School Owners/Teachers Resource Materials Club
A club for school owners/ teachers to share their views about various ways of improving the Educational systems and also a one stop Teachers Resource Store

COVID-19 Classroom Rules and Procedures for Elementary Students Use our COVID-19 classroom rules and procedures to safeguard your elementary students. Perfect for pre-k through fifth grade, these classroom rules will support you in creating a safe and secure environment in which your students can thrive. -

Classroom wall frames,posters,stickers are available..!

In our opinion; punishment does form a part of discipline but it does NOT equal discipline.
The punishment should also be a logical consequence of the behavior.
“If you hit your sister with the toy, you cannot play with this toy for a while” 👍🏻
It offers the child a choice: play nicely or lose your toy for several minutes (depending on age). Taking the toy away is a punishment, a logical consequence of behavior and the child’s choice in the end.
After the time has passed; the child gets another chance to choose again. This is an opportunity to teach and in handling the situation this way, teaching your child is exactly what you are doing.
Hitting the child, because he is hitting and shouldn’t be, is not a logical consequence. You are displaying the exact behavior that you are disapproving of.

India bans homework and heavy schoolbags to prevent spinal damage
The Indian government has told schools to stop giving students homework and heavy books to prevent spinal damage.
Weight guidelines have been issued for school bags depending on a child's age after studies showed heavy loads can affect soft, developing spines.
Teachers have also been told to not give children in grades one and two homework so they do not need to carry heavy books home.
A survey by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India found 68% of pre-teen children might suffer from mild back pain which can develop into chronic pain and later into a hunchback.
More than 2,500 children and 1,000 parents in major cities were surveyed, with more than 88% of children from seven to 13-years-old carrying more than 45% of their body weight on their backs. Full schoolbags should not exceed 10% of the child's body Heavy Weights.

💛New Blog Post💛 Teaching children to read is no easy task! I've written a new blog post about teaching letter sounds & the importance of tuning into your own phonemic awareness. It's crammed with teaching tips and just maybe after reading this post you'll go back to the classroom with one or more new ways to teach sounds successfully! Follow the link 👉

Teacher Gets Fired For Giving Zeroes To Students Who Didn't Turn In Their Work "I have been fired for refusing to give you a 50% for not turning anything in..."

Language and Communication Skills That Make all the Difference for Kindergarten Kids learn oral communication skills by practicing with one another and adults. Based on the work of Audrey Prince, kindergarten teacher Devin Walsh offers several steps that have worked in her classroom.

Every child should feel safe in school, like these little ones in Cote d’Ivoire.
Classroom by classroom, school by school, country by country, we can end violence against children.

Creative Ideas – How to Use LEGO to Teach Kids Math Creative Ideas – How to Use LEGO to Teach Kids Math /> Ever since LEGO began manufacturing their interlocking toy bricks in 1949, LEGO has become part of our life. These amazing little bricks allow kids and adults to build anything with their creativity and imagination, from buildings, vehicles to...

5 Tips for Improving Students’ Success in Math | Edutopia Teachers who coach teams in a mathematical modeling challenge share ideas for helping students develop more confidence.

Checking our implicit biases and how we promote a “hidden curriculum” is certainly part of our spiritual preparation as guides.

How to correct a child’s ‘bad’ behavior with positive parenting When my son was four years old, he was sweet, funny and quite mischievous. Just a moment unsupervised and something was likely to get opened, spilled or broken. Most days my son was content to play with his toys in the garden or to make an art project. Other days, it seemed like he was set on pushin...

"Now, what really makes a teacher is love for the human child; for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission."

Just saying 😬

🎄 Dare we say it.... with the end of term fast approaching, be sure to stock up your Christmas supplies!
🎁We have a range of Christmas themed products and heaps of great gift ideas for teachers looking to provide affordable gifts for their students!

Nap time for kids helps to enhance memory - Medical News Bulletin | Health News and Medical Research Researchers determined whether healthy sleep patterns in early childhood allow for better consolidation of memory. This research has highlighted the importance of nap time for preschool schedules.

“The secret to taking care of them is to understand their immaturity isn’t a mistake but part of their developmental design.”
I adore this summary of the preschooler personality from Dr. Deborah MacNamara!!!

How Genius Hour Helps Kids Connect What They’re Learning in School to Their Future Goals - EdSurge News “It bothers me that I am not learning things in school that will help me become what I want to be.” This is the most sobering and common response to ...

The evidence is in! When we work with our hands, we change our brain chemistry and transition from chaos to order. One of the “secret recipes” of Montessori methodology is this profound connection between the hand and the development of the mind.

Early Activities That Build the Mathematical Mind - ClassrooMechanics Easy to understand and apply early experiences with language and concepts build the mathematical mind and set the stage for effective learning.

Courtesy of Teach Queensland