Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training

Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training

Contact us for AHA and Stop The Bleed Classes.

Operating as usual

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 23/05/2024

Happy National Stop The Bleed Day! šŸ©ø This morningā€™s class was hosted at the COA Water Plant in the Westlake Hills area. We had a great group of students who were excited to get the life-saving information and put their skills to test on their coworkers, lol. šŸ©ø Did you know that uncontrolled bleeding is the leading cause of preventable death in trauma patients?

It accounts for 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide.

This month and , make sure you and your loved ones are trained in life-saving bleeding control techniques. You could save a life.




Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 27/04/2024

2023/2024 with my sponsor sign.
Today was day one of our classes & everyone seemed to have a great time!
Working on gear reset now for the next four classes.
This is such a wonderful and positive environment and absolutely what I needed.

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 24/04/2024

The sort-of advantage to cameras ā€” I can see exactly where I left my bag of strawberries/pineapples.
If all else fails, I know my wounds and training stuff will make it to CO on time!


Itā€™s a great day for training! Stop the Bleed training for UPD and EM Dept. šŸ©ø

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 17/02/2024

Today was Stop The Bleed at Lockhart HS and then BLS at TXST. Thankful to be able to work with the students of Lockhart HS and the TXST organization! šŸ©øšŸ©ŗšŸ«€


Showing off my sternum and arteries for a combined Stop The Bleed, Compressions-Only CPR, and Narcan Admin class with Leadership San Marcos. Great group of people and I cant wait to see what they do with their Class Project.

Chelsea & Molly Ann Thank you for the invite!


Itā€™s fine. Everything is fine.
Pod in the sun is really warm.


First STB class of the year with TXST UPD! šŸ©ø Fun little 30 person class ā€” they also learned CRASE and rounded out the afternoon with self defense/Krav Maga. šŸ©ø


Hope you have a safe and enjoyable evening! šŸ’„

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 01/12/2023

šŸ§Doing some of my favorite things on my Hatching Day. šŸ©ø Picking Belle up from school and then S&S tonight! šŸŽ…šŸ¼


I hope you have a safe holiday ā€” and if you happen to get into a BF brawl at Walmart, I hope that you win! šŸ¦ƒšŸŽ„šŸ§


Sometimes itā€™s the little things! Everything really is better at Hā€‘Eā€‘B ā¤ļø


Just out here having fun! Still have 10 or so classes scheduled between now and December ā€” let me know if you want to get on the schedule! šŸ©ø

Photos from Street Medics Austin's post 21/07/2023

Great Information!

10 Water Safety Tips: From a Mom Who Investigates Drownings

I investigate drownings and Iā€™ve been a lifeguard for 27 years. I understand the realities of what can happen, often so quickly and quietly. I read a lot about water safety and tips telling parents paying attention to their children and not being distracted, which is so important. We see so many news articles about drowning during this time of year, but a lot of the advice isnā€™t practical and just highlights the problems, so I decided to write my own list of tips to help. Here is a list of 10 random things I do to keep my own kids safe in the water.

#1: Safety Briefings -
This actually started with a swim lesson procedure of making sure they always asked permission before entering the water. I have expanded it by having a little meeting about expectations. My kids now know to wait (sometimes impatiently continually asking me ā€œMom, what do we need to knowā€¦can we go yet?!?!?ā€) until I give my briefing. I outline where they can swim, jump in, how they can jump in, and anything else safety related. A great time to do this is while applying sunscreen. They also know the consequences if they donā€™t follow the safety rules.

These meetings are a way for me to teach my kids respect for the water. They obviously know it is dangerous, knowing what I do for work, but sometimes aquatic centers, waterparks, beaches, and pools look so fun and enticing, that it is easy to forget. I think as parents we need to be just as concerned with the safety as we are with the fun, but that takes effort. I think some people may not want to ruin the fun by adding in rules, but I know rules create boundaries, which gives freedom in safety. I also love including my children in the safety briefings. What do they think the rules should be? What do they see as dangerous? They have some amazing insights too and sometimes see things I didnā€™t think of right away!

#2: Depths of water vs. height -
My kids know depths of water and how to read them on the pool deck, and they know what it means related to their height. My 6 year old knows that 4 ft of water is over his head, and 3 1/2 ft of water is up to his eyes, which is still over his airway. My 8-year-old daughter knows that 4ft of water is at her eyes and she will need to tread and canā€™t have her airway out at this depth. This piece of knowledge helps them to make good decisions and helps them to understand how water depths are different for each person. Their taller friend may have no problem in the 4ft area, while they would need to tread or have trouble touching. Awareness of depth in relation to their body is important. This keeps me away from the ā€œBut mom, Jayden gets to go over thereā€¦ā€. Yes, he does, he is also 6ā€ taller than you are buddy!

#3: How to Get Away -
I jumped in fully clothed with my phone in my hand at my 8-year-old daughterā€™s all-star softball hotel swim session after a tournament. It was instinct, a 5-year-old boy panicked and grabbed onto a 4-year-old girl and they were both struggling. He was holding her down and trying to keep himself above the water. In I went and scooped both of them out. They were both naturally scared, and a little burping of water/air, but they were fine. We see this all the time in drowning events, swimmers who are okay on their own, have someone grab onto them because they are struggling and they canā€™t get away. I have taught, and I am still teaching my kids how to get away if someone grabs onto them. My daughter is a great swimmer, but I still donā€™t think she can tread water and keep her and another kid above the waterline. Iā€™ve taught them to suck, duck, tuck: Suck in air if you can (get a breath), duck under the water (the struggling person doesnā€™t want to go there), and tuck (use your arms and legs to push away) - and then yell for an adult immediately to help the other person.

Iā€™ve also taught them to be very careful of who they touch/grab onto in a pool. Even adults can be weaker swimmers and may have a hard time with them hanging on. Personal space is key.

#4: Distraction Reminders -
I ask my kids to keep me accountable. They know either myself or my husband should be watching them at all times. We have told them that if we arenā€™t watching them, they need to get our attention and help us because as humans we get distracted naturally. I try to stay involved in their activity and also tried to keep my phone away, but I was still distracted with other kids, food, talking, you name itā€¦life is full of distractions. I changed my tactic and downloaded a reminder app, and I set reminders for every minute. I turn my phone into airplane mode and then use the app. Every minute it alerts me and I have the notification say ā€œKids Breathingā€, so I confirm my kids are ok and then clear the notification. Obviously, my goal is constant supervision, but sometimes my brain starts to wander to something I am thinking about and the notification checks me back in.

There are tons of campaigns about designating a ā€œwater watcherā€ with a specific tag indicating you have the responsibility of watching the water. I think these are great tools, and we also need to make sure the water watcher is not distracted. Alerts can keep you focused as long as you stay off your phone for all other purposes. I put my phone in airplane mode, but you can still have the tendency to look at. Be aware of your distractions both internal and external. If the phone is a distraction all together, maybe alerts arenā€™t for you. Find what works to keep you focused and stick with it for the entire swim time.

#5: Designate Breaks -
We swim for a designated time, usually 30 minutes, but it varies depending on where we are and the activity taking place. Regardless, we always have breaks. I need these breaks more than my kids. They would swim endlessly for hours if I let them, but they need to rest and so do I. As a lifeguard, we would rotate every 20-30 minutes with the premise being to give our minds a break and so we could stay fresh. The same thing applies to parental supervision. I need to use the restroom, I need to do other things, I need a break too! So, we give time warnings and take swim breaks. Sometimes the breaks are also unscheduled, if I have to make an emergency restroom visit or answer the door, everyone gets out, every time!

#6: Limited Trust -
This may sound harsh, but I donā€™t trust other people to watch my kids in the pool. It is me or my husband, that is it. If they are swimming at Grandmaā€™s they have to wear a lifejacket. If they are going in the water at the beach on a board with their cousin, they have to wear a lifejacket. I see so many events where trust was placed in another person, watch my kids while I go do XYZ, or grandpa took them to the pool, or a neighbor invited them over. I may love these people, and they may love my children, but I donā€™t trust them in this specific environment, nor do I want them to have to own that responsibility if something were to happen to one of my kids in their care. It just isnā€™t worth it. Do my kids whine, yep. Do I care, nope! They know the other option is they just donā€™t go. Same goes for school pool parties and camps with water activities, it just isnā€™t worth it for me. Same goes for lifeguarded swimming areas. I know I am my kids' primary source of supervision and the lifeguard(s) are there for back up and emergencies. I do not rely on them for basic supervision. I only have 2 children and I can supervise them much more closely than a lifeguard who has divided attention between 25 or more people.

#7: Lifejackets are Cool -
Culturally we seem to have a negative attitude towards lifejackets. I donā€™t think there is anything wrong with lifejackets, in fact, there are so many games and activities you can do with them. We just need to make them cool again. If there are a bunch of kids Iā€™m watching, Iā€™d rather have everyone be in a lifejacket. It can be a cousin lifejacket pool party. Having everyone in one makes it much ā€œcoolerā€ and doesnā€™t embarrass the littler kids or weaker swimmers. When I ran camps, even the counselors would wear them, be cool like them! Having rolling log challenges in the lifejackets, water balloon tossing contests, have relays to pass rings from your toes..the games are endless, and the safety is higher with everyone in a lifejacket. Now there are times that my kids will even say they would rather just be in a lifejacket. Awesome.

**Just an added side note that when referring to ā€œlifejacketā€ I am referring to a USCG approved lifejacket/PDF (check the inside of the jacket or vest). Noodles, Inflatables, baby circles, tubes, and all other items are not safety related and should not be trusted to keep your child safe. We see countless videos of kids who flip over in an inflatable ring and can't right themselves and are stuck underwater upside down, or are in arm floaties and canā€™t get their head out of the water because their arms arenā€™t strong enough, or who lose purchase of a kickboard they were holding onto for floatation. Even in a lifejacket, you need to diligently and constantly supervise as children can get in positions that can still obstruct their airway especially if they are younger or weaker.

#8: Educate -
My kids know what drowning can look like. They know water is dangerous. They know good swimmers can drown. They know medical events can happen without warning. They know that drowning can happen quickly. I talk about how events happen, about what their weaknesses are. They know they canā€™t breathe in the water, they know why we take breaks from swimming, they know why they enter the water feet first, they know why we donā€™t play breath holding games or activities. It isnā€™t just because I said so, I try to give them real reasons to my rules. A healthy fear of the water is a good thing. Our goal is to develop them into water smart adults on their own. Check out our ALIVE Water Smart Kids online training too! Sometimes they listen to other people better than their own parents, right!?!

#9: Hey, Watch Thisā€¦
Phrases like ā€œHey, watch thisā€¦ā€ usually are the beginning of something dangerous or a little crazy about to take place. This is a kids way of announcing they are pushing the boundaries or are going to show-off, and I take these phrases as a time to talk about danger and pushing boundaries. Are they just showing me something or are they about to do something risky? There is a difference and I try to talk about good decisions around the water. Phrases like ā€œHey, watch thisā€¦ā€ are ways to cue into other peopleā€™s behaviors and intentions. They now alert me when others use these types of phrases too. Remember, we live in a world of TikTok challenges! I always say we can have fun without being dumb.

#10: See Something, Say Something
My kids are part of my safety team. They are buddy watchers for each other and I ask them to look out for other kids. Iā€™ll often ask my son where his sister is, or what the other person is doing. I want to train them to look at others and make sure they are okay, to know what they are doing. My daughter the other day said, ā€œMom, I almost called youā€¦that boy was under the water and I counted from 5ā€¦5, 4, 3, 2, 1 but he popped up again before I got to 2.ā€ I asked her, what would you do if he was still underwater when you got to one, and she said ā€œIā€™d say something to you or an adult until you respondedā€. Perfect. Kids are an additional layer of protection and they have good instincts. My kids know not to assume someone is playing. If they see someone underwater, they start counting. So often, in drowning investigations we see kids (and adults) swimming over or around someone who is underwater and they donā€™t do anything. They assume they are okay, they assume they are playing, they assume they are doing it on purpose. Donā€™t assume. Teach them the 5 second rule (check out Mel Robbins book on the topic) and if they see something to say something.

Other Water Safety Tips:
Swim Lessons Save Lives
Learn CPR - Drowning patients need oxygen - give air first!
USCG approved lifejackets only - no arm floaties or inflatables
Designate A Water Watcher / Swim with a Lifeguard
Always use pool barriers and layers of protection
Wear bright contrasting colors - stay visible!
Enter the water feet first
No running
Stay hydrated / protect yourself from the sun
No drugs / alcohol
All water is dangerous - even inches
Always swim with a buddy
Lost / Missing kids - always check the water first

I hope this helps and gives you some practical tips to improving safety during your water related activities. Share this information to hopefully prevent any more drownings.

***If you want to learn more check out our ALIVE Water Smart Parents online course! It highlights all of the keys we have learned in our careers and gives you practical solutions and strategies to be water smart! Link is in our bio to learn more.

Thank you for sharing and helping to save lives!

Stay safe! Stay Smart!

-Natalie Livingston
ALIVE Solutions

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 25/05/2023

It's STOP THE BLEEDĀ® Day - Time to Raise Your Hand! Time to Train + more! Take some time from your busy schedule to participate in STOP THE BLEEDĀ® Day! Whether you've got a couple of seconds, a few minutes or an hour or more, we've got lots of ways for you to take part!


Happy Nurses week to all the ā€¦ Nurses! ā¤ļø

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 05/05/2023

I had such a great time with these ladies! AAR have got out by email ā€” make sure to get them filled out! šŸ“ Hope to see yā€™all again soon! šŸ©ø We had 12 classes over 3 days with 115 students!

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 01/05/2023

This conference has been such an amazing experience! I am truly honored to have been a small part of this ā€” along with getting several women set up as STB instructors to continue offering training in their local chapters/regions. The location was beautiful and we were well taken care of ā€” I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been offered so much water (thank you!) Hope to see you ladies again next year! šŸ©øšŸ“ā¤ļø

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 29/04/2023

I warned you about the selfiesā€¦ Today has been so much fun! These ladies came to learn and they have made the classes so much fun. 4/12 classes are done and Iā€™m excited to get started again tomorrow. Special thanks to for sponsoring the class and A Girl & A Gun for having me out! ā¤ļøšŸ“š Yes, Iā€™m wearing two hoodies and a jacket. Iā€™m cold.

Photos from 4:12 Kids's post 08/04/2023

Belle and I will be at this event tomorrow! Weā€™ll be teaching Hands Only CPR and challenging ppl with timed TQ application. Plus thereā€™s a petting zoo and Belle has 364 bubbles to hand out. šŸ°

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 25/02/2023

This afternoonā€™s class put me over 4000 individuals trained in stop the bleed! We also found that the company I was working with was sold 50 early gen SOF-Ts (1ā€ band, thumb screw) ā€” so weā€™re working backwards to see how that happened ā€” but I love seeing public access kits in the city vehicles. šŸ©ø

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 01/02/2023

Obviously not what I wanted to do, however in the interest of safetyā€¦ As much as I love and miss my EMS friends, having them cut me out of my truck (that Iā€™m still paying on) bc I wrecked on black ice is also not in the plans today! Please stay inside, stay warm, and make plans to join us at this location March 1st. šŸ©ø


We hope you have a safe holiday season! Merry Christmas šŸŽ„

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 17/12/2022

This was our last big class of the year. We had 35 for class today and managed to keep everyone up and moving! Everyone loves a little hands-on assessment in the morningā€¦ šŸ˜‰šŸ©øšŸ“š Just a little bit short of my goal for the year, but over all it was a fun training year and Iā€™m looking forward to the classes already on the books for 2023!

Photos from Come and Take It CPR & Safety Training's post 03/12/2022

Pre and post-class stacks of bodies. šŸ“ššŸ«€šŸ§ šŸ©øFirst 30 of 60 done for CPR/FA and STB for a local construction company.


Waiting on Santa! Heā€™s at until 21:30 tonight! šŸŽ„šŸŽ…šŸ¼

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Lunch with friends at @losolivosmarket_buda this afternoon. My first time and the food was amazing! #local #friendsthatb...
ETWR-1471Getting those reps in during a recent STB class. This training arm is great for showing how difficult it can be...
