Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong

Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong


Dr. Md.

Salim Uddin
Department of Accounting
University of Chittagong, Chittagong,
Chairman, Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation and EC of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd

Operating as usual

মূল্যস্ফীতি-জীবনযাত্রার ব্যয় হ্রাসে ভূমিকা রাখবে এই বাজেট : প্রফেসর ড. মো. সেলিম 07/06/2024

মূল্যস্ফীতি-জীবনযাত্রার ব্যয় হ্রাসে ভূমিকা রাখবে এই বাজেট : প্রফেসর ড. মো. সেলিম ২০২৪-২৫ অর্থবছরের বাজেট উত্থাপিত হয়েছে জাতীয় সংসদে। বৃহস্পতিবার (৬ জুন) আগামী অর্থবছরের জন্য ৭ লাখ ৯৭ হাজার কোটি ট...


It is with pleasure to inform you that till now 938 participants
from around 20 countries of the world have already been registered in APMAA International Webinar, 2024 Co-Hosted by ICMAB.
You are earnestly requested to join the Webinar at the following
Webinar Link:
Zoom ID: 96927084862
Password: 2024

Photos from Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong's post 28/05/2024

Speaking as Special Guest in the seminar on ”Way forward of FRC: Role of Professionals” on 25th May, 2024 organised by FRC-Financial Reporting Council
at Parjatan Bhaban, Dhaka

Photos from Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong's post 26/05/2024

We paid courtesy call on Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman Khan FCMA, Secretary, Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance and Dr. Hafiz Ahmed Chowdhury, Secretary (Routine charge), Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs on 26 May 2024 at their off­ice, Bangladesh Secretariat.

Photos from Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong's post 22/05/2024

I am very thankful and grateful as well to all the members and officials of ICMAB who participated, supported, cooperated, assisted, encouraged and helped us with the successful completion of the mega reception to Past Presidents
I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to all for accepting our invitation and attending the "Legacy of Leadership: A Tribute to All ICMAB Past Presidents" event held on May 17, 2024, at the ICMAB Ruhul Quddus Auditorium. Your presence made this occasion truly memorable and momentous.
Once again, thank you for gracing us with your spontaneous presence and untiring commitment to the institute. We look forward to your continued support and guidance in the years to come.

Photos from Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong's post 20/05/2024

Participated as a Speaker in the 4th Bangladesh International Trade Summit on Global and Bangladesh’s Economic Outlook organised by BigMint and Hosted by Bangladesh at Hotel Sonargaon on May 14-15, 2024.

Photos from Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCMA, FCA University of Chittagong's post 17/05/2024

News Update:
ICMAB President Professor Dr Md Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA met Five Business Giants and disseminated ICMAB Brochure to expand employment opportunities for the CMAs.
In an endeavor to extend the employment opportunities for the CMAs, Professor Dr. Md Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA, President, ICMAB, met the Chairman, Managing Directors, and Directors of five influential business groups in an International Trade Summit at the Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka, on 14th May 2024. These business personalities include Dr. Sumon Chowdhury, Chairman of RRM Group, Country Director of Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council, and Secretary General of Bangladesh Steel Manufacturers' Association; Mr. Aameir Alihussain, Managing Director of BSRM Group of Companies; Mr. Md. Shahidullah, Managing Director of METROCEM Group; Mr. Salehin Musfique Sadaf, Director of Strategy and Transformation, GPH Ispat; and Mr. Mohammed Amir Hossain, Director of PHP Family.
While discussing the key strengths of CMAs conducive to improving business efficiency, Dr. Salim disseminated a brochure introducing the ICMAB and its Council to these business giants. Dr. Salim clarified why large business groups must appoint cost and management accountants (CMAs) to foster efficiency and reduce business costs. Specifically, he highlighted the role of CMAs as value creators, value generators, value finders, value keepers, value reporters, and value providers across various industries. Further, he emphasized the business acumen of CMAs, which might be crucial in handling technicalities, managing businesses, forecasting potentialities, and supporting strategic decision-making processes.
The response from these influential business leaders was overwhelmingly positive. They expressed their appreciation for the ICMAB's initiative and thanked the President for introducing CMAs and their capabilities. Importantly, they reassured the President that they would prioritize CMAs in their future job circulars, a testament to the confidence they have in the value that CMAs can bring to their organizations.


Our Friend Mr Abdur Rahman Khan FCMA, Immediate Past President of ICMAB has been promoted as the Secretary of FID, Ministry of Finance.
Heartfelt congratulations!!!!
It’s an impressive achievement and truly well-deserved.

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Dr. Md. Salim Uddin

Department of Accounting
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Vice President, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)
Chairman, Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation-BHBFC
Chairman, Executive Committee of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd-IBBL

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