Harapan Pendidikan Eco Flores - Eco Flores Education Hub

Harapan Pendidikan Eco Flores - Eco Flores Education Hub


Harapan Pendidikan Eco Flores - Eco Flores Education Hub

Organisasi untuk sharing Pengetahuan; pertukaran pengetahuan, informasi peluang beasiswa, program penelitian, mendukung kelancaran proses beasiswa, program Sister School, TOELF test, dll. Organisasi ini bukan organisasi penyedia dana bantuan, tetapi hanya sebagai Pusat Pertukaran Pengetahuan. Organisation for Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge sharing, share information for scholarship, guiding student

Operating as usual

Peace Fellowships 02/02/2024

Capacity building opportunity : https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/peace-fellowships?utm_campaign=&utm_medium=social&utm_profile=Rotary+International&utm_source=linkedin
Please check out if this suits you and if you are eligible for application - see links in comment box

Peace Fellowships Through academic training, practice, and global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops the capacity of peace and development professionals to become effective catalysts for peace. The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and inte...


"Hidup ini indah dengan senyuman. Sebuah senyuman bisa mewakili sejuta kata-kata indah, namun senyuman juga bisa menyembunyikan (menguburkan) sejuta masalah." Memang karena yang dunia butuh sekarang tinggal "SENYUM."

Dividing Species: Wallace Line Map | National Geographic Society 27/08/2022

Ideas for Use in the Classroom
Introduce students to the map by having them identify the countries on either side of the line. Use context clues to decide on which side of the line the pictured animals belong. Then have students research and compile a list of mammals native to Asia's Sumatra, Java, and Borneo versus New Guinea and Australia. Ask: How do these lists differ? Have students research the difference between placental mammals, marsupials, and monotremes, and then categorize the mammals on each list accordingly. Prompt students to identify any patterns between the two lists. Students should observe that marsupials and monotremes exist on only one side of the Wallace Line, while most placental mammals are found on the other. Next, have students work in pairs to hypothesize reasons for the distributions they have identified.

After sharing their hypotheses, have students evaluate the map to determine what the different shades of blue represent within the ocean. Ask: How might ocean depth relate to the distribution of mammals? To emphasize this point, have students identify the islands on which rhinoceroses and tigers live, or have lived, and discuss what their distributions imply. Students may deduce that some islands were once connected due to changing sea level, while areas separated by deeper water were not. Contrast these animals with bats, which are found on either side of the Wallace Line, to demonstrate that ocean depth and land connectivity is a barrier to some animals, but not others.

As an extension, students can use the map to predict how flora and fauna on the islands surrounding the Wallace Line might compare to each other, Asia, and Australia based on geography and distance to the mainland.

Dividing Species: Wallace Line Map | National Geographic Society Use this infographic to teach students about the Wallace Line, a hypothetical boundary separating the biogeographical regions of Asia and Australia.


Message received: Hi Chemistry educators!

Please come and join our Virtual Workshop "Using Assessments Effectively When Teaching Chemistry" on Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 1pm-3pm.

This is not a webinar. This is a virtual workshop suitable for all Chemistry teachers who teach in Secondary school who are looking for ideas on how to make the Chemistry lesson to be more engaging and fun.

This workshop will be interactive, where participants will engage in discussions and in collaborative activities that enable participants to explore the topic into a deeper level.

Register early as seats are limited (First Come First Served) by clicking on this link:


See you all there in the workshop!


Hi English educators!

Please come and join our Virtual Workshop "Reading Beyond The Page" on Saturday, 12 February 2022 at 1pm-3pm.

Since English is widely regarded as the world’s language, parents are keen to enroll their children in English-speaking schools hoping that their children will be able to learn, communicate and collaborate in the world of globalisation.

Teaching English for Younger Learners may have challenges especially amidst this pandemic. But once teachers are equipped with the needed knowledge, expertise, and strategies, then teaching would be much easier and productive.

It is a must for all teachers to understand and adapt to the recent changes in the education system the so-called hybrid learning. Therefore we have to be open to innovations.

This is not a webinar. This is a virtual workshop suitable for all English teachers who teach in Primary school who are looking for ideas how to make the English lesson to be more engaging and fun.

This workshop will be interactive, where participants will engage in discussions and in collaborative activities that enable participants to explore the topic into a deeper level.

Register early as seats are limited (First Come First Served) by clicking on this link:


See you all there in the workshop!

More info:
ANPS Workshop Registration Form
Tolong diperhatikan sebelum diisi:
1. Workshop ini akan diselenggarakan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan diperuntukan untuk Guru SD
2. Silakan isi form dibawah ini untuk mengikuti ANPS English Workshop di hari Sabtu, 12 Februari 2022 pukul 1 - 3 siang waktu Jakarta.
3. Workshop ini mempunyai kapasitas maksimum 90 orang, dan kami akan menggunakan sistem First Come First Served
4. Biaya workshop: Member ANPS Rp 150.000/orang. Non-member Rp 275.000/orang.
5. Pembayaran dapat dikirim ke: ASPIRASI NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN SWASTA. Bank CIMB Niaga Kemang. Account no: 800158423200.
6. Form ini hanya dapat memuat 5 peserta. Bila ingin mendaftar lebih dari 5 peserta, silahkan mengisi form kembali.

Please note the followings:
1. This workshop will be conducted in English and is suitable for Primary English teachers.
2. Please fill in the registration form below for the ANPS English Workshop on Saturday, 12 February 2022 at 1 - 3 pm Jakarta Time.
3. The maximum capacity of the workshop is 90 people, and it will be based on First Come First Served.
4. Workshop Fee: ANPS members Rp 150.000/person. Non-ANPS members Rp 275.000/person
5. Please forward your payment to: ASPIRASI NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN SWASTA. Bank CIMB Niaga Kemang. Account no: 800158423200.
6. This form can only accommodate up to 5 participants. If you wish to enrol more than 5 participants, please fill in another form.

UNDP Graduate Programme | United Nations Development Programme 24/06/2021

Shared by UNDP : We are looking for 20 outstanding, dynamic and innovative recent graduates to join UNDP’s new Graduate Programme
The registration process closes on July 4, 2021.
In this program, the UNDP Graduate Program will collaborate with Cappfinity, a company with experience in employee recruitment.

The UNDP Graduate Program will strengthen institutional capacity, especially in addressing the challenges of competency and skill gaps, with a focus on supporting the 2030 agenda, accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, and the role of effective integration.

In addition, UNDP is also serious in following up on the inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as groups of people with disabilities and the involvement of young people in the international development sector for .

For more information regarding the recruitment process and terms and conditions, please visit https://www.undp.org/careers/types-opportunities/undp-graduate-programme.

UNDP Graduate Programme | United Nations Development Programme UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


"How to Succeed in a Cambridge A-Level Program with Online School"

Join our 2nd BBS Online Talk Show on Saturday, 12 June 2021 at 1pm (Jakarta time) virtually with Mr Indra Charismiadji.

The event will be conducted in English & Indonesian. Please click on the following link to register in advance for this webinar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar ☺️



Plastic Free Campus - Home 08/03/2021

Plastic Free Campus
We are working on translation to Bahasa Indonesia


Plastic Free Campus - Home Plastic Free Campus, PFC is dedicated to helping schools fight single-use plastic pollution worldwide. PFC helps schools make a difference for the environment and our own health.

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Organisasi untuk sharing Pengetahuan; pertukaran pengetahuan, informasi peluang beasiswa, program penelitian, mendukung kelancaran proses beasiswa, program Sister School, TOELF test, dll.

Organisasi ini bukan organisasi penyedia dana bantuan, tetapi hanya sebagai Pusat Pertukaran Pengetahuan.

Organisation for Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge sharing, share information for scholarship, guiding students to get scholarship information, program of research, supporting scholarship application process, program of Sister School, TOELF test.

This Organisation is not a funding organisation, however, we share knowledge and give guidance and connection center.
