Zonya on Education

Zonya on Education


I support parental rights, health freedom and oppose critical race theory. I support back to basics


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Please consider carefully the impact of wireless radiation on your child….

Five Reasons To Leave Public Education - AZ FREE NEWS 09/04/2024

This article gives food for thought....

Five Reasons To Leave Public Education - AZ FREE NEWS By Tiffany Benson | This is a provocation and an outright challenge for parents and guardians to take an inventory of their children’s mental health and level of intelligence after investing in public education. If you’re rearing teenagers who’ve endured government schools since pre-K, can you...

Photos from Mark McDonald, M.D.'s post 11/02/2024

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✦ ✦ Thursday, February 8, ANAHEIM AT 7:00 PM ✦ ✦

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Anaheim 92802


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Cursive writing was so yesterday in California, but in 2024 it’s back in class 16/01/2024

"Gov. Gavin Newsom this fall signed a bill, AB 446, by Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, a Fullerton Democrat and former schoolteacher, requiring cursive instruction in elementary grades starting this year.
Cursive began fading from classrooms after California and 40 other states adopted the 2010 Common Core State Standards for English and math, which didn’t include the out-of-fashion script. But the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation said several states have been adding it back, with more than 26 requiring some cursive instruction."

Cursive writing was so yesterday in California, but in 2024 it’s back in class “I didn’t know how to read it,” said Sierra, 8, a third-grader at Dublin Elementary School. “I thought it was like a different language.”

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