Parents we will be finishing up our junior high football season tomorrow with the 7th grade playing at 4:15 PM at North Polk and the 8th grade playing at the PCM middle school at 4:30 PM. On Tuesday 10/16/18 we will turn in equipment after school. Please make sure the practice shirt, pants and game jersey are washed and ready to turn in on Tuesday. Please pass the word! Thanks for your support!
PCM Middle School Football 7/8
Announcements and Information for the PCM MS Football Program.
Junior high football will have it's first game on Thursday, September 7 with Gilbert. The 8th grade will play at Gilbert on the high school field and the 7th grade will play at the middle school in Prairie City. We will turn around and play game two on Tuesday, September 12 with Grinnell. That game the 8th grade plays at home in Prairie City and the 7th grade will play in Grinnell. The coaching staff has announced to the team that the Saydel game coming up on the 28th of September will just be an 8th grade game only except for a few 7th graders. That game will be played in Prairie City. Please share this information with friends and family.
Parents, important forms are being sent home for the 2017 season. Our first game is September 7 with Gilbert. Our first day of school is on August 28. We will be running a junior high football camp on August 22, 23, 24 and 25 from 4 PM to 6 PM each day. It's very important with the few practices that we have that your athlete comes with all forms filled out ready to go. It would be great if your son can attend camp which will give him 4 extra days of practice before that first game. If you have any questions contact Coach Dahms.
Dear parents -
The PCM Booster Clubs, with the support of our superintendent, principal and activities director, are requesting that our athletic teams/activities each work just two weeks of concession stand duty out of the whole year. They have asked that our team (players, parents, coaches) volunteer to work in our concession stand for the upcoming winter sports season:
Let's show our support to the Booster Clubs for the continued support they provide to our team. They have been very generous to us the last few years. Seniors, please keep in mind that you can use this time toward your community service hours requirement for graduation.
Please use this link to sign up to work:
Attention 8th grade players and coaches: You are all invited to an end-of-the-season party! Come and celebrate your amazing season this Sunday, October 23rd from 1-5pm at Jacob Van Winkle's house, 12064 Hwy S6G, Prairie City. It's located east across the hwy from the Brethren Church. Sandwiches, chips, drinks and desserts will be provided. Please RSVP to Kristine Van Winkle at [email protected], 515-210-0639 or Jenna Strum at [email protected], 515-975-2472 by Friday, October 21st so we can assure we have enough food for this crew!
Parents, I just found out this afternoon that they are doing something special at the varsity game on Friday. Junior High players that come in their game jersey will get in the game free. There is also a group picture after the game. This conflicts with the fact we are turning in our equipment tomorrow. So, we will allow the players to have the option of turning in their jersey tomorrow if they are not going to be at the game Friday or turn it by next Tuesday. All other equipment should be turned in tomorrow no matter what day they are turning in their game jersey.
The Varsity Football team would like to invite all future Mustangs as their special guests to the game on Friday October 21. IF YOU WEAR YOUR MUSTANG GAME JERSEY TO THE GAME, YOU WILL GET IN FREE! Please help to make a tunnel at the beginning of the game and again at halftime down by the east stairs. After the game we will be taking a mass picture on the track right at 50 yard line, so make sure you stick around to end of game!! Come celebrate your season and cheer the Varsity team on to a victory!!
Thanks parents for all your support this past season! Our coaching staff enjoyed working with your sons! I am already looking forward to watching these boys play at the high school level. A big shout out to Coach Strum who was a volunteer coach this season.We greatly appreciated his time and expertise to help our players and teams. On Tuesday we will have the players turn their equipment in. Please make sure items are washed and ready to be turned in that day. We should be done shortly after 4 PM and we will have a shuttle bus to Monroe.Thanks again for your support!
Help is needed in the concession this week, starting with the JV game TONIGHT at the HS, Thursday's 7th grade game at the MS and the varsity game Friday night at the HS. MS and HS volleyball still needs just a few workers Tuesday night, too. Boys HS basketball is in the HS stand this week and 8th grade football is responsible for the MS stand. But remember, anyone can sign up to help out. Thanks!
In case your son has not shared with you the Pella Christian game has changed sites. Instead of playing at our high school field we will be playing that game at Pella Christian. The date and time are the same as before but the site has changed.
This week we have Roland-Story. The 8th grade will play at home in Prairie City and the 7th grade will be at Story City. Game times are at 4:30 PM at both sites. The 7th grade will play just an "A" game. We haven't heard back from Roland-Story if we are playing a "B" game in addition to our "A" game for the 8th grade team. We will announce to the 8th grade what we are doing as soon as that information comes in.
Our PCM administration has asked us not to practice this Friday after the homecoming parade and we will honor that request. So, no practice on Friday of this week. Also one week from tomorrow on October 5 we have a two hour early out and there will be no practice that day as well. Go Mustangs!
Attention 7th Grade Parents: The 7th grade players will receive a sack lunch after the game on Thursday night for the ride home from Roland-Story donated by some parents. We are looking for donations for the Pella Christian game sack lunch. Please contact Christy Lindsay - [email protected] Thanks.
The Jr High teams will be in action today with Nevada. The 7th grade plays at home in Prairie City and the 8th grade in Nevada. Because of their low numbers we will only be playing an "A" game at both sites. Both games start at 4:30 PM. The 8th grade game will be played on a practice field west of the high school. Parents should bring a lawn chair. The high school is located on the northeast part of town. Sorry we are getting this news to you late. We got this information late yesterday. We hope your son shared this with you last night. Because we are only playing an A game the 8th grade team will not be playing everyone today. They are welcome to come along and watch. Again your son should of shared with you last night if they were not playing. On Friday we will shut down practice at 4:45 PM with the Monroe bus leaving at 5 PM. We have a number of players and coaches that will be attending the varsity game at Central Lee.
Attention 8th grade parents: We will be offering a sack lunch to all players, managers and coaches for next Thursday's game at Nevada. Pete's Super Value has graciously offered to put these together as they do for the high school football team. Sack lunches are $5.00 per person and will include a sandwich, fruit, cheese stick, granola bar and a bottle of water. They will be handed out as they board the bus for Nevada to eat on the way. Please pay Coach Strum by Tuesday, September 20th. Let Jenna Strum know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Parents! Our first junior high games are on Tuesday September 13 with Grinnell. 7th grade will be at Grinnell with the game being played at the high school. Because of our numbers we will only be playing a 7th grade "A" game. The 8th grade team will play at home at the middle school in Prairie City. The 8th grade will play both an "A" and a "B" squad game with the "A" team playing first. Games at home and at Grinnell start at 4:30 PM.
We had a situation come up today and will change our schedule on Tuesday and Wednesday with our two hour early outs. Right after school the football team will report to the auditorium until 3:10 PM. At that time we will start practice. Practice will go until 5:15 PM and the Monroe shuttle bus will leave at 5:25 PM. Please pass the word! Thanks!
A letter and forms were sent home last week for the upcoming season. The first day of practice will be the first day of school despite a 2 hour early out schedule. Four forms need to be turned in that day for players to participate in practice. Also included with the letter was forms for the summer strength and conditioning camp and the PCM football camp.
On Tuesday we will turn in equipment after school. We are going to have a shuttle bus at 4:15. Please make sure that pants and jerseys are washed. Again thanks for your support this past season!
Thanks parents for all your support this season! A big shout out to all the parents that ran the chain gang, supplied the away game meals, and donated water bottles! We appreciated all your help! I am very proud of the accomplishments that our 8th grade made this season despite many adversities. We lost 3 of our starting 5 linemen at the start of the season and thank goodness for some boys that switched from wide receivers to linemen. Believe me that is a tough switch. We also dealt with a number of injuries that held us back. Despite it all we were competitive in all of our games except Pella Christian. We tried to make sure all of our boys got some significant minutes every game even though our opponents didn't do that. Overall just real proud of our 8th graders! I am also very proud of our 7th grade team! They came up a little short of an undefeated season which is a tough thing to do especially with our schedule. I am very certain they will come back more determined next season to accomplish that task! I am so excited to see these two classes join our talented freshmen group in the next few years! Our varsity has some great things going right now and I am positive these younger players will keep the Mustangs on a roll! Thanks again for your support!
8th grade parents, our 8th grade game with Gilbert is on Tuesday, October 20 instead of this Thursday. I had an email today that they want to have a 5:30 PM start versus the 4:30 PM start. So, plan on that happening. The 7th grade game that will be played here will start at the normal 4:30 PM time on Tuesday, October 20.
Both the 7th and 8th grade games will be played at Pella Christian on Monday. The 8th grade game will start at 4:15 PM. We will play a normal 4 quarter game with no 5th quarter. The 7th grade game will be played after the 8th grade game and we will only play 2 quarters since Pella Christian only has 13 7th grade players. Because of this situation we will not be taking our entire 7th grade team. A note was sent home with our players last Thursday to inform players who was going and who was not going to this game. There is an optional practice with Coach Ahrendsen for those that do not go to the game.
Also note there is no practice on Tuesday, October 13. We will have shorten practices Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We are looking to be done around 5 PM each of those days. The Gilbert game scheduled for October 15 has been moved to Tuesday October 20. The 7th grade will play at Prairie City that day and the 8th grade will be traveling to Gilbert. Game times on that date are both at 4:30 PM.
Parents the 8th grade game with Pella Christian on Monday October 12 will start at 4:15 PM instead of the normal 4:30 PM starting time. The 7th grade game will follow up after the 8th grade game is done.
Today the 7th grade will be at North Polk. They will play both an "A" and a full "B" team games. Parents make sure you sign out your player with the coaches if you want to take them home after their game. The 8th grade will be in Prairie City playing just an "A" game. We could use 3 parents to run the chains.
On Monday both the 7th and 8th grade teams will be at Pella Christian. The 8th grade will play first followed by the 7th grade game. The 8th grade will play a normal A team game only. Pella Christian only has 13 players for their 7th grade team and so currently they only want to play a 2 quarter game. Because of that we will not take our entire 7th grade team (we have close to 40 players). Those players not going to the game will possibly have a practice at Prairie City. The coaches are to let players know today or at the latest Friday who is going to this game and who will be staying to practice. The "C" game with North Polk on this date had to be cancelled.
Parents, here is a link for signing up for snacks for the Pella Christian games coming up in a few weeks. Both the 7th and 8th grades will be playing at Pella on the same night.
Oct. 12 @ Pella Christian- post game snacks Due to the short drive, we won't provide a full supper for the team; but rather some quick snacks to refuel.
The 7th grade team will be at Story City on Thursday. There will be an A game and then a 5th quarter after that. Parents if you wish to take your athlete home with you see one of the coaches to sign them out. Only parents are allowed to sign out students unless other arrangements have made with our principal a day in advance. The 8th grade team will play in Prairie City. We need 3 parents to run the chains. Because both teams only have 17 players we will be playing just a normal 4 quarter game. Remember on home games there is no shuttle bus to Monroe. Both games start at 4:30 PM. Good luck Mustangs!
7th grade parents - We will need 3 volunteers to run the chains Thursday vs Nevada if anyone is interested.
Parents if your child is playing at home a reminder that there is no shuttle bus to Monroe. If your child plays away make sure you sign them out with the coaches.
This week the 7th grade is at home versus Nevada. There will be an A game and a 5th quarter. The 8th grade will be at Nevada. The field is on the northeast part of town right by a wind turbine. Since both 8th grades are low on numbers we will be just playing one game. Good luck Mustangs!
Best of luck to our 7th and 8th grade teams tomorrow! 7th grade is at the high school in Grinnell. There will be two games. 7th grade parents must sign out your child if you want them to ride home with you. The 8th grade will play at the middle school in Prairie City. There will be only one game here. Games will start at 4:30 PM. Please have your athletes bring a water bottle. Don't forget pictures will be on Friday.
PCM Homecoming Apparel orders due 9/18. Check out the cool design and apparel at Go Mustangs!
8th grade parents,
Nevada Meals for 8th Grade Football Team 8th Grade Football Families- Please consider signing up to donate food for the 8th grade football players, bus driver, managers and coaches to enjoy after their away game in Nevada. The kids and coaches appreciated the meals last year and the coaching staff has ok'd for us to do it again this year.…
The 7th grade game with Grinnell will also have a B game because each team has close to 40 players. The 8th grade game will not have a B game because each team has only 20 players. 7th grade parents on Oct 12 we have a game with Pella Christian. We are splitting up our 7th grade that day with some going to Pella and others going to North Polk. We will let players know at a later date who is going where.