Hey Everyone!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here so thought I’d check to see that you are all keeping safe and well and give you an update.
I hope you are all happy and healthy and that those starting nursery and school transitioned well and those returning did so with excitement.
I had lots of plans for Get Youngsters Moving in 2020 but unfortunately these plans have been scuppered by COVID-19. 
Like you, I’m super keen to get back to some kind of normality and take my little ones (now aged 9 months and 2 years 9 months) to classes. Taking into consideration the current restrictions and the fact that classes haven’t run for a while; I’m going to have to start from scratch and build up my business and classes again and this will all take time. I will endeavour to bring back my classes to you as soon as it is feasible.
I can’t wait to get back to doing what I love, creating a community where everyone is welcome and of course getting your youngsters moving!
As soon as I know more you’ll hear about it, so please do keep checking back on this page.
I can’t wait to see all you beautiful people again soon!
Love Georgina x
Get Youngsters Moving
Movement and play classes encouraging grown ups to have fun with their little ones whilst developing their child's gross motor skills.
Operating as usual

Anyone else have a Hey Duggee lover in their household? Even I’m a fan, I think it’s the best cartoon to watch 😆
Hey Duggee: how a cult CBeebies show became the surprise TV smash of lockdown Its songs have been played on Newsnight, fans include Orbital – and the show’s storylines ask the big questions about art and life. No wonder it has become a massive hit with children and adults alike
Whether your children are Peppa Pig fans or not, I think this is a great child friendly video that they can comprehend.

I had so many exciting plans for G.Y.M and its reopening after Easter. I was cutting my maternity leave short because I couldn’t wait to get back to class and see all of you again and implement all the ideas I had worked so hard on. Everything is ready to go and when the industry is allowed to resume and I decide that the time is right we will return!!
In the meantime here’s a few ways in which you can help...
Like, comment, share & follow your favourite baby/toddler groups and venues.
Like, comment, share & follow those baby/toddler groups and venues that you are yet to try or that you may have only been to once, or that you’ve not even heard of before because they all need your support too.
If a provider is operating online or is providing an alternative service which works well for you and your child then make sure you get involved.
Sign these petitions;
1. Save indoor play: http://chng.it/FF6qbgp7j6
2. Reopen baby/toddler groups: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/331261
And when the industry does get the green light please continue to show your support because we will need it - thank you! ❤️💜🧡🖤💛🤍💚🤎💙
'Soft play is heading for a cliff edge' With no date for reopening, children's play centres are closing and hundreds more are under threat.

Please sign this petition to help parent and baby/toddler groups/classes to return! This sector has been completely overlooked in my opinion and there needs to be some guidance to enable us to return.
Petition: Issue urgent guidance and voucher scheme to save baby & toddler activity sector Baby and toddler groups are crucial for the wellbeing of new parents who are desperate for them to return after lockdown. Providers are struggling to reopen due to conflicting guidance. We call on government to issue targeted guidance and a voucher scheme for this overlooked sector.

I’ve definitely seen a huge change in my little ones behaviour, a mixture of terrible two’s/new sibling/lockdown... it’s all had a massive affect on his mental and physical well being. I’m definitely nervous and anxious about heading out again to these places and running my own classes but I think it’s essential that our children’s well being is not overlooked.
Join Georgina Hill and make a difference in these times ✊ Rescue the Indoor Play Industry from Closure. 19 signatures are still needed!
For the older children...
Never too young to have this conversation.

I feel so honoured to be part of this project, as a collective we got this book together in only 3 weeks! There are so many inspiring and relatable poems in this book. It really is that glimmering light in what is a dark time right now!

I feel so honoured to be part of this project, as a collective we got this book together in only 3 weeks! There are so many inspiring and relatable poems in this book. It really is that glimmering light in what is a dark time right now!

I’m very proud to tell you all that I’ve had the privilege of being part of this poetry book. Poetry is not something I’ve ever tried before but I feel extremely chuffed with myself that I managed to write what I think is a beautiful poem and to have it published in a book is just amazing!! Please do take a look and treat yourself and please do share so it can get to as many mummies across the globe!
This book is a collection of poetic voices on love, light and motherhood created through community and with great courage and care.
“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” ― Brene Brown
Motherhood is a journey on which it is possible to feel surrounded by love and all alone, often simultaneously. The mind of a mother is a complex place, and all too often struggles are locked away from view. A mother's love is her highest strength and her greatest weakness. She is courageous, but she is vulnerable.
When a mother opens her heart, she is the greatest source of light and love. She can light the way for other mothers who may be stumbling through the dark.
This collection of poems has been written by mothers from all over the world from Blossom & Berry. They have opened their hearts to radiate love, light and strength.
So much love and gratitude to Jayne Sime for helping bringing this book to life and to all the incredible teachers from the Blossom & Berry Nurture Collective for sharing their vulnerability and their voices. I am blessed as ever to lead this incredible community of women.
This book was written during COVID 19 and is a reflection of the love that continued to flow at a time of fear and anxiety. Blossom & Berry believe that love creates love. Love always starts with you. As we love, care and nurture ourselves, we have a greater capacity to love others and to ultimately love the world forward. During these uncertain times, we have never turned off our love supply and continue to teach love around the world to parents and babies. We are love.
I hope these words bring joy and happiness to you and many others and in some small way relieve any pain and suffering. Every lesson in love brings you back to yourself and your heart.
Healing is brave work
Never close your heart
Remember who you are
You are love
The profits of this book will be donated to the charity Love Support Unite (registered charity number 1162406) which supports vulnerable mums and babies in poverty in Malawi through baby massage, safe motherhood education & health initiatives.
For more details visit;
Mother light-Poetic voices of motherhood from the heart Mother light-Poetic voices of motherhood from the heart

Some handy tips here...
KEEPING YOUR BABY COOL in this glorious weather
Out and about
👶🏽Babies’ buggies and prams should not be covered with blankets, cloth or any cover that prevents air circulating which can cause overheating.
🤱🏻Using a cover creates a barrier between parent and baby will be unable to see if their babies having any difficulties.
☂️ Consider attaching a clip-on sunshade or parasol to a pram or buggy and checking if baby is getting too hot by feeling their tummy and the back of the neck.
☀️Do your research about anything that attaches to buggies and prams SnoozeShade discuss at length safety measures.
🏊♀️ Playing in a paddling pool is a good way of keeping babies and children cool. Keep the pool in the shade during very hot weather and supervision at all times is important to remember.
Making sure your baby has enough fluids
👶🏽 Fully breastfed babies don’t need any extra water until they start eating solid food but may need extra breastfeeds if they seem fluid to depleted
🍼 If you're bottle feeding, as well as their usual milk feeds, you can give your baby a little cooled boiled water. Remember you can always speak with your health visitor or medical practitioner to get advice about your little one if you have questions or queries about feeding
💦 Babies over six months can drink water from the tap and should have sips of water with their meals
🍉 🥒 🍊 Offering high water content food such as watermelon, cucumber & oranges is another great way of keeping them hydrated. Freezing breast milk and offering to little ones is a great way to keep hydrated and cool
Room temperature
🌡 Babies’ rooms should be a fairly cool temperature of 16 to 20°. Take a look The Gro Company for their handy room thermometers/nightlight
🛌 This can be more difficult in summer months. If the room where the baby sleeps is difficult to cool use lighter nightwear and keep bedclothing to a minimum. Baby sleep bags will have guidance on what tog to use for each season/room temp.
☀️ Try opening the bedroom door and keep curtains/blinds closed during the day to keep the room cooler
🛀 Run a cool bath before bedtime
💨 You may like to use a fan in little ones room but not directly on them.
Sources: nhs.uk & The Lullaby Trust

Anyone else’s partners had this realisation? 😂
**A man's Maternity Leave ignorance - a belated apology**
My wife's had 3 maternity leaves. All of which I've been in work fulltime getting home for 6pm to spend an hour doing the glory bits. I'm not so conceited that I didn't realise it was a tough gig, but I would rebuff any bemoaning from Mrs Secret Dad Lad with 'being at work isn't exactly a f**king holiday'. Turns out, comparatively, it is.
During lockdown my wife's more demanding job has meant she's had to basically continue to work fulltime, albeit remotely. This has meant that I've had my own 'Paternity Leave' looking after our kids (Josephine 5, Ernie 3 and Walt 1) whilst their Mum works away in the loft. Here's a chronicle of a typical day:
- After helping with breakfast, Wife exits stage left.
- J/E ask for a biscuit
- Catch W climbing in washing machine whilst explaining to the others that biscuits are not part of breakfast.
- Put Netflix on.
- J sends E to ask for a biscuit.
- Break up fight over who has the remote.
- Put most guilty one on naughty step.
- Catch W drinking from dog's water bowl.
- Read him a book he hates.
- Forget one is on naughty step, they wander back to watch Netflix.
- J/E ask for biscuit. We negotiate. They get raisins.
- Decide they've watched too much Netflix, get crafts out.
- W does a massive s**t, spend 10 minutes fighting him to allow me the pleasure of wiping his arse.
- Come back to crafts, but they've left and are back watching Netflix.
- Clear up crafts, wishing whoever created slime a slow, gruesome death.
- Give them early lunch because they're pi***ng me off.
- They hate my lunch. Give them crisps.
- Put them in garden.
- I tell E off for purposely lobbing balls into next door's garden, meanwhile J tries to force W to play with her and he's like 'nah' and bites her.
- They're all f**king crying.
- We go inside.
- I put on a film for big two, take up tired Mr bitey for his nap.
- I hide for a bit.
- They find me like they're sniffer dogs and I'm selling pills at a festival.
- They ask for a biscuit. I give them several just so they'll f**k off.
- They scream 'Daddy we're bored of this film!' repeatedly and very loudly.
- I run in and shout at them through gritted teeth that they're going to wake their little brother up.
- Little brother wakes up and starts crying.
- Resist temptation to demonstrate how much I currently despise my two eldest children and go get W up.
- The next 3 hours is a complete f**king parenting s**tshow.
- Mummy comes down from the loft and they turn into golden children.
And, it's pretty much that everyday. Relentless doesn't cover it. I may have it slightly tougher in one sense during lockdown as there's less options to escape. But I also don't have a newborn hanging off my tit, sterilization faff to worry about and an expectation from wider society that it should all come naturally to me. Plus, if the s**t really does hit the fan, I have another parent available upstairs who could help me out.
What I'm getting at is all you maternity leave survivors, fair f**king play. I've experienced a small amount of what you endure(d) and I'm flagging. We love our kids, but when they're young looking after them can be ferocious. So, to my wife especially, I apologise for taking your daily efforts in rearing our kids so magnificently for granted. I've had a big taste of humble pie. Sorry it's taken so long.
Also, if you can give me access to the magical housework fairy you must have employed during your maternity leave - that would be great 👌🧚♀️

Take the time to take care of yourselves too parents!
Check Your Battery
Blessing Manifesting

The National High Street Survey - have your say!
HIGH STREET SURVEY Take this survey powered by surveymonkey.com. Create your own surveys for free.

Important to know this, I’d never heard of it before!
Kawasaki disease is a rare condition that mainly affects children under the age of 5.
Early recognition of symptoms in children is important in order to get the urgent medical help needed, especially admidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Kawasaki Disease is serious, more common than bacterial meningitis and ALWAYS regarded as a medical emergency.
If a child has a PERSISTENT FEVER for FIVE DAYS and TWO OR MORE symptoms including a rash, bloodshot eyes, “strawberry” tongue, cracked, dry lips and redness of the fingers and toes - Kawasaki Disease should ALWAYS be considered as a possibility and telephone 111.
This information comes from https: https://www.societi.org.uk/kawasaki-disease/think-kawasaki/
You can see more information on the NHS pages https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/kawasaki-disease/

Information from the lullaby trust regarding face coverings for babies.
We are not aware of any advice for babies to wear masks, whether they are infected or not. There is a potential risk of suffocation and other hazards with doing this. The latest Government guidance says that Children under 2 years do not need to wear masks.
Read more at gov.uk/government/news/public-advised-to-cover-faces-in-enclosed-spaces

Something fun to do with your little ones next weekend!

Words are powerful
Changing what we say when supporting someone can make all the difference.
Please share our posts to raise awareness.
Free helpline 0808 1961 776 Monday-Sunday 11am - 10pm
Out of those hours please do call Samaritans on 116123
or In a crisis/ emergency call 111/999.
If a volunteer is unavailable at the time please do leave your contact details and name and a volunteer will call you as soon as they can. “
email support (72 hrs response time)
[email protected]

This is for the mamas 💓

I thought it was just my toddler that was going through a “phase” of making meal and bedtimes a thing of dread but it appears I’m not alone! Have a read of this article, it sure made me feel better!
Coping in Lockdown How to survive lockdown as a parent, particularly when you're struggling.
Hi Everyone!
4th-10th May is maternal mental health awareness week and during this period of lockdown and isolation it’s more important than ever to check in on all those new mummy’s and mummy’s to be.
If you are struggling then please don’t suffer in silence, please reach out and speak to someone. I’m always happy to listen 😊
Pandas Foundation (Pre And PostNatal Depression Advice and Support)
PANDAS supports families coping with perinatal (conception, birth & beyond) mental illness.

It’s a testing time at the moment and it’s easy lose your cool but these tips on how to handle a tantrum are great.
De-Escalation Techniques for Defusing Meltdowns

Keep being amazing parents, you’ve got this!! 💪🏻
You Are Not Your Child’s Teacher You don't have to stress yourself out trying to be a full-time home-schooler during quarantine.

Take a look at this if you’re a new mummy on maternity leave... what do you think?
Petitions Committee Chair Catherine McKinnell MP has challenged Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the Government’s response to this issue during a Liaison Committee hearing.
Watch: https://youtu.be/mv8SXHGIgWQ?t=1814
The Committee published a report on the impact of Covid-19 on maternity and parental leave, and gave several recommendations. These had been proposed to address petitioners’ concerns about the impact of the pandemic on new parents and their babies, particularly their mental health. Read the report: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5801/cmselect/cmpetitions/526/52602.htm
Read the Government’s response:https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5801/cmselect/cmpetitions/770/770.pdf
During the hearing, Ms McKinnell asked the Prime Minister to explain why the Government had rejected nearly all of the report’s 23 recommendations.
The Petitions Committee will be writing to the Prime Minister to follow-up on his commitment to consider the report's recommendations. The Committee are also planning to debate the report and the Government's response on 5 October in Westminster Hall.
UPDATE 6: Last week, the Petitions Committee held its final oral evidence session, questioning Business Minister Paul Scully MP, on the impact of coronavirus on those on parental leave and the Government’s response to the petition.
Watch the session: https://youtu.be/ljZyh73pKjE?t=211
Find out more and read the transcript: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/news/146749/petitions-committee-has-questioned-the-government-on-maternity-leave-and-pay-after-unprecedented-public-engagement/
Next steps:
The Committee will now produce a report, bringing together everything you have shared with us, the evidence of everyone who has appeared in virtual sessions, and the charities and support groups who have given written submissions.
The Committee will report its findings and make recommendations to the Government, who will then need to respond and decide whether and how to act on them.
The Committee understands the urgency of this issue for all of the parents who have signed this petition and engaged with the inquiry, and is working hard to publish this as soon as possible. You will receive another update as soon as the release date is confirmed.
Once again, the Committee would like to thank everyone who has shared their experiences. This information has been vital in informing the work of the Committee so far, and will directly inform our recommendations to the Government.
Remember to follow the Committee on Twitter to see the latest updates
UPDATE 5: The Petitions Committee is still investigating this issue. It has used your responses to inform its questions in two sessions so far. Your responses spoke a lot about mental health and concerns about accessing childcare. During its second session last week, the Committee spoke to experts about these issues. It heard about the impact of coronavirus on maternal mental health, the experiences of parents with babies in neonatal care, the impact on adopted children and adoption leave, and accessing childcare during the pandemic.
Watch the session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqMKtR-pt0A
Read the transcript: https://committees.parliament.uk/oralevidence/408/default/
What you’ve told us has been summarised and published as ‘formal written evidence’ for this inquiry. You can read the summary here: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/4258/default/
The Committee has also had written evidence from organisations and individuals on this issue including the NSPCC, childcare representatives and parent and baby charities. You can read these here: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/192/the-governments-response-to-coronavirus/publications/written-evidence/
The Committee is working as fast as it can on behalf of petitioners on this issue. It’s next step will be to raise everything its heard with the Government. We will let you know more information as soon as we can.
The Petitions Committee is a cross-party group of MPs that considers e-petitions submitted on Parliament’s petitions website and public (paper) petitions presented to the House of Commons. The Committee can schedule debates, hold in-depth inquiries, and press the Government for action on petitions. It is independent of the Government.
You can get updates on their work by following the Committee on Twitter
or on their website: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/
This is a ‘select committee’. Find out how Select Committees work:
Find out more about how petitions work:
UPDATE 4: This Thursday at 9.30am, the Petitions Committee will be continuing their consideration of the issues raised by this petition. They'll be hearing from experts on maternal mental health, adoption, and access to childcare.
Witnesses will include representatives of:
- Bliss, a charity working to support babies born premature or sick, and their parents
- Maternal Mental Health Alliance
- The Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Perinatal Psychiatry
- Adoption UK
- Early Years Alliance, a charity representing early years education and childcare providers
The session can be watched from 9.30am this Thursday 21 May at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqMKtR-pt0A
UPDATE 3: From the Petitions Committee: "Our evidence sessions were just the start of our work on this issue. The Committee will discuss in the next few days how best to put pressure on the Government to improve things for those on maternity leave during coronavirus. Updates will be posted on Twitter , by email to petitioners, and on the Committee's website https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/ "
You can see a video of Catherine McKinnell MP - Chair of the Petitions Committee thanking all those who contributed in the comments section (order by "Newest" if you can't see it).
UPDATE 2: Your comments have informed the questions the Petitions Committee will ask the petition creator and experts at today’s session.
You can watch the session LIVE on YouTube here from 2.30pm today: https://youtu.be/TOFPLeE7dqQ
We’ll post a link after the session in case you can’t watch it live, as well as a transcript.
A summary of your comments, and the responses we received from over 26k petitioners who completed our online survey, can be read here: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/4258/default/
We've also got a news story about this petition: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/news/146332/petitions-committee-investigate-the-impact-of-coronavirus-on-students-and-on-maternity-leave/
Thanks again to everyone who shared their experiences with us.
Remember to follow the Committee on Twitter to follow its ongoing work on this issue
UPDATE: Thank you all so much for taking the time to contribute to this discussion. The Committee will be looking into this issue at a special public session this Thursday 7 May from 2.30 - 3.30pm. They will be questioning:
• the original petition creator
• a petition signatory
• Professor Liz Meins, the Department of Psychology at the University of York,
• Dr Cheryll Adams CBE, Executive Director, Institute of Health Visiting
• Emily Tredaget, co-founder of Happity.
You can watch the session live on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/UKParliament
Please note that the deadline for comments has now passed, and anything posted after this point will not be considered by the Petitions Committee in time for Thursday’s session. However, you are welcome to continue the discussion on this post. The contributions received will help inform the Petitions Committee’s work and next steps.
We will post further updates on this thread when we have them. You can also follow the Petitions Committee on Twitter for updates.
Are you currently on maternity leave, adoption leave or shared parental leave? How has the lock down affected your experience?
Do you think that maternity leave should be extended because of coronavirus? What else do you think the Government could do to support those on maternity leave during the lock down?
The Petitions Committee is investigating a petition calling for maternity leave to be extended in light of covid-19.
It wants to hear your experiences to inform its work - please add your comments below.
Deadline: Midday on Monday, 4 May.
Context: The petition, which has received almost 160,000 signatures, calls for maternity leave to be extended for 3 months with pay. It states that "This time is for bonding and social engaging with other parents and babies through baby groups […]. These groups are vital for baby development, bonding and educating both babies and parents. Given that the Government have closed down many areas of the community new parents and babies are confined to their homes with no social interaction which will ultimately impact on the development of children."
Please note: Your name, and any information or opinions you provide, may be shared with the Petitions Committee and used in a Parliamentary proceedings or written material which will be on the record and available on Parliament TV, Hansard and the Parliament website. Please ensure that you are happy with your comment before sharing.
To see our online discussion rules, please visit: https://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/have-your-say/online-discussion-rules/

Sharing this from Little Einstein's Day Camp post today...
Get Well Soon - Coronavirus Dr Ranj explains the coronavirus to Jobi.

For all of you with school aged children at home...
16 everyday activities that count as :
1. Cooking and baking
2. Meal planning
3. Budgeting
4. Checking the weather forecast
5. Building with LEGO
6. Playing card games
7. Playing board games
8. Doing puzzles
9. Imaginative play
10. Listening to music
11. Reading
12. Colouring, drawing and painting
13. Listening to podcasts or audiobooks
14. Writing letters or emails
15. Taking a walk
16. Cleaning or doing chores
Via WeAreTeachers
Videos (show all)
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