Beginning tomorrow. Anticipate!!!
9th May to 11th June 2024
Social Entrepreneur/Project Manager
Fonctionnement normal
Beginning tomorrow. Anticipate!!!
9th May to 11th June 2024
Are you aware of our efforts to eradicate r**e culture in Bamenda I, II, and III?
In the past two weeks, has begun its initiatives to sensitize 200 girls about r**e at vocational training centres.
After holding a planning discussion, we identified the centres with the most trainees at least five as our objective.
Beginning last week Saturday, we conducted sensitization in Bamenda II, interacting with 27 females from two vocational training centers. Touching on r**e, consequences, prevention, referrals and need to report or denounce ra**st.
At the end of every session all the girls receives 2cups each with customized messages on r**e as take home to continue the awareness process in their respective homes.
! our main focus is to raise awareness about r**e among girls in vocational training centres in the Bamenda I, II, and III Sub Divisions, to eliminate the silence around it.
Rescue Women Princess Eugenie
Stop the blame game and get your Recovery/Healing.
Avoiding the blame game has been one of the most important lessons I've learnt on my path to recovery. The tendency for persons in the depression stage to place the blame for their circumstances on other people is exaggerating and detrimental to personal healing. We would heal more quickly and effectively if we could assess the problem, pinpoint where our weaknesses stem from, and put an end to the finger-pointing.
Everybody will constantly look at the bright side of every situation, but ultimately, you know the reality.
Blaming others will not help us recover.
Speaking from a position of strength. Going through the challenging procedure with the assistance of professionals required grace and discernment to recovery.
It's never too late.
Stop the blame game..
and to yourselfyourself. Society has its part to play in your recovery, the greatest part towards recovering it's personal.
You will recover in Jesus name. Amen.
You will be deceive and rejected by a man or women in an executive suite, a man/woman of God, a church brother or sister, the one you named your mentor, the one you looked up to, and why not all those society holds dear thinking they are flawless.
Pay attention to your physical, emotional, and reproductive health, my beloved followers.
The societal trend has all that could cause you to lose concentration and adhere to its dynamics, social pressures, and controversies.
Not everyone you see in a suit is accountable, as we occasionally think. Not all who smile with you actually meant the smile.
Stay focus and true to yourself.
For every deceitful intentions towards you will only make you stronger and hence widening your horizon.
Be Real!
The RECAJ+ North West headquarters was formally launched yesterday, June 23, 2023, and I am celebrating growth with them.
We support one another in the work we do as partners and collaborators. Sustainable Women Organization-SWO focused on building the capacity and develop the advocacy, leadership, and communication abilities of adolescent girls and young women
Congratulations to RECAJ+ for the bold and Giant step.
It is only natural for a network chair, after representing the MenEngage Alliance Cameroon network at the MenEngage Africa Annual General Meeting in Rwanda, to provide input on the meeting to the steering committee(SC) members, who make decisions for the national networks.
In order to improve accountability, visibility, sustainability, and network growth, the chair organized restitution on June 13th, with a focus on the important topics raised during the meeting.
Discussions focus on the role of the secretariat, the national chair, membership, communication, fundraising, and reporting concerns.
We will carry on in this light , working with the SC members and the network's general membership to advance the Men Engage Alliance mission.
Tebi Honourine Azoh
Sonke Gender Justice
Engaging representatives of individuals who will be impacted by decisions in meaningful dialogue is the best way to influence decisions.
On that note, I want to express my gratitude to Sonke Gender Justice MenEngage Africa MenEngage Alliance MenEngage Alliance Cameroon in particular for developing venues that purposefully involve young women and girls in decisions making.
I am honored to represent my country in the just ended AGM. Sustainable Women Organization-SWO
Princess Eugenie Tina Javnyuy Value Adding Trish Javnyuy Joybert Nduku Louis Tebi Sufficient Grace Tebi Honourine Fridoline Suh Niba Bertha Ngwangunu Tebi Syvanus Malon Vubangsi @
I deliberately set out to be the voice of the young women and girls who lack a voice. Even in the most challenging and constrained environments, my perseverance, dedication, enthusiasm, and the help of the Holy Spirit see me through.
Representing 27 Member Organizations of the MenEngage Alliance Cameroon at the ongoing MenEngage Africa Annual General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, has been an interesting experience overall.
It has all been about bringing the voices of these member organizations to the African stage and highlighting our nation's initiatives, successes, and issues as well as offering suggestions and a sustainability strategy in keeping with the commitment of engaging men and boys to furthering gender equality and women's rights.
With thanks to Sonke Gender Justice out Cameroon.
me in commemoration of Menstrual Hygiene Day in Bamenda -Cameroon. Men and Boys.
Men and boys should take the initiative to support women and girls throughout their periods of menstruation.
Once men are taught how to help women and girls, they will do it enthusiastically.
Ahead of Menstrual Hygiene day Celebrated every 28th May, SWO committed to educating men, boys, women, and girls about menstruation.
Speaking with men and boys in Bamenda's rural areas, they discovered that preparing girls for puberty requires their assistance.
Men and boys should support women and girls by educating them about menstruation, buying sanitary products, helping them carry out their daily activities when on their periods and experiencing cramps, and working to eradicate the taboo and stigma associated with menstruation.
UNFPA Cameroon
MenEngage Alliance
MenEngage Alliance Cameroon
MenEngage Africa
Sonke Gender Justice
Sonke gender justice
Community Centre for Integrated Development
Reach Out
Community Centre for Integrated Development
Why is it important to keep records?
In my skill enhancement workshop with female Entrepreneurs on businesses start up, management and record keeping, last week, I asked this question!
Why is it important to keep record.
Intriguingly, everyone gave correct answers to this question.
Some say, keeping records helps tract business progress.
Another one said, record keeping helps to understand a business, to know when they are loosing money or making gain's.
And then, this answer,.... record keeping helps in cases when Entrepreneurs want to go for bank loans.
Beautiful ideas right?
The big question,
AS Female Entrepreneurs
Please share your thoughts!
Every Smile conceals a pain!
My dear young girls and women, please pay close attention to what I'm saying. Behind every happy face lies a painful story.
The people you look up to as role models, influencers, or sources of inspiration have all faced difficult challenges in their lives at some points and come out on the other side looking lovely.
Because they embraced themselves, worked on themselves, and undergone transition, the lovely smiles could be seen clearly.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Due to the large number of girls who pass away as a result of rejection, I am bringing this up.
Avoid self-immolation and burning of people's labor-intensive constructions (houses).
Don't kill any.
Love yourself and grow yourself more.
Tebi Honourine
I am a young woman who has regards for herself. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses, and finds the best ways to turn those weaknesses into strengths for personal growth.
Before 2023, as a change agent, I organized and trained people on several themes related to socioeconomic justice, societal empowerment, health, and local development.
Several times during my facilitation processes, I noticed a weakness in running a very engaging workshop that actually caused a transformation in the heads, hearts and hands of participant's.
In order to advance my commitment to social change, I joined in the Professional Facilitation program run by the Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa founded by Javnyuy Joybert
This certification program has empowered me with practical professionals knowledge to help me conduct a really engaging workshop and training program. It gives me insight into how to organize and create a workshop's curriculum as well as carry out the presentations while attaining SMART goals.
Thank you @ Dr. Joybert.
How difficult and draining it is to leave this life with several untold stories on gender based Violence.
As a change maker, currently learning the power of story telling under the Coordination of Rescue Women Cameroon.
young woman
Life is a journey, be ready to walk the path deligently and without complaints no matter the number of potholes and gallops on the path.
Are you ready to walk the path with Me?
Watch my space!
Youths under 24years of age represent more than 2/3 of west and Central Africa’s population. Yet the challenges they face remain immense!
Providing hands-on training with a strong component of entrepreneurship skills for self-employment.
A foundation for your educational dreams. learn to read and write faster.
Aiming for the Betterment of the educational system by Impartation. We are S.M.
Please this page is not more functional go to https://www.facebook.com/en.skylonOrg
www.skylone.org is the biggest online education platform in Cameroon for Anglophone Secondary Schools
KET Academy is an e-learning platform meant to assist students through mentorship and orientation.
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