The Video Math Tutor

The Video Math Tutor

Mathematics is Now Fun and Easy to Learn! HELLO! My name is Luis. I am a professional math tutor with over 33 years tutoring experience.

I majored in Mathematics and minored in Computer Science while in college. I attended both the University of Arizona and Arizona State University. I have trained other tutors and have had up to 60 tutors working for me at one point. I can tutor math in English or Spanish since I am fluent in both languages. I am proficient in using most calculator brands and models (TI, Casio, Sharp, and HP) and c


We could all use a parallelogran right about now.


How many degrees is it where you are?


So tell us… who’s your favorite mathematician?


This lesson by my friend Matt Vaudrey is about mullets! It uses mullets as a context to help students build conceptual understanding about ratios. It's tons of fun and guaranteed to be memorable.



Wish I found this sooner!


Homework starting to pile up? Maple Student Edition can help, and it’s 25% off until Oct. 31!


3.14 is Pi Day. (That is, unless your country styles the date as 14.3, in which case you could have scones or cake or something.)


Happy Pi Day!

It is March 14 today and it goes 3.14159265359.... 🤯

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