Wilson High School Class of 1989 - Florence, SC

Wilson High School Class of 1989 - Florence, SC

This group has been created for Wilson High Class of '89 ONLY, as a means of communicating class activities and facilitating an open dialogue.


Hi 89ers,
Our 25th Reunion will be held in Charleston, SC at the Inn Place near the airport on July 18-20, 2014 in conjunction with the Wilson Alumni Association's Summer Reunion. Please call to make your reservations at 1-888-747-1900 and request accommodations for "Wilson Alumni Association" to get the rates of $109.00, $119.00, or suites at $169.00. Book your rooms today!
The Alumni Weekend Registration fee is $160.00 dollars to include food and hospitality (food and alcoholic beverages) during the weekend. Be sure to include bowling on the form. Please view the flyer for the itinerary. To secure a registration form go to Wilson High School Alumni website to get the current forms and send your money in by June 20th or email me at [email protected]. Remember Alumni information must go to the ALUMNI.
It is my hope that you desire to participate in the 25th reunion festivities.

Keeping the Tiger Spirit Alive,

Michelle Moses
Class President

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