Beware the bad big wolf: why you need to put your adjectives in the right order The use of adjectives in English has caused an internet storm – here are the 'rules' explained.
Languages & Business
Forum on International Business Communication
The LANGUAGES & BUSINESS Forum is a dynamic full-day event taking place in connection with the largest global conference on technology-supported learning and training for the corporate, education and public service sectors: ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2015. In an interactive environment that promotes international networking across all sectors, language training professionals can exchange ideas and learn about the latest technologies, tools and trends.
Why being bilingual works wonders for your brain Research suggests we may be predisposed to speak more than one language, and that doing so brings health benefits, such as delaying the onset of dementia
List of English words of Arabic origin (A-B) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The following English words have been acquired either directly from Arabic or else indirectly by passing from Arabic into other languages and then into English. Most entered one or more of the Romance languages before entering English.
Forget French and Mandarin - Arabic is the language to learn The 10-year-old was looking at the card in front of him which showed an image of a fish. “Samak,” he said decisively.
If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than... After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud
The language you speak changes your view of the world, research shows New research shows that bilinguals view the world in different ways depending on the specific language they are operating in.
World's languages traced back to single African mother tongue: scientists New Zealand researchers have traced every human language — from English to Mandarin — back to an ancestral language spoken in Africa 50,000 to 70,000 years ago.
Ten innovations that have changed English language teaching | British Council What innovations in English language teaching (ELT) have had the biggest impact on your teaching? Teaching expert Chia Suan Chong lists her top ten.
WARNING: Do not cross your arms :-)!
21 Common Body Language Mistakes Even Smart People Make Whether they mean to or not, people will judge you by your gestures. Make sure you send the right message.
Share of the population stating they know at least one foreign language.
English has taken over academia: but the real culprit is not linguistic With English dominating university life around the world, what are we losing?
A Translation Site's Clever Recipe Taste Test Shows How Wrong Google Translate Can Be BERLIN, Germany—When you have a free competitor as hugely popular as Google Translate, your only valid option is to make the most of it.
20 French Phrases You Should Be Using As much as 30 percent of the English language—or roughly one in three English words—is believed to be derived directly from French. It’s a surprisingly high figure due in part to the Norman Conquest of 1066 which made French the language of the law, finance, government, the military, and the ruling…
This Korean man's instructional video on British accents is glorious "Liverpool accent is one of the most famous British accents."
Wie Kinder aus Neupommern eine Sprache erfanden In der kaiserlichen Kolonie Neuguinea schufen Schulkinder vor 100 Jahren ihr ganz eigenes Deutsch. Ihre Nachfahren sprechen es bis heute. Jetzt wird Unserdeutsch erforscht, bevor es zu spät ist.
Good reading on the subtle advantages to working in a foreign language.
Of two minds The advantages of working in your own language are obvious. Those of working in a foreign one are subtle
Wie Mehrsprachigkeit unser Gehirn verändert Wer mehrere Sprachen spricht, hat nicht nur bei der Kommunikation Vorteile. Multilinguale Menschen sind sozial kompetenter und ihr Gehirn arbeitet effizienter. Im Alter haben sie zudem einen Vorteil.
Have a nice week-end!
"I am losing a lot of words. I miss a lot of words … I am becoming more educated, but I am losing a lot of things in my culture."
How language drives students’ transition from rural to urban areas Students who move from rural areas to cities to pursue university degrees grapple with what it means to “leave behind” their home languages.
What It's Like to Forget Your First Language I recently spoke Russian for multiple days for the first time in more than a decade. It did not go smoothly.
Have a great evening :-)
President Obama's daughter has taken to the role of interpreter for her father during the family's historic trip to Cuba.
Malia Works as Translator for President Obama During Family's Historic... No need for hired help, Malia's got it under control
Half-naked sign language interpreter becomes viral success Swedes love the Eurovision Song Contest. That is old news. But since last year the new stars of this musical competition are the sign-language...
A study outlines that we are less likely to believe something if it’s said with a foreign accent.
How our brains treat foreign accents Stereotypes of non-native speakers may actually start with how our brains process foreign accents in the first place.
"Whoever wants fish, must get their ass wet" :-)
12 Spanish Proverbs Translated Literally Into English You know what they say: "What doesn't kill you, makes you fatter."
A recent survey of more than 1,000 Brits found that that the average person says ‘sorry’ around eight times per day.
Why do the British say ‘sorry’ so much? The British are famous for how frequently they say ‘sorry’ – even when they’re not at fault. But does the data hold up this stereotype? And is...
Here are the most common surnames in Europe.
Good to know :-)!
International Mother Language Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia International Mother Language Day (IMLD) (Bengali: আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস Antôrjatik Matribhasha Dibôs) is a worldwide annual observance held on 21 February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. First announced by UNESCO on 17 November 1999, it was formall…
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