Mr. Muehlenweg's Classroom - Wagoner Middle School

Mr. Muehlenweg's Classroom - Wagoner Middle School


This page is provided for the students and guardians of Mr. Alan Muehlenweg's 7th and 8th Grade Science classes at Wagoner Middle School.


This week:

7th grade will test over Ch. 8 tomorrow; they got a study guide today! (Animal Behavior and Reproduction)

8th grade is finishing up their mousetrap racecars, and will race them tomorrow and Thursday!


7th graders!!!


Hey guys!! Been awhile since I have posted but.... Better late than never lol!

7th Grade- Finish up talking about plant processes this week and chapter 7 test on Fri! (Also, apologies if your kid came home and said something about the plant s***m count being high... It's pollen. 😅)

8th Grade- We started our chapter on Forces and Motion. After we get back from Fall Break, we will start working on Mousetrap Racecars!

7th Period Class: Canned food drive!! Bring cans of corn!!


This week, our 7th graders are starting a series on the Nervous System. We will be discussing various neurological disorders and what they do (ALS, Alzheimers, etc.). Next week, we will work through the senses and how they work, which is one of my favorite labs/activities! (BTW, if anyone is able to, I could use some Jelly Beans, snack size hershey bars, and smooth peanut butter!)

8th grade will be wrapping up our series on the Earth's dynamic surface and will have a test on Thursday. Watch for those study guides Wednesday night! :)


7th grade will test over Plant Responses and Reproduction (Chapter 7) tomorrow, while 8th grade is working on Global Warming Research and a presentation (from Chapter 9) on their findings for Thursday.

I have all of these assignments and study guides on my Google drive; if you don't have access, shoot me an email at [email protected]!


Hope everyone is ready for Thanksgiving break! :)

This week, our 8th graders will explore the use of Solar Sails to capture light as a way to travel through space!

7th grade wrapped up chapter 5 about Cells and the Cell Cycle and will have a test TOMORROW! The test guide is on my Google Drive.

If you don't have access to the Google Drive and would like to, email me at [email protected] and tell me your student's name in the body of your message and I will get you access to the right folders!


Parents- Our district has been moving to the Google Suite of online tools, including Google Drive! I am going to work over the next few weeks to create folders on Google Drive to share with parents of 7th and 8th graders.

This way, when your child is absent or has a missed assignment, you can see what is missed and access it from home or wherever you might have internet access. However, I won't be able to include every assignment as we have labs and "bellringers" that are due during class.

To gain access to these folders, I need your email address. Email me at [email protected] and put "Google Drive" in the subject line. Tell me your child's name and grade level and I will give you access to the folder.

NOTE- I will not share grades, graded work or any other private information via Google Drive.


I know it's been awhile since I posted, but we've had some crazy schedules the past few weeks with programs and pep assemblies! Tomorrow, 7th grade will be testing over chapters 1 and 2. We went over the study guide yesterday, and they worked on "Question Creations" related to these chapters.

8th grade is working on Radio and Electromagnetic Waves. You might ask them about what careers they looked up... Some of them were shocked to find out how much RF Technicians and designers make!


It's been an exciting week in class! 8th graders got to make Elephant toothpaste as we talked about chemical reactions and the various types (they should know that "elephant toothpaste" is the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen gas).

8TH GRADE WILL TEST THIS FRIDAY! We will go over the study guide today, so they will have 2 days to prep!

7th Grade has been exploring the aspects of our atmosphere and have learned what causes wind and why hurricanes spin in certain directions (the Coriolis Effect). We have used a couple videos to explore all of these, see the comments!


We've had a great 3 weeks to start off the school year! Last week, our 8th graders tested over Chapter 1 and are starting to look at Chemical Equations and Reactions, while our 7th graders will test over Chapter 11- Earth in Space! Below are some links to videos we watched in class!


We had a great first week and have launched into a good start for our 2nd week!

7th Grade- We started covering our Sun, Moon, and Earth systems last week as we prepped for the Solar Eclipse yesterday! This week, we will do a little research regarding the phases of the moon and then talk about the rest of our Solar System!

8th Grade- Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. All matter is made up of these 3 tiny subatomic particles. This week, we will discuss the differences between physical and chemical properties.


SPACE!! Probably my favorite topic. :)

7th graders kicked off this series by looking at the phases of the moon. Check out the video in the comments below to catch up on what we covered last week.

8th grade is digging deeper into volcanoes and earthquakes. We've used slinkies to demonstrate the various properties of earthquake waves. REMINDER- 8TH GRADE SCIENCE TEST IS APRIL 13TH!! We got this!


Mousetraps + Competition = SCIENCE!!

My 7th Grade classes are building Mousetrap Cars (see video in comments) and will race them next week. Today, they are working in groups to finalize designs and materials lists. So when your kid comes home and says he/she needs a mousetrap, wood glue, and string, there is a purpose behind it. :) (NOTE- If acquiring materials is an issue, please message me. I have some resources available to help if need arises!)

8th Grade has a TEST tomorrow over Earth Systems and the Geosphere. They will come home with a study guide today!


I know it's been awhile since I posted!

7th grade will have a test tomorrow about Inheritance, Traits, and Adaptation (ask them about their superhero projects!). In the comments, I've added a link to a video we watched to introduce this chapter.

8th grade is starting a chapter on the Earth's Systems and Interactions, and includes a look at global warming. They will be working on a research project this week exploring global warming. I've added a video link below which has been a part of our discussion.


Twas the night before semester tests, and all through the schools,
All the students were studying and following the rules.

The teachers gave study guides and test preparations,
With high hopes and even higher aspirations,

That their students would be ready to pass their exam,
And wouldn't stay up all night, trying to cram.

[Ok, that's all I got!! I'm not on Mr. Holmes' level yet! Tomorrow- ODD hours will test, and we will have a Winter Sports Pep Assembly. Friday- EVEN hours will test and we will have our 1st Semester Awards program at 2:20. Have a GREAT BREAK!!]

"YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES!" - Smarter Every Day 142 08/12/2016

Just a few more days till Christmas Break! Our 7th graders did a "Senses" lab today... Ask them about it! 8th grade wrapped up a series on the Electromagnetic Spectrum and will test today.

Below is a video that both grades watched. 7th grade focused on how the brain uses our senses to "make sense" of the world around us, while 8th grade looked at the way light is made up of different electromagnetic wavelengths and the colors we see are related to those wavelengths.

"YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES!" - Smarter Every Day 142 Want to tweet this? Click here: Click here if you're interested in subscribing: If you like to support Smar...


I know it's been awhile... But a couple of updates now that we are back from Thanksgiving!

1) Some of you know that I've been supporting an organization called Mission22 which provides treatment to veterans with the aim of preventing the 22 suicides veterans commit each day. This Friday, I would like to have "Thank You" cards signed by each student to deliver next week to the VA Hospital in Muskogee. Would someone like to kindly donate some Thank You cards for this effort?

2) Friday is also the State Championship game; WPS will be releasing students at 3:30 that day and a parade will follow at 4:15 as our team heads out of town. The game is at 7pm at Broken Arrow. ALL STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED AT 3:30.

3) December 15 and 16 will be semester tests. I will have study guides and prep time that week; be sure your student does not miss!!

And just so you know, I am thankful to be your student's teacher. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


We have a test in my 7th grade classes tomorrow... To help you remember the 2 main organ systems in plants, 2 of my students put together a little song and dance! :)


8th Grade- Test tomorrow!! All of my 8th grade classes spent time going over the study guide today and will test tomorrow over Chapter 2 - Chemical Reactions. If you need a copy of the study guide, message me and I will get it you! :)


This week, our 7th graders started talking about the Cell Cycle and our 8th graders kept looking at Chemical Reactions. In the comments are links to videos for this week!

Sidenote- As I've said in class, we have been in school for over 2 months now. We should be in to our "normal" routines as habits now, such as bringing supplies, getting settled into our class time, etc. My expectations are students will be prepared when they get to class, have all of their assignments ready, and be on task. :)


I've spoke with many parents about the Duke Talent Identification Program. If you would like more information, please click on this link to learn more!

Duke TIP Announces 37th Annual 7th Grade Talent Search—October 6, 2016 | Duke TIP DURHAM, NC—The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is pleased to announce its 37th annual 7th Grade Talent Search for academically advanced students. The 7th Grade Talent Search invites gifted students in the seventh grade to take college entrance exams (the ACT or SAT) alongsid...

Timeline photos 03/10/2016

7th Grade!! Test tomorrow!

Timeline photos 30/09/2016

! Our 7th graders will test on Tuesday over chapter 2 (Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes). They will come home with a study guide!

Help your student succeed! Spend 10 minutes each day this weekend reading over and quizzing your student!


I'm trying to get a video of this... Really cool stuff!


Last week, we witnessed the chemical reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide decompose into Water and Oxygen gas. The yeast in the bottom of the beaker acted as a catalyst and the foam was created as the liquid soap captured the oxygen gas. The food dye added color! It was a lot of fun! (Ask your student about Elephant Toothpaste!)

Our 8th graders will start working on balancing chemical equations and drawing models of these reactions.

On Tuesday, our 7th graders will test over Chapter 2. We did our test guide in class today and now they have 4 days to study! Help them do their best! :)


We've had a lot of fun over the past week working with candy bars and minerals, learning about Mass, Volume, and Density. This week we started working on Chemical and Physical Properties and what scientists can do with this information! Check out the videos in the comments.

Also, our 8th graders will have a test tomorrow, and will come home today with a study guide!

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