Brain Transformations and Tutoring Services

Brain Transformations and Tutoring Services

Is your child a struggling learner? Do they need tutoring? On the first day of school, 3rd-grader Diana came to reading class. She was stuck in a fog.

I provide tutoring or Brain Integration: evidence based intervention for executive function & sensory integration for people struggling with Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, & other learning disabilities. She couldn’t sit still, she couldn’t pay attention, and she was repeatedly falling out of her chair. The school’s Brain Integration Therapist, Kate, began to work with Diana once a week during school. Kate di

Operating as usual


How this relates to Brain Integration Therapy today

* In therapy you can go back and make up for those deficits in
the developmental process. Age is not all that important.
People as old as sixty or young as three and one-half benefit
with exciting results.
* Do only Americans have this problem? No. It exists in
people world-wide.


Developing Brain Pathways...

* Dr. Glenn and Robert Doman and Dr. Carl Delacato
discovered that the practice all children need is creeping
and crawling, exploring and examining, and looking and
listening, all of which help integrate the brain for the tasks
of reading, writing, and arithmetic as they grow older.


A New Start for the Child with Reading Problems

* Opportunity for use is the key to the development of the
nervous system.
* As the child grows his brain has to go through certain stages
of brain development in order for it to develop properly....If,
for some reason a child is not allowed to go through a stage,
whatever the restriction, a problem is almost certain to arise. *
(Dr. Carl Delacato)


More Characteristics of Struggling Learners

* Many struggle with reversals. ("was" for "saw" or 42 for
24. )
* Spelling is a big problem.
* Many are much better in math than reading.
* They appear to have much better comprehension with
their ears instead of with their eyes.


General Characteristics of Struggling Learners

* They are uncoordinated.
* They have difficulty picking which hand to use.
* Twenty percent are left-handed.
* Handwriting has no universal slant.
* They love music or are very musical.
* They have trouble "seeing" even while they have normal


* There are nine simple exercises that each person will do
during the time they come for therapy.
* They take about 20 minutes a day and need to be done four
times a week.
* These exercises need to continue for about 3-4 months in
order to help the brain changes stay permanent.


* So the repatterning activities successfully activate the brain for whole brain processing which is a much more efficient way for it to work.

* Lastly, Neurolinguistic research has shown that effective learners use their eyes to activate their brains in very specific ways. We repattern for vision looking up and to the left or right. We repattern for hearing looking to the side either to the left or right.


More new assumptions

* The children that we see in therapy have learned to function
in a self-conscious, inhibited manner, processing
information with only one side of the brain at a time.

* Dr. Dennison created a systematic series of activities which
he combined with "bio-feedback" (muscle-checking) which
changes the way in which the brain processes information.


The Development of Repatterning

* A few new assumptions
* Dr. Dennison says that the brain is intended to function as an
integrated whole instead of unintegrated parts.
* The repatterning activities are combined with use of the eyes
to activate a certain part of the brain.


Emotional Effects
* This is a wiring problem in the brain, and not an intelligence problem.
* Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, John F. Kennedy, and Steven Spielberg are people who had or have many of these problems.
* There was an amazing solution to this wiring problem - Brain Integration Therapy!


Intellectual or Physical?

* Children who come for Brain Integration Therapy are not stupid. They are just not wired for academic tasks.
* They are great at thinking and talking, but frequently their eyes jump all over the place as they try to read.
* They are not able to remember what they hear.
* They are clumsy.


How this relates to Brain Integration Therapy Today

* In therapy you can go back and make up for those deficits in the developmental process. Age is not all that important. People as old as sixty or young as three and one-half benefit with exciting results.
* Do only Americans have this problem? No. it exists in people world-wide.


A New Start for the Child with Reading Problems:
* Opportunity for use is the key to the development of the nervous system.

* As the child grows his brain has to go through certain stages of brain development in order for it to develop properly. ...If, for some reason a child is not allowed to go through a stage, whatever the restriction, a problem is almost certain to arise. *
(Dr. Carl Delacato)


Let's review the development of Brain Integration Therapy.
Developing Brain Pathways:
Dr. Glenn and Robert Doman and Dr. Carl Delacato discovered that the practice all children need is creeping and crawling, exploring and examining, and looking and listening, all of which help integrate the brain for the tasks of reading, writing, and arithmetic as they grow older.

Statement From Faith Leaders Regarding Special Day of Prayer 27/05/2019

Please join Franklin Graham as we set aside June 2 as a day to pray for President Trump & his family.

Statement From Faith Leaders Regarding Special Day of Prayer Join more than 250 faith leaders across the United States in a special Day of Prayer for President Donald J. Trump on Sunday, June 2.


Then he would retest using muscle testing. He discovered the this process would "switch on" the natural processing pattern that was already imprinted in the brain. The muscle check would be strong. When repeated several times over a period of weeks, the muscle checking would lock this new way of processing into permanent muscle memory and the new way would become permanent. Thus the concept of "Repatterning" was born. (Brain Transformations, Rebecca Kennard)


In order to change this, he had the student track from left to right and back again several times. Then he performed a muscle check. If the eyes were not working well together to perform this task then the entire electrical system in the body would be temporarily weakened. The muscle test would show that the body was "switched off" for this task; the test would be weak, which meant that the student was not able to lock the muscle when it was challenged.
Then he had the student do the cross crawl looking up and to the left. The cross crawl activates the brain for simultaneous processing, and the eyes looking up and to the left selectively triggers the right side of the brain for automatic movement and visual processing. (Brain Transformations, Rebecca Kennard)


Dr. Dennison decided that muscle checking could be used to help diagnose and remediate learning disabilities connected with inefficient brain processing . For example, his belief was that if the brain was not wired efficiently for tracking across the page then the muscles in the eyes have internalized poor muscle memory for that task. He believed that the natural processing system imprinted on the brain for tracking across the midline had not been effectively activated in the developmental process. And the eye muscles related to tracking across the midline were, in effect, "switched off".


Let's talk about muscle checking. In order to change ingrained learned patterns of behavior we face a difficult task, even if the patterns are harmful ones. As he was developing "Repatterning Dr. Dennison looked for a method to use for testing that would not only give the tester information, but would give the student's brain "biofeedback" on how it was functioning. This testing would help change inefficient muscle memory of whole brain processing into the system. He came up with "muscle testing".
This method was developed by Chiropractors in the 1960's in order to test the electrical integrity of the muscle being tested before and after Chiropractic corrections.

Photos from Brain Transformations and Tutoring Services's post 01/12/2016

As you can see, repatterning is not just to get results, but also to have fun. This little girl is now doing really well in her classroom. The results have made her more confident, and she enjoys learning more.


So Dennison got an award from Phi Delta Kappa for outstanding research when he worked on the relationship of covert speech (being able to hear oneself think) to the acquisition of beginning reading skills. Then he explored the mind/body connection, which was clearly identified by Doman and Delacato with his work with people in Chiropractic and sports medicine. People to note are Dr. Richard Tyler, D.C. along with sports kinesiologist Bud Gibbs. It is very interesting to note that they focused on how movement interventions affected learning. The defining question was: could physical movement impact the brain and cause it to function more efficiently? If crawling will cause the integration to happen in the brain, would similar actions later in life create the same type of impact? Stay tuned in because there is more to come.....(Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations)


It is something that can be fixed! This will restore their hope and also positively change the relationship with their parents who now realize it is not stupidity or lack of effort, only a wiring problem. In the early 1970's, an educator named Dr. Paul Dennison picked up on the work of Dr. Delacato along with Dr. Glenn Doman and Dr. Robert Doman. During the next twenty years he expanded and extended the initial work of doctors Doman and Delacato by the addition of other fields of study: Dr. Samuel Orton, a researcher in the field of dyslexia, Dr. Louis Jacques, O.D. a leader in the field of vision training, and Dr. Samuel Herr, O.D, his partner in a learning center. The doctoral thesis that Dennison wrote focused on the relationship of covert speech(being able to hear yourself think) to the acquisition of beginning reading skills, and it received a Phi Delta Kappa award for outstanding research. Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations


They are relieved to find out that some of the best and brightest, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, also had some of these problems. It was a big relief to know that they are not defective, and though they do have a problem, it is something that can be fixed. Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations


So, when the wiring problem is taken care of, the eyes can work together, the ears can hear, the hands can write well, the brains can concentrate. Also, there is usually a dramatic reduction in the levels of frustration and anger. It may not surprise you that most of these children carry a big load of guilt and poor self-esteem because they think they are "stupid". It is amazing and true that children will bloom and grow when they realize this is not an intelligence problem, it is a wiring problem. Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations


Physical movement leads to learning. Intelligence, though it helps, is not the answer. Children who are born into other cultures are not less intelligent; it is just that they are not wired for academic tasks. Most of the children that I see are bright, however, they lack the basic wiring needed to do the tasks they are asked to do. These "smart" kids are hampered by their physical limitations. They have lots of great thoughts; many of them are very verbal, but their eyes jump all over the place when they are trying to read. They are not able to hold on to what they hear. They are not able to make their hands do what they tell them to do. Also, their minds wander. Once you take care of the "wiring problem" and get their eyes to work together, the ears to hear, the hands to write well, and the brains to concentrate, then the children will frequently do well in school. Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations.


Physical movement leads to learning. Also intelligence is not the answer, Children from other cultures are not less intelligent, they are just not wired for academic tasks. Many of the students that I see are very bright, but they lack the basic wiring needed to do the tasks they are asked to do. These "bright kids" are hampered by their physical limitations. They are able to think great thoughts, and many of them are very verbal, but their eyes jump all over the place when they are trying to read. They are not able to hold on to what they hear. They cannot make their hands do what they tell them to. Their minds wander. When we take care of the "wiring problem" and get the eyes to work together, the ears to hear and hold on to what they hear, the hands to write well, and the brains to concentrate, then these children many times do well in school.
Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations


More research revealed that this is a universal problem, and goes so far as to prove that in more primitive cultures in which children are "restricted" in cradle boards and are not allowed to crawl and move about, written language does not develop. Also spoken language is much less sophisticated. So race, color, religion, geography, or climate is not the answer. The answer is giving the child the opportunity to develop his nervous system." Rebecca Kennard, Brain Transformations


Through the years of research the question came up: is lack of brain integration a cultural phenomenon. Are dyslexia and other learning problems just an American problem? Dr. Delacato says,
" Perhaps this lack of development took place only in our European based culture and with our left to right type of writing. Was this truly a worldwide problem? Glenn and I have looked at, studied, talked with, and examined children from Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Morocco, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Figi, and Russia. Their reading problems are just like ours; their reading problems are also caused by a lack of complete nervous system development." Rebecca Kennard, Brain Integration Therapy
# drdelacato


Becky says, " In my own experience working with this process, I have found that in therapy we can go back and make up for those deficits in the developmental process, and that age is not all that important. I have worked with people as old as sixty and as young as three and one-half, and have seen exciting results across that spectrum." She has found that the younger a child is, the more receptive his system is to change, however in older adults, and head injury patients the process takes a relatively short time. " Rebecca Kennard, Brain Integration Therapy

Brain Transformations and Tutoring Services Is your child a struggling learner? Do they need tutoring? I provide tutoring or Brain Integration:

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?


Opening Hours

Monday 13:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 13:00 - 18:00