South Bend School Library Videos

Videos by South Bend School Library. The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective u

Other South Bend School Library videos

Keva Blocks
It's Throwback Thursday! This was the first year we had Keva blocks in the library.

Seniors walk the elementary hallway for one last time...

Sendoff for track athletes


Digital Art by Alexis

Justin's Project
How the Brain Works - by Justin

Lola's art
Lola's Art

As the quarter is drawing to a close, Genius Hour students are completing their projects. Alexis created a video demonst...

Lola figured out how to get Dash to play the Harry Potter song. #GeniusHour

Cross Country send-off for Nathon

We love when students read aloud in class! Today, Mrs. Hoyt's student, Annaly, read an Elephant and Piggie book to the c...

The 7th grade Genius Hour class "pitched" their projects to the group today. Snacks helped to ease their nervousness.

We have new accessories for Dash. Students attached the xylophone and used the app to create a song.