Videos by The FUN Project in Cape Town. Where (F)unctioning meets (U)derstanding through (N)urturing! #TheFUNProject #TFP #TFPCares
Thank you to God’s angel on Earth, Tannie Magda, for inviting us to be a part of this amazing initiative.
What an amazing time spent with the men of Paarl.
#TheFUNProject #FUNProject #TFP #Functional #Understanding #Nurturing #DrMüller #TannieMagda #AngelOnEarth #TannieMagdaSeSopkombuis #LoveToSmile
Thank you to God’s angel on Earth, Tannie Magda, for inviting us to be a part of this amazing initiative.What an amazing...
Heart FM’s 12th day of 16 Days for Youth, and we are in Hopland, Langebaan today with the Team. #TheFUNProject #TFP #Fun...
Gugulethu was on our itinerary for Day 8 of Heart FM’s 16 Days for Youth.Tannie Magda, too, was working her magic to get...