Mii de mulţumiri celor mai noi urmăritori! Mă bucur că v-aţi alăturat! Larisa Catrinoiu, AnaMaria Costescu, Zinaida Chira, Manuela Mandrut, Carmen Jeler
Unconditional support for easier understanding of mathematics. Learn how to pass your GCSE Maths in the quickest time possible!
Get a top grade while you still do the things you enjoy! Ofer suport copiilor romani pentru KS2, KS3 si KS4 la matematica.
Operating as usual
Mii de mulţumiri celor mai noi urmăritori! Mă bucur că v-aţi alăturat! Larisa Catrinoiu, AnaMaria Costescu, Zinaida Chira, Manuela Mandrut, Carmen Jeler
Mii de mulţumiri celor mai noi urmăritori! Mă bucur că v-aţi alăturat! Stratula Gabi-georgiana, Oana Florea, Matei Simona, Ana-Maria Dorneanu, Monica Manolache, Lucia Mesesan, Elvira Cociu, Razvan Mereuta, Constantin Valeanu, Adriana Grigore, Boza Valy, Crețu Iuliana, Ion Somnic
Bună ziua.
Sunt profesor de matematică cu experiență care oferă suport studenților din KS2, KS3 și KS4!
Ofer sesiuni de îndrumare personalizate concepute pentru a spori încrederea și performanța academică. Indiferent dacă vă pregătiți pentru GCSE sau vă construiți o bază solidă în școala primară și secundară, abordarea mea personalizată vă va ajuta să reușiți.
Cu peste opt ani de experiență în îndrumare la matematică, am colaborat cu succes cu studenți din diferite sisteme educaționale, inclusiv România, Norvegia și Marea Britanie. Abordarea mea se concentrează pe promovarea unei înțelegeri profunde a conceptelor matematice, îmbunătățirea abilităților de rezolvare a problemelor și creșterea încrederii în studenții mei.
Sunt o persoana pasionata de a ajuta cursanții să-și atingă întregul potențial în matematică prin strategii de predare personalizate și antrenante.
Pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitați sa ma contactați.
Experienced Maths Teacher Offering Tutoring for KS2, KS3, and KS4 Students!
Unlock your potential in Mathematics with personalized tutoring sessions designed to boost confidence and academic performance. Whether you're preparing for GCSEs or building a strong foundation in primary and secondary school, my tailored approach will help you succeed.
Why Choose me?
Experienced Tutor: Over 8 years of experience teaching Maths at various levels.
Personalized Lessons: Customized sessions to meet your individual needs and learning style.
Comprehensive Coverage: Expertise in KS2, KS3, and KS4 curriculum, including GCSE preparation.
Flexible Scheduling: Convenient timings to fit your busy schedule.
Proven Results: Track record of helping students achieve higher grades and improved understanding.
What I Offer:
One-on-one tutoring
Small group sessions
Homework help and revision
Exam techniques and practice
Progress tracking and feedback
Get Started Today!
Contact me to book your first session and take the first step towards mastering Maths!
Join my learning community and achieve your Maths goals with confidence!
O problema de geometrie care necesita doar un pic de atenție!
I am a dedicated and highly qualified math tutor with a robust academic background and extensive teaching experience. I hold a Bachelor's degree (Honours, First Class) in Business Administration with a focus on Commerce, Tourism, Service Commodity, and Quality Management, as well as a Master's degree (First Class) in Business Administration, both from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. My academic achievements are complemented by a strong foundation in mathematics, evidenced by my GCSE Mathematics qualification with a Grade 9.
I am a certified educator with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education Secondary (School Direct), specializing in Mathematics, and hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Additionally, I have completed a Specialist Enhancement in Mathematics and possess a Certificate in Subject Knowledge Enhancement (GCSE Foundation & Higher and AS Pure).
With over eight years of experience in tutoring mathematics, I have successfully collaborated with students across different educational systems, including Romania, Norway, and the UK.
My approach focuses on fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, enhancing problem-solving skills, and building confidence in my students. I am passionate about helping learners achieve their full potential in mathematics through personalized and engaging teaching strategies.
Matematica se poate invata si prin joaca!
Boxed In Numbers The classic dots and boxes game with the addition of some positive and negative numbers which determine your score.
"Matematica este regina ştiinţelor”
Karl Friedrich Gauss
Try to learn math by playing!
Boxed In Numbers The classic dots and boxes game with the addition of some positive and negative numbers which determine your score.
Try now!
Ofer suport la matematica studentilor din gimnaziu din Romania cat si studentilor in KS3 si KS4 din Anglia. Totodata, ofer suport pentru Evaluarea nationala cat si pentru examenul de GCSE.
I offer support to Maths to secondary school students in Romania, as well as students in KS3 and KS4 in England. At the same time, I provide support for the National Assessment as well as for the GCSE exam.
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