Young people’s views, thoughts and opinions on Gaelic are being sought through a national questionnaire which is now live.
The questionnaire is an important part of the research Comunn na Gàidhlig is conducting for the development of a National Youth Strategy for Gaelic. The main aim of the strategy is to bring more young people in Scotland to a level of functional fluency, and to encourage and strengthen young people to continue speaking Gaelic after leaving school.
The questionnaire will try to draw out what young people themselves believe will be important to bring young people in Scotland to a level of functional fluency.
The work is directed by Comunn na Gàidhlig, who have been heavily involved in Gaelic youth work for many years, in partnership with Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Please get your children and young people under 25 involved in the questionnaire, their voices are important. And share the survey ❤️
Please fill out this form
Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus Comann nam Pàrant air seisean-fiosrachaidh air-loidhne a chuir air dòigh a tha ag amas air teaghlaichean a tha a’ beachdachadh air FtMG airson an cuid chloinne ach a bhios fosgailte do neach sam bith.
Bidh fiosrachadh ri fhaighinn mu FtMG aig gach ìre agus 's e deagh chothrom a bhios ann cluinntinn bho dhaoine a tha ag obair ann an diofar dhreuchdan a chur orra.
Barrachd fiosrachaidh & clàradh📲👇
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Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Comunn nam Pàrant have arranged an online information session aimed at families who are considering GME for their child(ren) but that will be open to anyone with an interest in learning more about GME.
There will be Information on GME at all levels and it will be a great opportunity to hear from people working in various roles and to ask them any questions you may have.
You can learn more and register for the session through the link above📲👆
Bishopbriggs Academy has been using shinty to support Gaelic
Bishopbriggs Academy has been using shinty to support the creation of a permeating Gaelic-positive ethos that is conducive to learning Gaelic. Staff, young p...
Save the date – Sunday 25 August!
Don’t miss the free Gaelic Harvest Festival at Mugdock Country park on Sunday 25 August, 1-4pm. Book your free tickets for an afternoon of music, shinty, arts & crafts and special guests. Link to book in comments.
Innis an Uillt Fèis 2024 coming soon!
Sorry folks but Fèis 2024 has had to be delayed. We hope to be up and running again soon.
Choinnich sinn aig pàirce Mugdock air an deireadh-sheachdain gus sòraidh slàn fhàgail aig clas 7 a tha fàgail Bun Sgoil Innis an Uillt aig deireadh an teirm. Chuir Moira NicDhòmhnaill air dòigh geamannan Gàidhlig dhan chloinn uile a bha eadar clas 1 agus 7 agus abair spòrs a bh’aca. Rinn i fiudhas an gnothaich air na pàrantan a’ bhrosnachadh gus pàirt a’ ghabhail ann an geama rounders - ach ‘sè cheist an e a’ chlann neo na pàrantan a bhuannaich?
Ghabh sinn biadh, reòiteagan agus cèic còmhla agus cha b’urrainn na b’fheàrr a thaobh na h- aimsir ged a bha meanbh-chuileag neo dha airson greim a’ ghabhail cuideachd!
Taing do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic-airgid gus an latha a tha seo a chuir air dòigh agus gur math a thèid le clas 7 leis an ath cheum.
We gathered at Mugdock country park at the weekend to bid farewell to our P7s who are leaving Meadowburn at the end of the term. It was lovely to see pupils from P1 to P7 there and they had great fun playing games in Gaelic organised by Moira MacDonald. She even managed to persuade the parents to take part in a game of rounders but who was victorious - the parents or the children??
We had lunch, ice cream and cake together and we couldn’t have asked for better weather - although there were a few midgies out looking for a bite to eat too!
Thanks to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for their support in funding this event and good luck to P7 in the next step of their adventure.
We are now looking to recruit a Remote Gaelic Conversation Group Convener who will facilitate our weekly Cearcall Còmhraidh via Zoom.
The project will run for two years and is a commitment of 3 hours per week in term-time. Fixed hours Fridays 1.30 – 2.30 to deliver the session; remaining hours are flexible, working from home when this is appropriate. For full details, please see our recruitment page on our website or contact the Museum on 01445 712 287.
This role is funded through Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Còmhraidh VisitScotland
A great opportunity for some of our young Gaelic speakers!
Options for detailed and short survey responses. Deadline 8th March.
Scottish Languages Bill (English - detailed call for views) - Scottish Parliament - Citizen Space
Find and participate in consultations run by the Scottish Parliament
Chomharraich sinn Seachdain na Gàidhlig an t-seachdainn sa chaidh agus chòrd e gu mòr ris a’ chloinn a’ bhith a’ cuir air dòigh cèilidh làn òrain Ghàidhlig a dh’ionnsaich iad cuide ri Grace Morton.
Bha madainn mhath aig pàrantan agus daoine òga as an sgìre ionadail Disathairne is iad a seinn agus a còmhradh mu òrain Ghàidhlig agus cultar.
Ar taing dha Grace airson òrain agus Gàidhlig a theagasg ann an dòigh cho tlachdmhor.
Bha tòrr spòrs againn!
Fhuair sinn an cothrom a Ghàidhlig a shanasachd ann an Drochaid an Easbaig leis an taic airgid a fhuair sinn bho Seachdain na Gàidhlig tro Mhaoin nan Tabhartasan Beag, le taic bho Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Mòran taing!😊
We had a great time last week celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig! The children had a lot of fun and did a wonderful job along with their tutor, Grace Morton, putting on a fantastic family concert full of traditional Gaelic songs.
Some of our local parents and young people had a lovely morning on Saturday - singing and discussing Gaelic songs and culture. Thank you to Grace - it was such an enjoyable way to learn Gaelic alongside learning traditional song singing too.
Great fun was had by all!
Thank you to Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s small grant fund with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig in allowing us to take part in showcasing the Gaelic language, here in Bishopbriggs 😁
Join us in Bishopbriggs this Saturday, 24th February, to celebrate as part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024! 🎉🤩
🎶 Singer and musician, Grace Morton, looks forward to welcoming you to a fun and informal song workshop. Come and enjoy the Gaelic language, through the beauty of the traditional songs which have helped keep the language and culture alive.
Open to adults and young people (aged S1-S6), with all levels of Gaelic 🎶
🎶 Tha an t-seinneadair agus neach-ciùil, Grace Morton, a coimhead air adhart ri fàilte a chuir oirbh dhan a bhuth-obrach seinn ann an Gàidhlig. Cluinn an cànan agus na h-òrain tradiseanta a th’air an cultar a’ chumail beò.
Dha inbhich is daoine òg eadar S1 is S6, luchd-ionnsachaidh agus fileantaich 🎶
Book your free place by emailing: [email protected]
Join us on Saturday 24th February, to celebrate Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024! 🤩🎊
🎶 Adults and young people (aged S1 - S6) are invited to a FREE, informal and relaxed song workshop with the wonderful singer and musician, Grace Morton.
Come and enjoy the Gaelic language through the beauty of the traditional songs which have kept the language alive. All levels of Gaelic ability are welcome. 🎶
🎶 Tha fàilte air inbhich is daoine òga (S1 gu S6) tighinn gu bùth-obrach neo-foirmeil leis an t-seinneadair is beach-ciùil, Grace Morton. Bidh seo saor an asgaidh marsin thigibh a dh’èisteachd ris an cànan agus na h-òrain a th’air an cultar a’ chumail beò. Tha fàilte air a h-uile ìre de chomasan Gàidhlig. 🎶
Please book your free place by emailing: [email protected]
Our CnP are excited to be once again taking part in Seachdain na Gàidhlig and holding events to celebrate this year’s theme of - Your Language, Your Opportunity 🎉🤩
On Saturday 24th February, we welcome adults and young people, aged S1-S6, to join singer and musician, Grace Morton, in a relaxed and informal song workshop. An opportunity to learn and enjoy the Gaelic language, whilst experiencing the beauty of the traditional songs which have helped keep the language alive.
🎶 Come and try - all levels of Gaelic speaker are welcome! 🎶
Thugainn dhan bhùth-obrach neo-fhoirmeil aig an neach-ciùil agus seinneadair Grace Morton. Cluinn an cànan agus na h-òrain tradiseanta a th’air an cultar a’ chumail beò. Thugainn is feuch air - tha fàilte air a h-uile ìre de chomasan Gàidhlig.
Book your free place by emailing: [email protected]
Air a mhaoineachadh le Seachdain na Gàidhlig tro Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig/ Funded by Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s Small Grants Fund with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig