EHlanzeni TVET College Confession

EHlanzeni TVET College Confession


Its The College Real Goboza


Ehlanzeni TVET College Shutdown 🔥🔥🔥🔥⚠♨🔜🔜


Nine lenitsenge ma Tekkie eFILA Ngemali yeNSFAS ngeke Niphase Nonke


Am having good news about NSFAS money 💰 💰


If it happens you dream about an exam paper please share the dream with all of us, don't be selfish with information 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌


Attention To All Barberton Campus Students !!!!

You Are Urgently Invited To A Mass Meeting That Is Scheduled As Follows:

Date : 10 April 2018
Vanue : Barberton Campus
Time : 8am

Please Note That Your Presence Will Be Highly Appreciated As We Will Be Giving Clarity In Terms Of NSFAS And Other Issues That Affects Teaching And Learning.

Please Share The Information ✊✊


Attention To All Barberton Campus Students!!!!

Let's Meet At The Campus On The 9th Of April At 7:30am And I Also Plea To All Engineering Students Not To Go Home Until They Know Their Status Quo With NSFAS.

Please Also Note That It's Not A Strike But Its A Briefing Session


Attention To All Barberton Campus Students

There's An Urgent Mass Meeting Tomorrow At Obaro Hall At 11h00


Attention Barberton Campus Students!

Let's Attend Classes Comrades

NCVs From 7H30am - 14h30pm
Nated From 14h30pm - 18h30pm

And Please Note That You Need 80% Monthly Attendance To Benefit From NSFAS, All Processes On How To Apply For NSFAS Will Be Communicated Soon.


Attention To All Ehlanzeni TVET college (Barberton Campus) Returning Students!!!

Registration For Returning Students Starts Tomorrow And Please Note That No Student Will Be Allowed To Pay Registration Fee


Happy new year to all Ehlanzeni students
Please note the following information:
1. Results will be released later today from the DHET and will be available for viewing on campus on the 9th of January 2018
2. Registration will comerce on the 9th of January for new students then returning students until the 12th January 2018 and Registration fee is Free.
3. Classes will commerce on the 15th of January 2018
4. NSFAS will open for Re-application on the 3rd until 28th of January 2018
5. We advice all portential and returning students to have the following documents for registration;
A) Certified copy of ID
B) Certified copy of ID/birth certificates of all household members
C) Copy of academic results
D) proof of income including an affidavit or pension slips
5) proof of residence (do not fake)
NB: first come first served system will be used for all portential new students
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To All NEW STUDENTS Make Sure You Have The Following Documents For Registration :

1. Certified Copy of ur ID
2. Certified Copy of ur matric results
3. Certified Copy of ur parents' ID or Guardian
4. Proof Of Resident


Sofunda Mahhala Ehlanzeni TVET College ✊✊


* The President increases University subsidy from
0.68% to 1% of GDP resulting in 0% increase on
University Fees in 2018 for families earning below R600
* Free Higher Education and Training is extended to
90% students at TVET Colleges from 2018 onwards.
* President extends Fully subsidised Free University
Education for students from families earning below
R350 000, starting with students in their 1st Year of
Study in 2018 and phased in Year on Year until full
* “Poor and Working Class Students ” redefined from
R122 000 to R350 000 combined annual household
* All NSFAS Loans allocated to existing NSFAS
students (2nd Year Onwards) are converted from Loans
to 100% Grant (FREE) effective immediately.
* New Accommodation to be built with with urgency
and priority given to Historically Black Universities.
* “This policy intervention will enable government to extend fully subsidised free higher education to youth from well over 90% of South African households. Duly, from 2018 onwards, eligible South African children of the unemployed, social grant recipients, South Africans earning below a minimum wage, domestic workers, farm workers, mine workers and entry level civil servants such as teachers, nurses, policemen, municipal workers, security guards, refuse collectors and informal traders amongst others will now access public universities and TVET colleges for free through grants provided by their government.” President Zuma said.
* “Free Higher Education for Poor and Working Class students is a standing and binding resolution of the ANC and Government.


Registration Starts On The 9th Of January 2018


Engineering Studies Results Are Out And Ready For Collection!!!


Humbly Receive Our Warm Revolutionary Greetings

Students Of Ehlanzeni TVET College We Are Faced With A Serious Crisis When It Comes To Our NSFAS Allowances, The Central Management Is Failing To Assist the Situation, the only thing they're saying is that "The Is No Money In The College" So What I Want To Ask Is That Where Is Our Money? Or Maybe We Must Shut Down All Campuses Until They Have Positive Answers!!!!!

Aluta Continua


Receive Our Warm Revolutionary Greetings

We hereby to notify every students of Barberton campus that the registration of semester 2 Business Studies(N4-N6) will start on the 17th till 21st of July And no student will be admitted after the 21st.

Due to insufficient resources the campus management and the SRC agreed that the won't be any intake of New Students.!!

Thank You


No NSFAS Allowances
No 80% Class Attendance

We Are Resolute On That One Come Next Semester


Whats Going On At Our College?


Revolutional Greetings

Fellow Students Of Ehlanzeni TVET College Its Clear That the CENTRAL MANAGEMENT doesn't want to respond positive regarding the issue of NSFAS therefore its about time that we must UNITE as students to fight their flabagusting corruption....!!!

I Smell A College Stutdown



Important notice to those who just passed
their matric, please as you are to live home to
further your studies at different institutions of
higher learning don't forget the following
1. Your Certified ID copy, certified Matric
2. Guardian certified ID copy, Guardian written
Affidavit if you are to apply for financial
assistance, Proof of income if not included in
the Affidavit.
3. ID copies or birth certificates of siblings or
other people who dependant to your guardain.
Lets be prepared to avoid unnecessary cost, to
avoid faxing and emailing of documents.
# RightToLearn
Please share


Academic Exclusion, Financial Exclusion, Res Placement and admissions notification:
SASCO, as the vanguard of students, will launch it's annual campaign in the early days of January
Right to learn is one of our fundamental existence to champion access and success in institutions of higher learning.
2016 has been a difficult year for many students and the setbacks will not be the reason to exclude any student from their right to education
We will post the exact dates and necessary information towards the launch of what will be a vigorous robust project towards advancing the principles underlying the NDR


Notice To All Ehlanzeni TVET College Students!!!
Students who did not apply for funding through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the 2017 academic year by the November 30 deadline will have another opportunity to apply.
Applications for students who wish to study at TVET colleges will open from the 09 January 2017 and close on 14 February 2017; and this is meant to coincide with release of matric results.


Hey Gud People The Results Are Out.......!!! Gud Luck Again


Send Ur Pics And I Will Post It


Gud Luck To All Those Who Are Writing Their Final Exam Today.........Wish All The Best



Which Campus is the best among the following Campuses?

Barberton Campus
Nelspruit Campus
Mlumati Campus
Mthimba Campus
Mapulaneng Campus
Kanyamaze Campus


Where's Our NSFAS??


R.I.P Richard Henyekane!!


Electrical Engineering Student How Was The Electro-Technology N3 Paper Guys??

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
