APA Eastern Division meeting: Last chance to register online and save $50! - The American Philosophical Association
The early bird registration discount for the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting expires tomorrow, December 16, at 11:59 p.m.!
Position Opening: Secretary-Treasurer of the APA Eastern Division
The Executive Committee of the APA Eastern Division solicits applications for the position of divisional secretary-treasurer. The committee hopes to make an appointment by mid-October 2022, and it is expected that there will be several transitional months during which the appointee will work with th...
2021 Eastern Division Meeting: Participant Information - The American Philosophical Association
To present or actively participate in sessions, you will need a computer, smartphone, or tablet with a camera, microphone, and internet access (ideally, high-speed internet access). To view session recordings, you only need a computer, smartphone, or tablet that can play videos.
and will be held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. Click the link below for more information.
Update on the 2021 APA Eastern and Central Division Meetings - The American Philosophical Association
Over the past several months, the APA leadership, including the board of officers and the executive committees of all three divisions, have been closely monitoring developments related to the coronavirus pandemic and its potential impact on divisional meetings planned for 2021.
Results of the Recent APA Elections - The American Philosophical Association
Over the last few months, members of the APA elected new divisional officers and a new at-large member of the APA board of officers, and considered an amendment to the association bylaws. Members of the Pacific Division also voted on an amendment to the Pacific Division bylaws. We are pleased to ann...
The APA elections are currently underway. Voting will remain open until May 21.
Plans for the 2021 APA divisional meetings - The American Philosophical Association
We hope you are doing well during this uncertain and challenging time. While there are many unknowns, APA leadership is continually looking toward the future of the association and the discipline. In particular, we are carefully considering plans for the 2021 APA divisional meetings. In order to pre...
Graduate Student Council nominations reopen for two weeks - The American Philosophical Association
Due to the limited number of Graduate Student Council (GSC) nominations received earlier this year, the APA has decided to reopen nominations for an additional two weeks. Nominations for two elected seats on the GSC will be accepted through May 3.
APA Eastern Division meeting: Department Chairs Network, exhibits, and prize reception - The American Philosophical Association
The 2020 Eastern Division meeting is less than a week away. We hope you’ll join us in Philadelphia, PA, January 8–11!
Tonight, we celebrate the beginning of a new year. But before the year comes to a close, please join Richard Bett, Vice Chair of the APA Board of Officers, in taking a moment to make a tax-deductible donation to the APA.
APA Eastern Division meeting: Last chance to register online and save $50! - The American Philosophical Association
The early bird registration discount for the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting expires tonight!
Please consider joining American Philosophical Association Central Division Past President Jennifer Nagel in making a tax-deductible donation to the APA. Your contribution will help us continue our work in the new year and beyond.
Seasonal pleadings - The American Philosophical Association
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Discount Hotel Rate for APA Eastern Division Meeting - The American Philosophical Association
The Philadelphia 201 Hotel has extended the deadline for reservations at the APA group rate for Eastern Division meeting attendees. The group rate of $149 per night (plus taxes and fees) is now valid through Friday, December 13. The 2020 Eastern Division meeting will be held January 8–11 in Philad...
Our mission is to serve the philosophy community and provide resources and support for all philosophers, and we’re so grateful to our donors and supporters who make that possible. This , please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the APA.
Donate to the APA this #GivingTuesday - The American Philosophical Association
As 2019 winds down, please consider joining APA Board Chair Cheshire Calhoun in making a donation to the American Philosophical Association. Your tax-deductible contribution will help ensure that the APA can continue offering support and services to philosophers and philosophy in the new year. To donate, click below.
Join me in supporting philosophy by making a donation to the APA - The American Philosophical Association
APA Eastern Division Meeting: The Teaching Hub - The American Philosophical Association
Have you registered for the 2020 Eastern Division meeting, January 8–11 in Philadelphia, PA? If not, take a moment and register online now!
2020 Eastern Division meeting highlights - The American Philosophical Association
Have you registered for the 2020 Eastern Division meeting, January 8–11 in Philadelphia, PA? If not, take a moment to register online now!
Call for Participants: APA Strategic Planning Focus Groups - The American Philosophical Association
As you may know, the American Philosophical Association is currently engaged in a strategic planning process. Following a survey circulated this past summer, we are organizing a series of focus groups with philosophers, both members and nonmembers, to provide feedback on the APA's current work and p...
Last chance to take the APA survey for strategic planning - The American Philosophical Association
There is just one day left to complete the survey that the APA is conducting as part of its strategic planning process. The survey closes tomorrow, August 1.
Announcing APA meeting dates and locations through 2023 - The American Philosophical Association
Contracts are now in place for all three divisional meetings of the American Philosophical Association through 2023. Sites were selected based on a variety of factors, including the quantity and quality of meeting space, costs (including room rate), local amenities and attractions, ease of travel to...
The new membership year starts today. Renew online now! - The American Philosophical Association
As a new membership year begins, I want to thank you for your past support as a member and encourage you to join the APA for another year by renewing your membership today.
Calling all philosophers: APA general survey - The American Philosophical Association
The American Philosophical Association has just begun a strategic planning process to help guide the association over the next few years. As part of that process, we are seeking your input and feedback. Please help the APA learn more about your professional needs, priorities, and concerns by complet...
The APA offers five important funds that are entirely donor-supported. These funds each focus on a particular issue area or population and fund projects or initiatives directly related to that focus. We rely on contributions from members to sustain these funds, and because they’ve been well utilized in recent years, they are in danger of running out of funding without additional donations.
Help us ensure that these funds will continue to provide important financial support to APA members in 2019, 2020, and beyond by making a donation today.
Your donation will make a big difference. - The American Philosophical Association
The APA has a deep commitment to advocacy both within and outside of academia. Your contribution will help us increase our advocacy for the field and for individual philosophers and philosophy programs in the year ahead. Donate now.
Support philosophy. Support the APA. - The American Philosophical Association
Voting now open: Divisional elections, board member elections, GSC elections, and bylaws amendments - The American Philosophical Association
Today begins the four-week voting period to elect new divisional officers, a new member-at-large of the APA board of officers, two new members of the Graduate Student Council, and consider amendments to the association bylaws.
APA Eastern Division Meeting Evaluation and Climate Survey - The American Philosophical Association
With the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting behind us, we’ve set up a survey to gather feedback from meeting participants. If you attended the Eastern Division meeting in New York, NY, January 7–10, please take a few moments to complete the post-meeting evaluation su...
The APA Eastern Division meeting is next week! - The American Philosophical Association
Online registration is closed, but you can still register on site at the meeting. The registration desk will open at 10 a.m. on Monday, January 7. The on-site registration rates are $175 for APA members, $290 for non-members, and $90 for student members.