMS. I represent the foundation year cohort at the Westlakes campus.”
Hi everyone! My name is Pat, the vice president of RRMS. I am excited to be part of the society and to create many fun and interesting activities with all of you. Please stay tuned for the upcoming news from us and looking forward to see you guys in our events!
Hey! My name is Swalha, I’m a third year medical student at Westlakes this year! I’m the social secretary for Remote and Rural medicine. I’m so excited to be a part of this society and to meet you all! You can find me on all the RRMS platforms. Please feel free to message me on there if you have any questions about the events we have planned or anything.
Hello! My name is Taba and I am the Chair for the RRMS society this year. I am a third year medical student at the UCLan Westlakes campus. Throughout the year, we hope to have you all engage with our society and support you during this academic year with both academic and social events!
Hi everyone! I am Celia, a third-year medical student. I will be the treasurer of the Remote and rural medical society this year. My role is to manage funds, expenses and everything related to financial matters (basically the 'money person'). Feel free to contact me via email: [email protected] if you have any questions. I will do my best to help:) I am looking forward to supporting students in the Westlakes campus and helping to organise some fun events for the society throughout the year!
Hi! my name is Auriel Cordo, I’m a 3rd year medical student at Westlakes and I’m going to be your events officer this year. I’m looking forward to hearing from you about various event ideas that you would want from the society this year and making them possible! You can reach me at [email protected] if you have any ideas that you’d like to discuss!
Another glimpse of the outdoor BLS that was hosted by the Westlakes campus!
Keep an eye out for events planned this year exclusively by Uclan Remote and Rural Society!
✨Our gem of a logo!✨
Our society aims to inspire and sustain an interest in rural healthcare among our fellow students. We also support healthcare students by organising social and medical education events and create opportunities to network with people from other courses!
Things are progressing over at and exciting things are on the way! In the meantime though, take a look at a few events from last year. This one is from a basics Scotland course hosted by the UCLan Westlakes campus!
🏞🎙CHAIR || UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role!💫💫
🏞🎙VICE CHAIR || UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role!💫💫
🏞🎙TREASURER || UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role!💫💫
🏞🎙SOCIAL SECRETARY || UCLan Students send an email to: [email protected] (subject title the role) to express your interest and a short paragraph as to why you think you would be best for the role!💫💫