EUGEN - EUropean GEosciences students Network
The EUropean GEosciences students Network is an association that organizes annual meetings in europe to help students of geoscience get more connected.
What is EUGEN? EUGEN is the abbreviation for the ‘EUropean GEosciences students Network’. The main goal of the EUGEN association is to organize annual meetings in Europe for geoscience students from all over the world. The name ‘EUGEN’ has become a synonym for this meeting. The idea of EUGEN was born in the summer of 1995 during the national meeting of german geology students. The very first EUGEN
Operating as usual

Eugen 2025 in Poland 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Here is the link to the official homepage for further information.
EuGeN 2024 | EuGeN 2024 For the EUGEN 2024, 29/7 – 4/8, get ready to not be able to pronounce any formation namesand please remember to pack sunscreen, swimsuit, some oui oui and leave lots of space forbaguettes and wine, because we will be going to France! More specifically to the beautifulSisteron in the Pro...