Marcia Woodhouse Music

Marcia Woodhouse Music


Music Theatre, Singing and Piano lessons, on a one-to-one basis. Also group classes available in Singing.

I have been an established teacher since 1986, with Associate and Licentiate Diplomas in Piano and Singing, both achieved with honours. I have constantly entered students for exams, using the London College Of Music, and have achieved outstanding results over the years. I am also the local representative for the London College Of Music. As well as teaching vocal and playing technique, my main objective is to make sure everyone enjoys the art of making music, and trying to keep it fun.

Operating as usual


The power of music.....thanks to Music with Mar.'s Brain Facts Page for sharing.....♫


The lovely Caitlin with her grade 1 Music Theatre certificate. The first exam is always difficult with not knowing what to expect but she handled it brilliantly 👏

Photos from Marcia Woodhouse Music's post 17/07/2024

Last Starlets class till September but also John's last class with us. He's been a member of the group since middle school and now in 6th form has decided to move on. We're going to miss him.....who's going to make me giggle for no reason in the middle of a song? 😀


When we sing, sound comes out of our mouth at approximately 75 miles per hour


47 years after his death, Elvis Presley is still the best selling solo artist of all time, with over 1 billion sales worldwide.


Exam results have now been released. All passed with some great results. Well done everyone!


Thought I'd resurrect the music fun facts that I used to do, starting with one I shared before but is probably one of my favourites.


Yep 🙄


Alfie with his piano grade 2 distinction and already talking about grade 3 🎼🎵🙂

Photos from Marcia Woodhouse Music's post 11/01/2024

Evie and Izzie who both took their step 2 piano exam and passed with distinctions 🎹🎶


So with all lessons finished for this year I would like to wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas. I can't help thinking the last Starlets class everyone did say what was top of their Christmas list.....all I can say is....I hope Santa has won the lottery 😆🎁🎄

Click here to view the tribute page for Patricia WATTS 04/12/2023

I have a lot to thank this lady for. She taught me through my final grades and diplomas in piano and singing and supported me in my early days as a teacher.

Click here to view the tribute page for Patricia WATTS Friends and family can add photos, memories and messages on their lasting tribute page today.


Room all set up ready for my first session as a music theory invigilator 😊


First day back after a 5 week break. Ready to welcome everyone back as well as some new starters 🎹🎤🎼

Photos from Marcia Woodhouse Music's post 22/07/2023

This is piano student Evie who has just finished year 6 at Race Leys school and won this award for her achievements in music 🤩

Photos from Marcia Woodhouse Music's post 19/07/2023

The last Starlets class before the summer break and this is what the gorgeous Lucy gave me 🥰


Ciaran with If Ever I Would Leave You from Camelot


Alfie took grade 1.... his first piano exam...and totally smashed it with a distinction 😊


Not piano but Music Theatre for Megan with her grade 3 certificate 😄


George took a grade 1....his very first piano exam...and was so excited to pick up his certificate today 😀


Lovely Evie who totally smashed her step 1 piano exam with a distinction 😁


This is the beautiful, happy face of Soraya. She took her very first piano exam and got a distinction! 😊


At the end of another year I'm reminded that this is my 36th Christmas as a music teacher, and what a 36 years it's been! With the events of 2020/2021 I honestly thought that it could bring about the end of my business.....but here we are!
2022 has seen, yet again, two very successful exam sessions with some students taking their very first steps onto the exam ladder, with some excellent results.
My aim for 2023 is just to carry on encouraging and trying to bring out the best in all my students and making them believe that they can go confidently onwards towards the dream that they have imagined for themselves.
So to everyone I'd like to say Merry Christmas.....Happy Holidays....and I hope for everyone, a bright and prosperous New Year 😘

Photos from Marcia Woodhouse Music's post 12/10/2022

So when you sing 'Any Dream Will Do' it's perfectly normal to have 4 Joseph's....isn't it?

Photos from Marcia Woodhouse Music's post 05/10/2022

So tonight we had hats for The Sun Has Got His Hat On and hula skirts and flowers for Under The Sea.....a big shout out to John and Ethan for not hesitating to join in with the dressing up 😀


Ciaran with one of his favourite songs 'A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square '


Fun fact:
In 2016 Mozart sold more cd's than Beyonce


The lovely John with his grade 1 music theatre certificate 😊

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Videos (show all)

So with all lessons finished for this year I would like to wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas. I can't help th...
Ciaran with If Ever I Would Leave You from Camelot
Ciaran with one of his favourite songs 'A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square '
I Don't Understand The Poor
Heaven On Their Minds
Over The Rainbow 🌈
The lovely Kate playing one of her grade 6 pieces 'Corocco Molto'


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 12:00