Forrest/Lamar Cattlemen's Association
Striving to educate and serve the cattle producers of Forrest and Lamar Counties in South Mississipp
Operating as usual

Update as of 12/8: those remaining spots went fast! The school is now full and the link below will now add you to the waiting list.
Still looking for a unique Christmas gift for the cattle enthusiast in your life?
Spring AI School spots are going fast, and there are only 9 spots still available as of today. We'd love to have you in in Starkville in March!
Make sure you go to t3brangus.com and sign up to receive your sale catalog for the upcoming 2nd Annual Pine Belt Alliance Sale.

Huge thanks to T3 Brangus for sponsoring last nights member meeting! It was a great turnout and it was a pleasure getting to be at Smith Farms-Purvis, MS. They were excellent hosts, with an absolutely amazing facility. Also thanks to everyone that helped make this meeting such a great event! Be sure to check out the Pine Belt Alliance sale on November 25th!
It’s always good to see some new and familiar faces to share information and network with to help improve our members cattle operations.
We look forward to the next meeting so stay tuned for more information to be shared soon!

Join us at Smith Farms October 19th for our quarterly cattlemen's association meeting as T3 Brangus sponsors this meeting and gives us an inside look at the facility and some of the cattle that will be available at the 2nd Annual Pine Belt Alliance Sale that will be held on November 25th at the same facility. Be sure to check out their website( www.t3brangus.com ) to request a sale catalog and which bulls or females can improve your herd!
RSVP to the Lamar County Extension Office 601-794-3910 prior to 5 pm on October 16th to save your seat!

Farmers and landowners: As many of you are well aware, it has been very hot and extremely dry this summer. So much so that almost the entire state is dealing with drought. Hopefully the extreme heat has subsided but we are still dealing with the effects of dry conditions.
If you have pictures of drought stress in your crops or pasture you can help us help you! Please submit pictures to [email protected] along with a brief description as well as the location the photo was taken.
We will pass these along to the state climatologist who will use these to help with the accuracy of the drought impact. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 601-794-3910

PRF | Risk Associates, Inc Our Pasture, Rangeland & Forage program pays YOU when rainfall is less than 90% of normal, based on NOAA averages for your area!

Be sure to come out to Southeast Mississippi Livestock tomorrow to bid on some great bred replacement heifers to bring back to your farm.
Also make sure you stop to visit with our local member T3 Brangus while you’re there to find a great herd bull to meet your goals.
‼️22nd annual Southern Producers Replacement Heifers sale‼️
Tomorrow, AUGUST 26, 2023, is sale day at the Southeast MS Sale barn.
Sale barn is located on HWY 49 N Hattiesburg, MS. Sale start time is at 1 p.m.
If you are unable to come in person, we are offering an online service. On sale day, this can be located at www.cattleinmotion.com .
These producers have worked diligently to offer top quality heifers that will ALL be between 5 and 8 months bred, veterinarian checked!
If you have any questions, you may refer to the picture below for contact info!
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Check out T3 Brangus if you are in the market for a high quality herd bull!

Mark Your Calendar! Making Tracks will be held June 5-7 in Starkville. Only the first 50 applicants will be accepted.
Making Tracks is a 3 day, 2 night camp held at Mississippi State University for kids entering 9th grade to age 21. There is a lot of opportunity to learn, while still having fun during this camp! We hope to see you there!
With questions you can contact us at 601-354-8951.
Link to sign up online is below:
Huge thanks to Southern AgCredit for sponsoring tonight’s quarterly, association membership meeting! We can’t thank them enough for all of their support and giving our members valuable information on their services!
We had a great turnout and really appreciate all of updates from two of our local FFA chapters(Brooklyn FFA Chapter and Sumrall FFA), Pine Belt Veterinary, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith’s office, and a research update from MS State MAFES White Sands Experiment Station.
Thanks to everyone for attending!

With proper management, alfalfa can be successfully incorporated into South MS forage systems. More info regarding establishment and care can be found athttps://extension.msstate.edu/sites/default/files/newsletter/forage-news/2008/11.pdf
Alfalfa production can be a viable option to increase the production of excellent hay quality in MS and across the south. When managed prooperly, pure stands for hay production can persist for about 4 years. Alfalfa can also be inccorporated into bermudagrass or bahiagrass for mixed hay or grazing systems. If you do not maintain adequate soil pH (6-6.5) and good levels of soil P and K, then alfalfa might not be a good fit for your operation.
This photo was taken two weeks ago in a second year field in Money, MS. Photo courtesy of Dr. Asa Bennett.

Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Lamar County resident Trey Cuevas on being selected as this years MS Cattlemen of the Year. This award is well deserved. Trey and the entire T3 Brangus team work extremely hard day in and day out to produce some of the best cattle around. We are extremely proud of his selection for this award!
Trey Cuevas of T3 Brangus was selected as this years Cattlemen of the Year. Congratulations to Trey and his family.

Join us next Thursday, December 15th at the Forrest County Extension Office in Hattiesburg for our meeting sponsored by Forrest County Board of Supervisors Title III - Firewise, with a presentation by Mr. Mike Keene of Southeast MS Livestock.
RSVP by 5 pm on December 12th for meal planning purposes.

Join us on August 18th at the Forrest County Extension Office as T3 Brangus sponsors our meeting. Their upcoming sale along with Pine Belt Alliance on November 26th will be one you won't want to miss. Go to t3brangus.com to sign up to receive a catalog prior to the sale.
Stone County Extension Agent Mr. Brad Jones will give a presentation on the importance of herd sire selection.
Please RSVP prior to 5 pm on August 16th for meal planning purposes to 601-794-3910.

Making Smart Decisions with Your Fertilizer Application. Make Wise and Not Desperate Decisions.
Today, I received a message about a producer that wants to use a liquid fertilizer with a fertilizer grade of 15-10-5. After searching the web and the product label indicated a product density of 11 lbs per gallon and the cost is $60 per gallon. Not only that, the rep of the product told the producer that he only needed to apply 1 quart per acre. Here is the real math:
How much fertilizer is per gallon?
N (lb/gal) = 1.65
P (lb/gal) = 1.10
K (lb/gal) = 0.55
So 70% is water (you are paying for a very expensive water). That means that if only need a quart, you only applying 0.4125 lb N/gal. How do you apply a quart of this product per acre? That’s lot of water to haul to a field.
Here is the real kick:
If you are applying a N fertilizer at a rate of 50 units of N per acre, you will need 30.3 gallons of this product per acre that amounts to $1,818 per acre.
Folks use common sense and do the math to make a wise decision based on science rather than testimonials. Despite of the increase in N fertilizer prices, do a logical comparison before drinking the cool-aid from a sale’s pitch. Contact your local County Extension to collect a soil sample and develop an efficient and economically justifiable nutrient management plan.

There is an upcoming FAMACHA training that will take place in Jones County at Grazing Way Farm on May 20th. Please see flyer for more information. If you have any questions, please contact the Jones County Extension Office at 601-428-5201.

We will have two Private Applicator Trainings this month. One will be at 10am on April 22nd and the other at 5:30pm on April 25th. They will both be at the Forrest County Extension Office. The cost is $20. Please call 601-545-6083 to RSVP.

Huge thanks to Ware Milling Co for sponsoring a horsemanship clinic for 4H youth in the Southeast district this weekend.

Now is a great time to get out and scout your fields for troublesome thistles!
We came across an impressive thistle specimen today while on a farm visit ( and headed to 4-H shooting sports practice ) . It needs spraying or removing quickly, prior to flowering, to help prevent spread in this pasture. Spring is the time to be proactive on w**d control for many lawn and pasture w**ds. Let us know if we can help with plant identification and control plans.

Sorry not the best pic! I’ll try to help as best as I can with this if y’all need any help reading it!

Mark your calendars for April 23!
We are excited to share what we've been up to at the Beef Unit from a management and research standpoint. Join us for a day of talks and applied demonstrations and stick around for lunch and a tour!
RSVP by phone 662-325-3516 or email [email protected]!

Join us on Thursday March 31st for an educational presentation on animal nutrition
Huge thanks to our sponsors Farmhouse Flowers and Feed!
Please RSVP to 601-794-3910 by 5 pm March 28th for meal planning purposes.

EDIT: Spring AI School is currently full. To be added to the waiting list please email [email protected].
Twice a year we host Cattle Artificial Insemination Schools, and they fill up quickly. Our next course is coming up March 10-12 in Starkville. Course size is limited to 30 participants so register soon!
Details and registration here: http://extension.msstate.edu/content/ai-school