Cold feet remedy
Natural Remedies. Part 27 of 30. #Shorts Part 27 of 30. A series of natural remedies demonstrated by Barbara O'Neill. https://youtu.be/JoR0aLJHVzk🌐 www.livingspringsretreat.com🌀 www.facebook.com/l...
Organization, hard work a lot of positive seriousness for a world full of honey for the better of a
Fonctionnement normal
Cold feet remedy
Natural Remedies. Part 27 of 30. #Shorts Part 27 of 30. A series of natural remedies demonstrated by Barbara O'Neill. https://youtu.be/JoR0aLJHVzk🌐 www.livingspringsretreat.com🌀 www.facebook.com/l...
Powerful milk
The mother who killed the man who r***d and murdered her 7yo daughter. Reenactment of the shooting carried out by Marrianne Bachmeier, the German woman who shot and killed the man who r***d and murdered her 7 year old daughter, ...
Never play with mother's love
The mother who killed the man who r***d and murdered her 7yo daughter. Reenactment of the shooting carried out by Marrianne Bachmeier, the German woman who shot and killed the man who r***d and murdered her 7 year old daughter, ...
Do you know ?
🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 consumption by it's vitamin K1 or call it phylloquinone can help if suffering from blood clotting
Chriskiro univers international, the best is still to come.
Are we for the best ?
Do you know ?
🍅🍅🍅🍅 consumption by it's chlorogenic acid can help and can keep you from many cancerous problems like :
Cancer of the prostate
Do you know ?
Tomatoes one of our favorite fruit and vegetables to get rid of ❤️ deseases with it potassium contains which lowers blood pressure.
Do you know ?
Eating tomatoes is a great source of vitamin B9 call again folate, good for natura normal tissues growth and cells function.
Pregnant women it is good for you to made it one of your favorite meal.
Do you know ?
🍅 🍅 is Rich naringenin . Naringenin helps is decreasing inflammation and it is from the tomatoes peelings.
So when you peels your tomatoes, you lose this special element.
A healthy living, a healthy food style can prevent us from many ❤️ breaking from deceases.
- a lot of vegetables
- a lot of fruits
- enough potable drinking water
- a clean environment
Above all, sincerely kind to ourselves and others.
- Hatress doesn't pay
- hypocrites doesn't pay
- lies doesn't pay
Learn to be humble, learn to forgive.
After all, vanity of vanity, all is vanity.
But yet, we are to face our accountability before the ALMIGHTY
Be wise
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
La banane
Du nom scientifique Musa, de la famille des musaceae, royaume des plantae et de l'ordre des zingiberale , la banane a plus de 70 varietes produisant bananes et plantains consommable.
Son nom scientifique Musa a ete cree par Carl Linnacus en 1753. Il aurait ete derive du physicien Antonius Musa a l' Empereur Augustus ou , Linnacus aurait adopte le mot banane en arabe Mauz.
Musa acuminata : la banane douce
Musa paradisiaca ou balbisiana : plantain
Les feuilles que se soit du musa acuminata ou du musa paradisiaca sont aussi utile que leurs troncs pour plusieurs usages tels des emballages et fibres bio.
Le plantain est un bon aliment pour les patients qui souffre du diabete et entre egalement dans le traitement de la diarrhee et les inflammations.
La banane est riche en
Vitamine C
En fer, magnesium, potassium, sucre, sodium, fibre, proteins.
L' operation : un bananier nous gratifie non seulement d' une bonne alimentation en combattant famine malnutrition et un environement accueillant, mais au dela l'amour du prochain .
Et aimer son prochain c'est s'aimer soit meme pour un monde meilleur.
Producing feeds
Keeping birds, animals is very interesting and one of the aspect is to know what to do when one is in urgent need of their feeds.
For goats
Having some preserve pear seeds and plantain peels will be of very good help.
For the fowls
A mixture of blend maize, soja beans ( fried ) kernels , 🐟 vegetables ( process) rices and of course, the have to be in respect of certain proportion.
For exemple :
Maizes 50%
Soja beans 30%
Kernel. 10%
Fish. 5%
Vegetables. 5%
Balance and varied diets for a good health.
Come unto Me all ye that are tired and heavy loaden and I will give you rest.
Thou says the LORD
To be wise is good as to be rich ; in fact it is better. Do you hear that ?
Eccles : 7 : 11
Godly achievements goes with hard work, patient, perseverance, kindness.
Let's separate our wastes.
Les feuilles de manioc, Nkwem, cassava leaves
Elles sont non seulement un tres bon legume mais aussi un recour en cas d'animie et de brulure de 3eme degre
Comment utiliser en cas d'animie :
* Bien laver les feuilles sans les frotter, puis passer les dans un moulinex.
Ajouter le demi d'un jus de lemon pour un verre.
Boire matin soir pendant trois jours.
* Pour les brulures de 3e degre
Bien laver les feuilles sans les frotter.
Passer dans un moulinex a sec
Soupoudrez sur la brulure.
Entre bon appetit et bonne guerison, votre choix !
L' amidon
L' amidon , que ce soit l'amidon a base de manioc ou a base de mais, est un excellent produit non toxique pour decollage. Surtout, si ceci est associe avec la ceindre d ' epluchure de plantain.
C' est ainsi pour fabriquer un bon savon ou detergent, l'incorporation de l'amidon de mais ou de manioc est necessaire.
Et si jamais on est face a une situation de decollage d'etiquete d'un emballage, trempe celui dans une solution d 'amidon et potassium (ceindre de epluchure de plaintain) rendra la tache aisee.
Beurre de karite, Shea butter scientifiquement nomme vitelaria paradoxa ou l'or des femmes appele encore butyros permum parkii est un extrait de l'arbre de karite qu'on trouve dans la savane arborees de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Centrale et l'Est.
Cette huile ou beurre vegetale est utilisee en cosmetique, en pharmacie et dans l'industrie agro- alimentaire pour ses multiples proprietes comme celle de l'assoupplissement et nourrissement de la peau et cheveux.
Pumpkin seeds / les graines de melon
Pumpkin seeds belong to the family of egusi, egwisi, agusi, ohue, agushi or to his scientific mann's cuccumeropsis and white seed melon.
Pumpkin seeds, or pepita as it call in Nord American, in addition of it's pairs, of having the fellowing :
Vitamin A
It's has maganese and vitamin K which helps for wounds healings, and their zinc helps the immune system fight bacterias and viruses.
That is why, we should never try to destroy the greenish part of it through rough washing . That is destroying what makes it's particularity of the maganese and K vitamin. If we want is white, we better go for the other various mann's cuccumeropsis and white seed melon and we are bless with many.
And being in general, they are 50% unsaturated fat 35% protein.
Transformation and conservation
After the pumpkin opening and extraction of the seeds, allow it for two or three days, then wash.
Separate the husk, the shell from the seeds.
Dry again
Pack (a package which prevent it from various attaque like ants, and rats) .
It's takes patient, long-suffering, love out of pur ❤️ to let flow the folish wickness of men even as of your loves one as mother, brothers, sisters to partake to the JUSTICE and MERCY of the LORD.
It takes patient, long-suffering, love pur ❤️ to let flow the folish wickness of men even if all your every loves
Separating our wastes is also giving a change for growth of trees to fight against deforestation, desertification and climat change for a better air condition
Separer nos dechets, c' est aussi promouvoir la pousser des arbres enfin de litter contre la deforestication, la pousser du desert , le changement climatique pour le bien être de tous.
Fighting against malnutrition, unemployment a better environment for a better life a concern for you and me.
Many are the afflctions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him from the all.
Skills, adequate machines , manpower, adequate environment, organization is equal to solid foundation for solid project.
Together let's make it.
Orange peelings
A wonder source of vitamin C for any respiration track infection.
Also good to put away bad smells. Protect from mosquitoes bite.
Aloe vera combine with good honey for any body traumatization like post operation and accident.
Together for better life
When Chriskiro univers international complex (CUIC) says : for
A developed Bamenda
North west
A better world.
Avoiding of waste in the times of abundance
Better wastes management
Lock cycle project
Better health at hand
Jobs creation/reduction of unemployment
For medicine ( good for diabetic patients)
Good for animals as feeds
The oil
For hair
For body (massage)
Medicine (riches in vitamin A and others)
The peelings
For organic manual
Transformation and Conservation
Always have your avocados well wash before allowing to get ready
Oil extraction
1) - peel your avocados putting the various particles together
2) - blend the pasts
3) - splay on trays
4) - allow to dry
5) - put together and press
Good luck.
Sirop de sucre
White sugar is said not to be too good for health yet that is what we esayly have at hand.
To make it less harmful for all dishes, make a sirup. Which is to cook the sugar well will a small quantity of water until you can have a tied off of two spoons using thier back.
Koki beans transformation and conservation
It is more than even before to fight against hunger and malnutrition, source of many dead to come to a globalization of diet. It can only be so if others can have it at hand. And they can only have it if they are well transform and well conserve.
Koki beans is very rich in vegetable protein good for all.
How to transforms and conserve koki beans.
Wash rapidly with abundant water (secret never let your koki beans in water for long before starting washing if you don't want to spent the hold day on it).
After rapidly wash, drain.
Then dry
After drying, grind to obtain the powder.
With this powder you can produce various diet of your choice: e.g : koki and Accra.
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