Just a little EXTRA goes a long way… a little more care, a little more love, a little more attention, a little more time, a little more patience, a little more compassion, a little more understanding… What can you offer a little extra of today?
Educational Coaching... starting right where you are and moving forward together!
Operating as usual
Just a little EXTRA goes a long way… a little more care, a little more love, a little more attention, a little more time, a little more patience, a little more compassion, a little more understanding… What can you offer a little extra of today?
Don’t let overwhelm keep you from your dreams or hard work from your finish line! Evaluate the opportunity. Ask yourself if it lines up with your future. Take a deep breath. Allow any anxiety to be realized as EXCITEMENT and energy. Then, take one small step at a time forward in strength! 💚
So give it your all, do your best… wherever it lands… you’ll keep growing, learning, and moving toward your goal!
Okay, To all of my amazing MAMAs that I partner with to help support your sweet , sweet babies (yes, I know they may not be actual babies, but they are to us 😉)… Due to the private and sensitive nature of our work we don’t do a lot of our work across social media. That being said, I want to introduce you to an amazing community, with host Cason Schulze. In this encouraging podcast and group, she gives a loving, authentic, transparent perspective of motherhood, faith, and being the woman God created you to be! You and I have poured over some HARD STUFF together! We’ve laughed together and cried together. We’ve celebrated victories and we’ve started over at ground zero when things fell apart! We support and love each other over a common purpose. Today I’d like to invite you to expand that opportunity for support and growth through this amazing platform with Cason and Her Pursuit… it has certainly blessed me!
Courage pushes past failures, pushes through every “no”, and teaches us to reach past the ordinary! Decide giving up isn’t an option and that evolving is part of the process. Allow the journey to be a beautiful part of your story and transformation.
Go for it! One step at a time. Tiny steps count! Keep moving forward. 💗👍🏻😁👍🏻💗
Stay focused on each step ahead of you… not on everyone around you.
When we are working with others from a perspective of love we are communicating beyond words and expectations.
Facing your fears head on is HARD!! It is also worthwhile, confidence building, and often necessary for growth!! Keep journeying forward... you’ll be amazed at where you find yourself!
I love helping kids, teens, adults, and families! In doing so, I’ve learned how important it is to empower others and help them to find their own strength! That’s right!! YOU have all of the strength and power you need within you! Keep moving forward and you’ll find it! I can’t wait to see you amaze YOURSELF!
Yep, sometimes it’s just going to be hard! That’s okay. Just keep going, keep moving forward... one step at a time. You’ll look back and be amazed at how far you’ve gone along the journey. You’ll learn so much about yourself and others. Some things you’ll like; some things you won’t! That’s okay too. It is all part of getting to YOUR destination!
We put so much pressure on ourselves to attain instant success, perform with perfection , and to make it all look easy. Few of us hold others to those standards or requirements, so why do we do this to ourselves. It’s no wonder that we are filled with anxiety and uncertainty, searching for a way to unburden our souls!! Today, give YOURSELF grace, room to breathe, time to be present and thankful for everyday blessings! As long as you are moving forward in your goal, learning, and making necessary adjustments you have reason to celebrate! The small successes count!! Each step toward improvement and progress is leading you to your destination!