Dr Karan

Dr Karan


Order “This Book May Save Your Life” here: https://linktr.ee/thisbookmaysaveyourlife

Operating as usual


Musings from last Sunday’s newsletter.


Last year I had an influx of messages expressing disappointment about the fact my book was NOT available before Christmas!

(Blame publishers and the fact that I can’t compete with books with celebs around Xmas time!)

But if you’re looking for a last minute gift for someone…it’s still available at a 50% discount on Amazon (which tells me a lot of people are STILL buying it!)

However…I’ve been warned by my publishers that since the paperback is due to come out in the new year…this week will probably be the last week Amazon keep this discount on the hardback before turning their attention to enticing people to get the paperback instead!

P.S thanks for reading and supporting my book to all
Those who have a copy…if you’ve loved it OR loathed it please drop a review! Almost at 1000 5⭐️ reviews!

P.P.S Comment “XMAS” and I’ll send you the link to get the book


Everyone is trying to get healthier, work out more, pick up running, lifting weights…BUT..are we forgetting an easy piece of the health puzzle?

The teeth.

Most of us might be ignoring very basic things that we can do to protect us against chronic disease….

Comment PODCAST to learn about optimising your oral microbiome, the best brushing technique, oral care dos and donts and a lot more!

Photos from Dr Karan's post 15/12/2024

Just a chill guy who ran a half marathon.

P.S I hate running. I suck at running. I’m slow as hell and currently my legs are out of action for the next 24-48 hours.

But…at least I didn’t get runners diarrhoea and experience code brown pants.

On a serious note, if you’re someone who wants to start running..use me as an example. I went from 0 running to completing a half marathon in 2 months. You can do it.

Why did I decide to run a half marathon?

1) To prove myself wrong


Fluoride, mammograms, raw milk and more

We cover a lot of topics and health myths in today’s podcast!

P.S comment podcast & I’ll send you the episode!


Many of you have been asking for this for a while.

I’ve listened…

Ranking the best & worst supplements!

New video out now…details in the comments!


The final boss of the gut microbiome gauntlet.

Question for you…can you get ripped just by working out twice a week?

Answer to the above and more in an excellent conversation with the fitness godfather Dr Brad Schoenfeld!

Comment PODCAST and I’ll send you the episode!



I am blown away.

24 hours later and you guys do this.

You beautiful meatsuits.


I’ve never felt full after recording a podcast…so this was a first.

Find out what’s the healthiest chocolate, how to spot the good stuff…and how some chocolate can lower your blood pressure and improve your gut!

Comment PODCAST and I’ll send you my chat with a Chocolate expert!


This is my favourite episode to date.

If you want to learn how your gut affects your brain, mood & even food choices…and how you can improve your gut brain connection…

Comment PODCAST and I’ll send you the episode!

P.S you can find the Dr Karan Explores podcast on all the usual platforms!


So very unexpected news.

I got nominated from the “high quality content creator of the year” on tiktok?!

Guess that’s what happens when you talk about faeces, guts, bums, cancer and all that fun stuff.

If you’ve ever laughed, learned or been disgusted by stuff you’ve found out in my videos..considering dropping me a vote here:


P.S it’s not a spam link it actually takes you to the tiktok voting page.

P.P.S you can vote once a day every day until Nov 26th..so give this greedy NHS surgeon all your votes 🤤



If you think running is “boring” or you want to get started…start with this episode of the Dr Karan Explores podcast!

P.S I’ve got some very exciting (and scary) news to update you on next week!


This is your reminder to make your number 2s, number 1. 💩

If you make videos and provide education online, don’t worry about likes, views & followers. These are just vanity metrics.

The most important & most underrated metric is the impact you can have on one person’s life.

I wish you happy bowel motions 🤞🏽

[shared with permission]


1. Did not realise Spotify had a comments section.

2. Seeing comments like this makes all the long podcast prep, editing and work worth it!

P.S you can catch this episode & more deep dives into every day health issues on the Dr Karan Explores podcast!


My reaction to finding out some people live by the mantra “I’ll only put it on my face, if I can eat it” - regarding skincare products…

If you want to learn about toxic chemicals in skincare & beauty products…this episode with Dr Michelle Wong is a great place to start!

Check out the full episode on the Dr Karan Explores Podcast! (On YT, Sp0tify or Apple Music!)


I’ve got a series on Instagram where I post anonymous “no context DMs” on my stories.

This is no context DMs part 22.



Is the ear everyone’s least favourite organ/body part??

Have we been collectively ignoring its importance in our like?

This episode has it all from how to properly clean your ears, tips to save yourself from hearing loss and signs to watch for ear emergencies!

Comment PODCAST and I’ll send you the link!


I’ve not had a repeat guest yet…but that’s about to change.

This episode was one of the most popular, highly rated episodes I’ve done and this guest is coming back very soon for round 2!

Any guesses who this is? Wrong answers only!

P.S catch the other episodes of the Dr Karan Explores podcast on Spotify, YouTube or Apple Music!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Food hacks
At home tests
Endo & chronic conditions
Listen to the full episode of the Dr Karan Explores podcast on Spotify or Apple Music!
Gut health & gains
Chemo & toilets
Check out the latest episode of the Dr Karan Explores podcast!
Coffee enemas
Questions for dudes
Gut health foods




http://www.drkaranrajan.com/, https://2025tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/ka

