"As a trained researcher we are nutured to constantly look for answers and new questions, so the concept of learning for mastery allowed me to utilise these personal traits to the fullest to get a deep and enriched learning experience."
Interview with Dr. Tyrone Otgaar about the Project Management Concepts course | ProjectManagement.co.za
"As a trained researcher we are nutured to constantly look for answers and new questions, so the concept of learning for mastery allowed me to utilise these personal traits to the fullest to get a deep and enriched learning experience."
Malose Chaba, who completed his studies with us a year ago, recently contacted us to tell us how his career is changing thanks to the transformation he experienced in the Project Management Concepts course. Here is what he wrote after just finishing the course:
Malose Chaba talks about Project Management Concepts | ProjectManagement.co.za
"My understanding of scope management improved exponentially."
How to get into Project Management—and how we can help you | ProjectManagement.co.za
Your learning journey should include formal study, managing a real project, developing your reputation, and hands-on scheduling.
"My understanding of scope management improved exponentially."
Malose Chaba talks about Project Management Concepts | ProjectManagement.co.za
Malose Evans Chaba began studying Project Management Concepts in 2019, but put his studies on hold for some time before
Book and pay for our Project Management Concepts course before the fee increase on 1 September. Pay only R2,760 instead of R3,910 — a saving of over R1,000! https://projectmanagement.co.za/practical-certification-programme-project-management/modules/project-management-online-course
Project Management Concepts | Online Distance Learning
At R2,760, this 3-month online course is a unique, high-value, low-cost and low-risk gateway to a future in Project Management. Begins every Monday.
"I now make sure that as much risk as possible is identified, monitored and communicated throughout the different phases of a project. I ensure that key stakeholders are invited and encouraged to contribute to the success of a project."
Marco Nel on the Project Management Concepts course | ProjectManagement.co.za
"Although the course is aligned with project management, I feel that this will be of benefit to me in any professional environment."
"I have regained confidence in my autodidactical abilities and developed new ambition to continue my independent education path."
A procurement engineer talks about the Project Management Concepts course | ProjectManagement.co.za
"This course imparted the necessary project management knowledge to lay the foundation for a successful implementation of a project management culture in our company."
One of our clients sending a team on the Project Management Concepts course, is a retail company. The training manager asked how much time the participants would need to set aside for their studies. Here’s an extract from our reply.
Planning your team's studies | ProjectManagement.co.za
The training manager asked how much time the participants would need to set aside for their studies. Here's an extract from our reply.
For a limited time, participants in our Project Management Concepts course have the option of participating in a real project to gain experience in using formal Project Management methods and techniques. Here's what's happening in the upcoming online Study Group Meetings. Anyone who's on the course can attend these amazing added-value meetings for free. https://projectmanagement.co.za/articles/study-group-meeting-list
Study Group Meeting List | ProjectManagement.co.za
This page is dynamic. Every week we add the upcoming topic for the Study Group Meetings for the week.
How to (realistically) get into Project Management and how we can help you with the steps.
How to get into Project Management—and how we can help you | ProjectManagement.co.za
Your learning journey should include formal study, managing a real project, developing your reputation, and hands-on scheduling.
APRIL-MAY 2021 ONLY: Join our valuable online Study Group Meetings when you join the Project Management Concepts course.
Study Group Meetings - Project Management Concepts
From 18 April to 12 May 2021, Tania Melnyczuk will host a series of informal weekly Study Group Meetings in Google Meet for participants in the online Project Management Concepts course.
Last week Anke Becker passed the online Project Management Concepts course. Here's what she said about this unique experience. https://projectmanagement.co.za/articles/anke-becker-project-management-concepts-course
Anke Becker on the Project Management Concepts course | ProjectManagement.co.za
In March 2021, Anke Becker passed the online Project Management Concepts course after maintaining a consistent study habit. During that period, she
After more than three months of consistent participation, Elmarie began her Exam Preparation. She submitted a List of Terms detailing approximately 450 Project Management concepts which she had explored during her studies. From this, it was clear that Elmarie was ready for the Exam.
At only R2,500, this remarkable course is a gateway to personal growth in the world of Project Management, having been specifically designed to help you gain the type of insight and personal change which Elmarie achieved by maintaining her regular study habit.
Last week, Elmarie passed with with 99%. Here is what she said about the course.
Elmarie Els on the Project Management Concepts course | ProjectManagement.co.za
I learned a lot, not only about project management, but in thinking differently, managing my time better, and also so much about myself.
Use an Agile philosophy rather than merely implementing an Agile 'system' to avoid cognitive bias and groupthink in projects.
Protecting Your Projects from Cognitive Bias - The Decision Lab
Projects almost never go according to plan, and cognitive bias is often to blame. Agile management provides a strategy to stack on track.
A study by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills showed that about 89 percent of employer respondents report high school graduate entrants as “deficient” in communication. While we can't help you get back those years at school, do highlight areas for improvement in your writing during the Project Management Concepts course. https://projectmanagement.co.za/articles/basics-of-written-project-communication
As a project manager, you need to master the basics of writing
If you want to master the activity that will consume most of your time as a project manager, you'll have to master the basics of writing.
Consultative Tutoring in Microsoft Project means we schedule your own projects together to your stakeholders' requirments as you learn to use the software proficiently, customising it to organisational needs.
ProjectManagement.co.za | Consultative Tutoring in Microsoft Project
Working with your own real projects, your Consultant Tutor provides guidance, coaching, and hands-on tuition in Microsoft Project for your workplace needs.
Italo Cannata, a Director of Operations from Cape Town, passed the Project Management Concepts course last week. Here's what he said about the experience. https://projectmanagement.co.za/articles/interview-italo-cannata-project-management-concepts-course
Interview with Italo Cannata about the Project Management Concepts course | ProjectManagement.co.za
Not only have I gained knowledge through this course, but also have taken away the learning habits/fundamentals with me as to progress further in my life.
Questions in Preparation for Project Management Training Proposal
We made this video in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) from a prospective corporate client. The RFP was fairly simple, asking for a short course in P...
How much time will it require of you in a week to take part in the Project Management Concepts course? https://projectmanagement.co.za/practical-certification-programme-project-management/modules/project-management-online-course/routine
Routine required | Project Management Concepts Course (online)
The course is designed to help you learn, internalise and remember what you are learning. It is specifically paced to help you guard against cramming.
Why am I doing this course? | ProjectManagement.co.za
This article explains the rationale behind the online Project Management Concepts course, in the light of the PMCD Framework of the PMI®.
Did you know that communication is the main thing that a project manager spends time on? This article provides insight into why we emphasise writing in the Project Management Concepts course. https://projectmanagement.co.za/articles/basics-of-written-project-communication
As a project manager, you need to master the basics of writing
If you want to master the activity that will consume most of your time as a project manager, you'll have to master the basics of writing.
This 20-minute video is for you if you’re:
- new to Project Management and hoping to get a certificate to enhance your career
- an experienced professional wanting to become a PMP
- working in HR and seeking training for someone in your company
- an employer looking for a project manager
How do you study to become a project manager? (PMCDF considerations)
The answer may surprise you! Tania Melnyczuk of ProjectManagement.co.za explains the essential requirements for studying towards real competence in the light...
Develop critical thinking, new habits and risk-aware practices while you learn formal project management concepts for a changing world.
At R2,500 (or US$140 via PayPal), this 3-month online course is a unique, high-value, low-cost and low-risk gateway to a future in Project Management.
Begins every Monday.
Find out more and book: