We can help!
W^2 Tutoring is a tutoring service for students of all ages.
We are not just to help a student catch up in their classes, but we also aid students in advancing in their classes.
Operating as usual
We can help!
Spanish lesson time!
Starting week 2! We still have room!
We begin Monday! There is still time to register. Message me for details.
Registration is still available for the Summer Program. Sign up before all slots are full.
We have a few more spots available. Start date is Monday June 6th.
We are here to help. Space is limited.
If you are needing some help for E-learning days, send me a message. We are here to help.
W Square Tutoring Send a message to learn more
We are offering virtual sessions. This will allow your student to have assistance during virtual classes and to stay on task. We are here to help you have a successful year.
Our Summer Study Program starts tomorrow. Spaces are filling up. Let us help you!
Last day of Virtual Classes. This was a great school year!
If you are still interested in the Summer Study Program, we only have a limited amount of spots available. Contact us to reserve a spot for your student.
We are still accepting registration forms for the Summer Study Program. Spaces are limited.
Looking for somewhere for you child to go this summer? We can help you out!
Monday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Tuesday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Wednesday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Thursday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Friday | 08:30 - 17:30 |