This unit works in the field of clinical epidemiology, clinical trials, quality control, pharmaco-epidemiology, economics evaluations, EBM, etc.
At the University of Liège, a Unit has a strong expertise in Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics. All full professors, researchers, PhD students and assistants work in the field of clinical epidemiology, clinical trials, quality control, pharmaco-epidemiology, economics evaluations, evidence based medicine and public health, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and pharmaco-economy. A lo
t of members from this unit are invited, as experts, to share their expertise in various national or international organisations (e.g. World Health Organisation, European Medicine Agency, European Food and Safety Authority, Centre Fédéral d’Expertise des soins de santé, Institut National d’Assurance Maladie Invalidité, Service Public Fédéral Santé Publique, …).
On 6 March 2024 from 6pm to 8pm, the Belgian Ageing Muscle Society (BAMS) will have the opportunity to welcome 3 international speakers (Elaine Dennison from UK, Gustavo Duque from Canada and Dr Ben Kirk from Australia) to discuss the latest scientific advances in osteosarcopenia. Don't hesitate to join us for this exclusive online symposium chaired by Ivan Bautmans and Evelien Gielen.
Register here:
Mon point fort ! HELMo est une Haute Ecole située à Liège, Huy, Theux et Verviers, qui dispense 40+ bacheliers, masters et spécialisations dans les domaines pédagogique, social, paramédical, économique, juridique, informatique et technique.
Urban & Environmental Engineering rassemble 150 chercheurs/enseignants de l’ULiège actifs dans le domaine de la construction et de l’environnement. Notre enseignement s'organise autour de 3 filières: ingénieurs architectes, des constructions et gé
Alumni - ULiège
Place De La République Française 41
Liège, 4000
L'ULiège souhaite accompagner ses diplômés au-delà de l'obtention de leur diplôme