Brilliant Forest School Leaders

Brilliant Forest School Leaders


Learn about forest school training, how to plan your forest school and activities you can do outdoors

Operating as usual

Photos from Brilliant Forest School Leaders's post 23/12/2024

Ready to get organised? This PDF forest school and outdoor learning planner is perfect for session outlines, student lists, to do lists, notes, reflections on professional development and more.

Each time we needed a new template for our own purposes, or a list, big picture view per month/year or detailed planning page, I added a new sheet. Now it's up to 29 pages of helpfulness!

You can get your own copy here:


Ready to get organised? This PDF forest school and outdoor learning planner is perfect for session outlines, student lists, to do lists, notes, reflections on professional development and more.

Each time we needed a new template, list, big picture view or detailed planning page, I added a new sheet. Now it's up to 29 pages and I thought you might get some benefit from it as well.

You can get your own copy here:


I've been wanting to share this with you but it's taken ages to put together in a format that I think makes it useful for other people. We've been using a PDF planner for sessions, student lists, to do lists, notes, reflections on professional development and more. Each time we needed a new template, list, big picture view or detailed planning page, I added a new sheet. Now it's up to 29 pages and I thought you might get some benefit from it as well.

We have a lot of freebies on our website, and to offset the costs of running the website and our email software, we are charging a small amount for it. It's £3, so for about the cost of a pumpkin spice latte (I haven't had one of those for some time now I'm not commuting to London), you can get yourself organised and ready for next term.

I know we're mid-term and it might feel like it's too late, but there's still time to turn those sticky notes into something organised before Christmas. And once you've got it, because it's digital, you can print it every term or save a new electronic version with a different filename and it will do you forever. I hope!

Check it out here:

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Resources for Forest School leaders


We're Jon and Elizabeth, based in the beautiful South East of the UK.

Jon's a Level 3 Forest School Practitioner. He leads regular forest school activities for pre-schoolers and junior schools, and also runs holiday activities for children.

Amongst his many outdoor talents, he also teaches bushcraft, camp craft and mountain biking.


