Roosevelt at Hofstra rewrites rules of institutions to align them with our values. We are equitable, imaginative, visionary, pragmatic, and inspired. Why?
If you're searching for a meaningful way to impact the community, we can provide you with an intellectual home that validates your ideas, and provides you with a platform and tools to see them brought to fruition. Roosevelt is home to the nation’s largest network of emerging thinkers and doers -- young people operating on 130 campuses in 40 states who are committed to reimagining and rewriting the
rules in their communities. Roosevelt was founded because young people found that we were asked to be boots on the ground for campaigns, asked to give money that we don't have, but not asked for our ideas. We believe that it matters who writes the rules, not just that they're re-written, and that young people are a group who deserves a seat at the table in that process. We’re members of the Roosevelt Institute, the country’s largest network of emerging thinkers and doers—a community that rethinks and reshapes everything from local policy to federal legislation, orienting toward a new economic and political system built by the many for the good of all. Because Roosevelters believe that until economic and social rules work for all, they’re not working. Roosevelters are active voters in local and national elections;
93 percent of us voted or participated in the last election and plan to vote in the next one. We are student leaders on campus, advocates in our communities, and emerging political and civic leaders. We are Latino/a, Black, white, Asian and Pacific Islander, and more. We are male, female, and gender non-conforming. We come from more than 160 colleges and universities, represent different cultural and geographical regions, and reflect a wide range of economic backgrounds. While it is impossible for any single group to represent an entire generation, we do represent a critical slice of the politically engaged and informed young people who mobilize and activate in our communities. And we’re taking responsibility for our country’s future. We also recognize that our future is dependent on changing who gets to write the rules. Our solutions, people-powered campaigns, and steps forward will face opposition as long as money matters more than votes and the system is more responsive to those who can pay to play. We ask our decision-makers and peers: In the face of powerful lobbyists, entrenched interests, and a moribund political system, will you stand with us?