NAHPI to the world...
Exhibiting the 3 D printer and beans peeling machines made by our student's.
Brilliantly presented to the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda and the the Director of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute NAHPI Bamenda
National Higher Polytechnic Institute NAHPI Bamenda
School Of Engineering, University of Bamenda
Training Offered:
Bachellor of Engineering - B.Eng.( A/
Fonctionnement normal
Students on the Waiting List are required to attend tomorrow's Orientation
Registration Procedure for 2023/2024
Orientation Seminar of Newly Admitted Students
Year 3
Results of the 2023/2024 Competitive Entrance Examination into NAHPI.
Year 1
Registration Deadline into NAHPI Post Graduate Programs Extended to 12th October 2023
To apply, visit
Dear candidate for the NAHPI entrance exam, please visit for details on writing centre halls. Please be at the writing centre at or before 8:00 am for the Bambili centre and 8:30 am for the other centres. The exam will begin at 9:00 am prompt. Remember to come along with your 2B pencil and its sharpener, your complete application file and a photo ID. Thank you.
The University of Bamenda.
NAHPI - Welcome to NAHPI - UBa Dear visitor, It is with much delight that we welcome you to this website of the most nascent and prestigious National Higher Polytechnic Institute (school of engineering) of The University of Bamenda. Created on the 24th of November 2017 by a Presidential Decree, teaching at the Institute effective...
Important Reminders:
1. Students should arrange documents in their file following the order in which they are listed on their Acceptance Slips
2. Students are reminded to come along with their own 2B pencils
3. Only Non-programmable calculators are allowed
Writing Centers for the Entrance Examination are as follows;
Bamenda: The University of Bamenda
Bafoussam: Lycée Bilingue de Bafoussam
Buea: The University of Buea
Douala: IUT Douala
Yaoundé: Ecole National Superieure Polytechnique
Online Registration Deadline for Year 1 Extended to Wednesday 20th September 2023 at Midnight.
Registration Deadline for Year 3 Remains 21st September 2023.
Writing date: Sunday 24th September 2023 at 7:30 Am
Two (2) days left to register for Year 1.
Rush now...
Deadline for Online Registration:
Friday 15th September 2023 at Midnight.
Examination Date: Sunday 24th September 2023
Register at
Registration ends on 15th September 2023 at 11:59 PM
NAHPI - Welcome to NAHPI - UBa Dear visitor, It is with much delight that we welcome you to this website of the most nascent and prestigious National Higher Polytechnic Institute (school of engineering) of The University of Bamenda. Created on the 24th of November 2017 by a Presidential Decree, teaching at the Institute effective...
Registration into NAHPI Year 1 and Year 3 ongoing at
Rush now and book a place.
NAHPI - Welcome to NAHPI - UBa Dear visitor, It is with much delight that we welcome you to this website of the most nascent and prestigious National Higher Polytechnic Institute (school of engineering) of The University of Bamenda. Created on the 24th of November 2017 by a Presidential Decree, teaching at the Institute effective...
Concours d'entrée en première et troisième année de l'Ecole Nationale Superieure Polytecnique de l'Université de Bamenda pour l'année academique 2023/2024
Third Year
Competitive Entrance Examinations into the First and Third year for the 2023/2024 Academic Year
Congratulations to all those who passed the GCE.
The doors of NAHPI are open for you.
University Games 2023 Edition updates; NAHPI making UBa Proud.
UBa (NAHPI), IUC and SUPPTIC students - top three winners of the 2023 GETEC (innovation) competition held during the 2023 University Games in Ngaoundere - posing for the press with the Government Ministers and other top authorities present. Long live UBa creativity! Long live NAHPI students and their teachers!
The NAHPI team is available 24/7 for inquiries on our programms and any other information.
Click the link above to witness a recap of NAHPISA cultural week activities
NAHPI - Welcome to UBa From December 6th to December 9th, the students association (NAHPISA) organized the cultural week. It was a period where many extra-curriculum activities took place. Students shown their high level of sensitization through the clean-up campaign on UBa campus. Many other activities like Dance Competi...
The University of Bamenda Matriculation Ceremony for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
16th November 2022
Post graduate admissions re-opened in NAHPI till 30th October 2022. Apply at
Orientation Seminar for NAHPI Freshmen: Friday 21st October 2022 at Amphi 650
Candidates who applied without a pass at ordinary level/probatoire/ITVE are advised to take the English Language Proficiency Exam on 7th October 2022
Yaounde candidates will write in AMPHI 200 of Polytechnic Yaoundé
Bambili Halls Allocation
Post Graduate Programmes available in all seven (7) Departments of NAHPI. Rush and apply before application deadlines on
Application Deadline: 30th September 2022
The Written Competitive Entrance Exam into Year 1 is hereby postponed to the 25th of September 2022.
Writing Centers for the Competitive Entrance Examination (Thursday 15th September 2022).
Online Registration continues till 13th September at 12:00 Noon
Writing Centers to be announced in the days ahead..
Applicants into the first year should bring their complete application files to the writting centers on the examination day.
Competitive Entrance Examination 2022/2023
Deadline for online Registration: 8th September 2022
Deadline for physical submission of registration files: 13th September 2022
Written Examination date: 15th September 2022
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