Share and Engage: Special and Additional Learning Needs

Share and Engage: Special and Additional Learning Needs

I’m starting an MA Special and Additional Learning Needs with UEL. I’ve created this page to reach out to as many people as p

As part of the assignment for the first module on Inclusion, I am required to disseminate the knowledge gained to colleagues.


Tulips in the snow! 🌷

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This is a space for me to share my learning journey as I complete a Masters Degree in Special and Additional Learning Needs.

I started my On-line Master’s Degree with the University of East London in January 2019.

My first chosen Module focused on Inclusion and was a great introduction to the course. I was one of 27 teachers and educators from around the world, keen to share what we know already and learn about inclusive education in other settings and other countries.

Each Module takes a couple of months to complete and it’s quite intensive- about 300 hours of studying per module. A lot of reading, as you might imagine, but extremely interesting.

We contribute thoughts and comments via an online Forum and complete mini-learning activities that fellow participants and tutors respond to online, so it’s very interactive. At the end of each Module there is a 5000 word assignment to be completed, so getting back into the requirements of academic writing has been quite daunting.
