Greetings SHS alumni! Our good friend and classmate Jim Flanagan has asked us to spread the word far and wide to meet up in Summit this Thanksgiving weekend.
Where: The Hat Tavern at The Grand Summit Hotel
When: Saturday evening, November 30, 2019
What: Cash bar - closes at midnight
Why: Because every 5 years is just too long to wait
Jim says: “Bring a classmate, a date, your kids over 21!” Let’s tell everyone we know!
Summit High School Class of 1976, Summit, NJ
This is the Summit High School, Summit, NJ, Class of 1976's FB page where our class members can respectfully share pictures, thoughts, music, and memories.
40th Reunion - here's the link to our FB event page that includes all the photos from that great weekend in September of 2016!

Planting of our memorial tree in front of the high school which wrapped up our 40th reunion weekend (Sept. 16-18, 2016). The tree, sponsored by Bob Cotterell, is the Class of '76's gift to Summit High School in honor and remembrance of those classmates who are no longer with us.
Everyone please send out invites to our page so that all of our classmates will be included.