Greenacres Primary Academy

Greenacres Primary Academy


Greenacres Primary School
Dunkerley Street

Operating as usual


Here is some information regarding some Fun Family Fridays in May at Greenacres Community Centre 🤩

Photos from Greenacres Primary Academy's post 13/12/2023

It's nearly time time for our craft markets! Come and join us at 3.45pm and browse all the wonderful goodies our children have made. We have:

- food and drink stalls
- hot chocolate stall
- Santa's grotto
- cake pops
- snowman soup
- festive biscuits
- toy stalls
- raffle name a few! It costs £1 per family to enter and you get your children's calendars included in the price. Please pick your child up from the classroom as normal and walk around to the main entrance. Please remember we have a one way system in place for everyone's safety.

All the proceeds made this afternoon will go towards some new Read Write Inc. books for our school!

Happy shopping!


***Job vacancies***

We have a number of job vacancies within school if you or anybody you know is interested. All applications are to be made through My New Term by clicking on the following links:

SEND Teaching Assistant


Midday Supervisor

Level 2 Teaching Assistant

The deadline for applications is Sunday 7th January 2024 and interviews will be held week commencing 15th January 2024.

Please share!


If you or someone you know has a child who turns 3 years old before 31st December 2023 they will be entitled to at least 15 hours free childcare. We currently have some spaces available from January so please come in to see us or phone us on 0161 770 5350 for more information. Thanks!


Book your seats now on Parent Pay! We only have a limited number of tickets...


Sorry for the date error, this is definitely our winter craft fair date! ☺️

Greenacres Primary Academy 23/11/2023

Please follow us on Instagram! Parents should also use Seesaw for updates on their children's learning and school messaging. Thank you!

Greenacres Primary Academy


This years pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk, is now payable on Parentpay. We are asking for a £10 contribution to ensure the trip can go ahead 😀


Dear parents,
As a result of a boiler failure across school this morning, unfortunately we have a number of classes CLOSED. The only classes open are Year 3 and Year 4, which are currently nice and warm.
As the temperature is below the legal working limit, Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 will switch to online learning. Your child's teacher will be available to answer any questions on their learning platform.
Year 4 are swimming as usual.
I can only apologise for any inconvenience caused, and we will keep you updated with our progress in resolving the problem.
Mrs Thornton


Please find the attached letter,
Thank you


Today is Spanish day! We have been learning lots about the Spanish language and culture and we had a delicious themed paella lunch while listening to Spanish music.

¡Hoy es el día español! Hemos estado aprendiendo mucho sobre el idioma y la cultura española y almorzamos una deliciosa paella temática mientras escuchábamos música española.

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Videos (show all)

Sorry for the date error, this is definitely our winter craft fair date! ☺️
Skills4All have been running a fantastic holiday club at Greenacres… look out for future clubs for your children to get ...
Our Commonwealth Games have officially closed. What a great experience!
I wonder who will be the lucky winner of these medals today!
This is our new timeline of all British Kings and Queens throughout history. We’ve ran out of wall space so we are using...
Here's are this week's Stars of the Week!Reception - Clemcious for his effort to improve his handwritingYear 1 - Muskaan...
Congratulations to all our Stars of the Week winners this week!Reception - Haider for the wonderful improvement in his p...
“This is the best day ever!”
This is what we’ve been up to during our first half term. We’ve achieved so much in only 7 weeks!Don’t forgot your 3 job...





Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 3:30pm
Thursday 9am - 3:30pm
Friday 9am - 3:30pm
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