We teach teens and young adults ages 8-18yrs old computer graphics with adobe illustrator and Adobe P Creativity is not encouraged. Inc
Dear Family and Friends,
I am asking for your support in making Innovative Kids Art Studio (Mobile bus ) possible with a launch date of July 2015. The pictures you see above and below are a proto type of my vision for IKAS. Innovative Kids Art Studio has been a dream of mine since 2006. It is a program offering computer based art and design workshops on a mobile bus, we will partner with the pub
lic schools and summer programs. This will prepare children to obtain skills that will result in their practical application in the Graphic Arts and Design industry. These workshops will provide the atmosphere, training and development children interested in becoming an artist ,and give them a head start before attending a major art institution. Innovative Kids Art Studio will be a place for children to express their creativity and explore all things involving art. Some of the workshops offered include Graphic layout , Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator, Fashion Design, 3-D Animation and a variety of other art related workshops. Art programs along the nation have suffered and been cut from the curriculum due to funding restraints and children have received pressure to perform strictly in an academic atomosphere while their creativity is not channelled quite enough as needed to allow children to have a wholelistic approach to education and showcase the skills that elevate self-esteem. The television and the use of videogames has also stifled creativity at home, after school, and on weekends. Many parents do not recognize the proven value of art to the mind and soul. Those parents that do value the arts would like their children to have creative opportunities but in today's economically challenged times they cannot afford private lessons or those at an expensive art school. Innovative Kids Art Studio envisions the public access of children to the arts without the restraints that expensive art schools impose on average families. I am appealing to your generosity in allowing this dream to become possible. I have $10,000.00 of my own money set aside for the business now. The money we are raising will go towards a mobile bus that is about $80.000.00 and $20.000.00 for computers, printers. We are willing to except used computers that can handle adobe graphic software. we need 12 computers in total and a professional color printer. This will get us up and started by the summer of 2015. Your support of any amount will be greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance for your support! Felicia Nash
Innovative Kids Art Studio.