Family in Feast and Feria

Family in Feast and Feria


Family Life in the ebb and flow of the feasts and ordinary time of the Liturgical Year by Jennifer Gregory Miller.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd catechist and AMI Montessori Primary Diploma.

Operating as usual

Liturgical Highlights: Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum 26/03/2024

My Holy Week post at Catholic Culture.

Liturgical Highlights: Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum A look at Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum at the liturgy and celebrating at home. Family liturgical living for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.


I have updated a few Lenten files on my blog for 2024. See


Supplement for the Lent for Children Daily Display for 2024 – Family in Feast and Feria Supplement for the Lent for Children Daily Display for 2024 February 13, 2024 / Jennifer Gregory Miller / 0 Comments I have updated and uploaded the Supplement for the Lent for Children Daily Display for 2024 to go with the Lent for Children Daily Display. The main document has not been updated, so....

Entering Lent with Child-Like Love 13/02/2024

My Lenten approach as we go into Ash Wednesday:

Entering Lent with Child-Like Love Entering Lent with a child-like approach: joy, wonder, love. Not looking as privation, but an opportunity for deepening our love with Jesus.

Advent Resources 2023 – Family in Feast and Feria 30/11/2023

I just updated my Advent resources on my blog. It's nice to know I still have friends who use these. I'm happy to keep updating!

Advent Resources 2023 – Family in Feast and Feria Advent Resources 2023 November 29, 2023 / Jennifer Gregory Miller / 0 Comments Collected links and files of my Advent Resources. Advent 2023 begins on December 3. In 2021 I posted at Celebrating Advent Essentially which highlights key aspects to celebrating the Advent season. Thi...

Through the Year with Tomie de Paola – Family in Feast and Feria 15/09/2023

See my latest review on "Through the Year with Tomie de Paola".

Through the Year with Tomie de Paola – Family in Feast and Feria Through the Year with Tomie de Paola September 15, 2023 / Jennifer Gregory Miller / 0 Comments I’m so thrilled about the latest book, Through the Year with Tomie de Paola. I posted a review at I received my copy of Through the Year with Tomie de Paola, published by Magnificat ...

Upcoming Calendar Highlights: Pentecost Week Edition 27/05/2023

My latest at Catholic Culture, looking ahead at Pentecost and the week.

Upcoming Calendar Highlights: Pentecost Week Edition Pentecost marks the end of the Easter season. First week or octave is full of activity: the Ember Days, Mary, Mother of the Church, the Visitation, and the feast of the Holy Trinity.

Oil Eater Original 32 oz All-Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser - Dissolve Grease & Oil Stains - Automotive, Kitchen and Outdoor – Pack of 2 10/03/2023

I just discovered a product that removes oil spots from fabric--Oil Eater. I was tackling atrium prayer table cloths that had wax spots and tried this degreaser. It worked so easily. I scraped off the extra candle wax, sprayed and washed the fabric. I'm just tickled pink on how great my prayer cloths look and how easy!

Oil Eater Original 32 oz All-Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser - Dissolve Grease & Oil Stains - Automotive, Kitchen and Outdoor – Pack of 2 Oil Eater Original Cleaner & Degreaser Ultra concentrated formula . Non-corrosive, Non-toxic, & Biodegradable Approved for Food Service Facilites (A1, A4 & A8). Water based. Low VOC. Meets Boeing D6-17487 rev. p Excellent performance. Superior value

Looking Ahead: March 4-20 03/03/2023

Two new posts today:

Looking Ahead: March 4-20 Upcoming reminders of St. Joseph, St. Patrick, March 4-20 on Liturgical Calendar, Sundays of Lent with the Transfiguration, the Samaritan Woman at the Well and Laetare Sunday.

Paschal Candle for the Home 2023 – Family in Feast and Feria 23/02/2023

I know it's more than 40 days away, but I have updated my Paschal Candle design for 2023.

Paschal Candle for the Home 2023 – Family in Feast and Feria Paschal Candle for the Home 2023 February 23, 2023 / Jennifer Gregory Miller / 0 Comments This is an update to the Quick Paschal Candle design. April 2, 2023 is Palm Sunday and begins Holy Week. Easter is April 9, 2023. Below is the 2023 update for the my home Paschal Candle. Paschal Candle 2023 pdf...


Today is the day! The 25th Annual Virtual St. Joseph Altar is now open and accepting your virtual offerings. Visit for all the details!

Upcoming Calendar Highlights: Beginning of Lent, February 22-March 3 17/02/2023

I'm trying to make this series a regular habit. Here's my latest post at Catholic Culture, thinking about early Lent:

Upcoming Calendar Highlights: Beginning of Lent, February 22-March 3 Preparing for Lent with reading suggestions, podcast and website links, looking at saints' feast days and how they are treated in Lent, looking ahead to St. Joseph and St. Patrick, cookbook and decluttering ideas.

Upcoming Calendar Highlights: February 10-22 10/02/2023

My latest post at Catholic Culture, covering February 10-22.

Upcoming Calendar Highlights: February 10-22 A preview into the Liturgical Calendar for February 10-22, including St. Scholastica, Our Lady of Lourdes, Cyril and Methodius, St. Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras / Carnival and preparing for Lent.

Drinking with the Saints Podcast 16/09/2022

I recommend the Drinking with the Saints Podcast with Michael and Alexandra Foley. Very delightful!

Drinking with the Saints Podcast Drinking with the Saints Podcast by Michael and Alexandra Foley is a fun and informative podcast for liturgical living in the Liturgical Year, with great stories of saints and cocktail mixing and drinking to connect to the saint or feast of the day.

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