Next podcast episode is up! This time, we're chatting about superposition, joined by physicist Stefan Leichenauer. It’s tricky to explain this idea *well* to general audiences without using linear algebra, but we had fun with the challenge.
The fAQ on superposition - ep 02
What is superposition?! And what does it have to do with qubits and quantum technology? Tai-Danae and Adam are joined by Stefan Leichenauer, VP of Engineerin...
In some fun news, today I launched a new video podcast with my coworker Adam Green, a great science communicator at SandboxAQ (prev at Khan Academy), where we chat about different ideas and applications in (quantum) physics, math, & more. It's called fAQ!
The target audience is very broad & includes any curious human who wants to learn more about these ideas. We hope these informal chats might help make the concepts more accessible to wide audiences.
The fAQ on fAQ - ep 00
Welcome to Sandbox AQ’s podcast, fAQ, hosted by Adam Green and Tai-Danae Bradley. This new series features casual conversations on topics in AI and quantum t...
I’m looking forward to heading to NYC next month for a two-day event on category theory and entropy. On May 11, John Baez and I will give introductory talks on the topic, followed by an all-day symposium on May 13 with talks by David Spivak, Arthur Parzygnat, Owen Lynch, and Tom Mainiero. It will be held at the CUNY Graduate Center, and you can join live on Zoom or watch the recordings later. More info here! https://johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com/2022/04/19/categorical-semantics-of-entropy/