Messianic Jewish Theological Institute - MJTI
Advancing Messianic Judaism through graduate programs and continuing education for leaders and laity.
MJTI seeks to honor Yeshua the Messiah and the heritage of our ancestors by teaching Jewish life in a Messianic context through a fully online program. Founded in 1997, MJTI is made up of several schools and institutions:
-School of Jewish Studies, an online graduate School.
-RO'I, a leadership training institute.
-Hashivenu, a Messianic Jewish theological forum.
-Kesher, a Messianic Jewish theol
Operating as usual
Sunday morning update 04/06
Today, Vered begins her second week in rehab, here in Netanya. Last week, she had some incremental victories during physical therapy, with some feeling returning to her left arm and leg as well as being able to walk some with assistance as well as being able to stand up and sit back down pretty much on her own. Muscle memory is slowly returning, and we rejoice with each occurrence. A genuine concern is that the pain in her left shoulder has not diminished in the least. They are supposed to do further tests early this week to try and determine the reason for this.
Another high point for Vered last week was the number of friends that could come by for a visit. Each time she received a visit it was like a healing balm to her soul, so a heartfelt thank you to those who made the time and effort to come by for a visit. Also, thank you for continuing to lift Vered up in prayer for healing and recovery, we really appreciate it.
MJTI will soon present the final Panim el Panim course of the 2022-23 Academic year, with “How We Role” taught by Rabbi Paul Saal, MJTI’s Dean of Students and Senior Rabbi at Shuvah Yisrael in West Hartford, CT. This PEP course will examine scripture, cultural norms and traditional views related to leadership roles. We will explore how to build a community where everyone is equally respected and valued.
The course begins on Tuesday, June 6 at 1 PM Eastern DST. For more information and registration visit
June: How We Role - Rabbi Paul Saal June: How We Role – Rabbi Paul Saal Tuesdays, June 6, 13, 20, & 27 at 1 PM Eastern As Messianic Judaism proceeds into the 21st century, it can ill afford to ignore the larger social issues surrounding it. One issue that looms large is the equality of all people. This multi-faceted, diverse and com...
An update from Rabbi Michael Hillel:
Vered had a very rough, painful night (Motzei Shabbat), in spite of the pain meds and sleeping aid. But after a not-so-pleasant night, we have a praiseworthy update: earlier today with the physical therapist, she moved her left leg in a number of different ways, ways that were not reflex but constant thought. This is a major step forward - even if it is just “baby steps” (thank you, Richard Dreyfuss). However, as the day comes to an end, the morning's excitement has given way to the very physical reality of pain as it seems to invade every aspect of her being.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Rejoice with us in this but please keep praying for healing and recovery as the journey is far from over.
Brachot & shavuah tov,
Rabbis Michael & Vered
An update on Dr. Vered Hillel from Rabbi Michael
Monday afternoon update (generic): Vered had her second physical therapy and at the end of about 20 minutes, she was exhausted … but the therapist was happy. A bit of good news, a dear friend bought an air mattress, specially designed for folks that find themselves confined to bed for long periods of time. (Yes, there is a special name, but I forgot it.) Anyway, the mattress pad was set up on her bed this morning and aside from having to get used to a couple of ridges, it seems to be working well for her. I will have a better idea tomorrow morning when I get back to the center.
Another, potentially good happening today is the fact that the doctors are more seriously looking at the pain that Vered is in and realizing that what has been done in the last 2 weeks just isn’t working. Some changes now have been made and still others are being considered if today’s changes do not bring about a marked improvement.
One of the side-effects of the continual pain that Vered suffers is that she is not able to eat the amounts that she is expected to. She is not a “big eater” at the best of times, so this has the potential to cause problems in the future.
As I read through today’s Tehillim (Psalms), one verse struck a major chord and became part of the affirmation I am praying over Vered. “I (we) have placed my (our) trust in Your kindness, my (our) heart will rejoice in Your deliverance. I (we) will sing to the Lord, for He has dealt kindly with me (us)” Tehillim 13:6.
Once again, we thank you for all your prayers, concern, and support. I do not believe we would have gotten this far without you
Thank you to all who have prayed, continue to pray and will pray for Dr Vered Hillel, MJTI's Academic Dean, who had a hemorrhagic stroke on May 8.
Vered's husband, Rabbi Michael, sent this update.
Vered is scheduled to begin physiotherapy on Sunday. She is still paralyzed on her left side, and remains in constant pain due to muscle spasms caused by stroke damage as well as the pains of fibromyalgia. They are giving her shots to control the BP. Tomorrow we are supposed to be getting an Alternating Air Pressure Mattress Pad, hopefully this will bring relief from so much time in the bed.
As to the recovery, on one hand the doctors and staff here at the Rehab are positive … but they are not saying either a time frame or degree of recovery. We really appreciate all the prayers and concern on Vered’s behalf, thank you.
MJTI appreciates your well wishes and prayers.
Here is an interesting journal article by MJTI faculty member, Rabbi Joshua Brumbach, on Leviathan and Exegetical Imagination.
Leviathan and Exegetical Imagination – Kesher Journal Leviathan and Exegetical Imagination By Joshua Brumbach | April 30, 2023 The Bible is more than simply a theological resource; it can also serve, like J.K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, as an indispensable introduction to the magical beasts of the biblical world.1 Leviathan, an ...
Is it possible to argue with God, or to be frustrated with what appears to be divine unethical action and perceived injustice? Join Rabbi Joshua Brumbach as he explores this intriguing issue in April’s Panim el Panim course offering at MJTI, “Wrestling with God: Theological Protest in the Bible and Midrash.”
April: Wrestling with God - Theological Protest in the Bible and Midrash April: Wrestling with God – Theological Protest in the Bible and Midrash Mondays, April 3, 10, 17, and 24 at 1:00 PM Eastern Theological protest originates within biblical stories of Moses, Abraham, David, Jeremiah and Job (among others). Such figures regularly voiced their frustrations with divin...
Shabbat shalom from Netanya.
Gleanings from Be’shalach This week’s Torah reading, Be’shalach, (Exodus 13:17 – 17:16) sees the departing children of Israel stuck between a rock and a hard place, or better yet between Pharaoh and the Sea of Reeds. Back b…
MJTI’s Panim el Panim short-course program presents Encountering the Ruach (Spirit) in Jewish Space taught by Rabbi Nathan Joiner, senior rabbi of Congregation Ruach Israel in Needham, MA.
Early Jewish followers of Yeshua were known for interacting in the Ruach as Jews. Yet complicated history, corruption, and disappointment have led some Messianic Jews to shy away from interacting with the Ruach. In this class, we will work to bring balance and reclaim God’s gift of the Ruach in Jewish space.
For more information and registration, please visit
February: Encountering the Ruach (Spirit) in Jewish Space February: Encountering the Ruach (Spirit) in Jewish Space Tuesdays, February 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 1 PM Eastern Over the years, our Messianic Jewish community has sought to integrate Jewish life in Yeshua. We’ve discovered what our early Messianic Jewish predecessors knew from the beginning; Yeshua...
Monday, January 16, at 1 PM Eastern (US and Canada), MJTI will present week 2 of Rabbi Rich Nichol's Panim el Panim course entitled Angelology or Heavenly Assistance Today. As all the classes are recorded, it's not too late to join as Rabbi Rich discusses this thought-provoking topic. For more information and registration visit
January: Angelology or Heavenly Assistance Today January: Angelology or Heavenly Assistance Today Mondays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 1 PM Eastern Join MJTI President Dr. Rich Nichol for a series about the reality of angels, the history of Jewish and Christian understanding of these unique creations of God and how angels actually function in our...
Shabbat shalom u'mevorach from Netanya.
A Few Thoughts on Shemot In preparing this week’s Thoughts on Shemot, Exodus 1:1 – 6:11, I was intrigued by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin’s observations in his book, Growth Through Torah.2 He wrote, “You ultimately help yo…
Shabbat Shalom and Hanukkah Sameach from Netanya!
Miketz ~ the Haftarah for Shabbat of Hanukkah This week, instead of looking at the continuing narrative of Joseph and his sojourn in Egypt recorded in parashah Miketz, Genesis 41:1–44:17, let’s look at the Haftarah for the Shabbat of…
Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, through its Panim el Panim short-course program, invites you to join MJTI’s president, Rabbi, Dr. Rich Nichol in January 2023 as he presents a series about the reality of angels, the history of Jewish and Christian understanding of these unique creations of God and how angels actually function in our world today. The class, Angelology - Heavenly Assistance Today will meet on four consecutive Mondays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 1 PM Eastern.
To register for this new and exciting course visit
January: Angelology or Heavenly Assistance Today January: Angelology or Heavenly Assistance Today Mondays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 1 PM Eastern Join MJTI President Dr. Rich Nichol for a series about the reality of angels, the history of Jewish and Christian understanding of these unique creations of God and how angels actually function in our...
May your weekend will be restful and truly a time set aside for recovery and renewal from the challenges of the past week. Shabbat shalom!
A Few Thoughts from Vayishlach As I began preparing this week’s Thoughts on Vayishlach (and he sent), Genesis 32:4-36:43,1 I was immediately stuck on how important proper perspectives are, whether talking about li…
MJTI's December Panim el Panim course begins on Monday, December 5, 2022. Join Rabbi Barney Kasdan as he examines the Hanukkah / Christmas Connection.
December: The Hanukkah / Christmas Connection December: The Hanukkah / Christmas Connection Mondays, December 5, 12, 19, and Thursday, December 22 at 1 PM Eastern A 4-hour study including relevant passages in Daniel, I Maccabees, and the Gospels. These two winter holidays are usually disassociated from each other by most people, both Jews, and....
May this Shabbat be full of encouragement, rest, and restoration. Shabbat Shalom from Netanya.
A Few Thoughts from Vayetzei This week’s parashah, Vayetzei (he went out) – Genesis 28:10-32:3* provides an overview of Jacob’s life from the time he went out from Beer-sheba to journey to Haran and his mother’s…
December has arrived with all its craziness and chaos as the winter celebrations fast approach, no matter what or how one might celebrate. With this in mind, MJTI invites you to take an hour a day, for four weeks, out of your busy schedule to consider the Hanukkah/Christmas Connection. Just maybe a little of the chaos can be put to rest.
For more information and registration, visit
December: The Hanukkah / Christmas Connection December: The Hanukkah / Christmas Connection Mondays, December 5, 12, 19, and Thursday, December 22 at 1 PM Eastern A 4-hour study including relevant passages in Daniel, I Maccabees, and the Gospels. These two winter holidays are usually disassociated from each other by most people, both Jews, and....
Shabbat Shalom, this week from Switzerland.
A Few Thoughts from Toldot Rabbi Stuart Dauermann in Shulhan Shelanu, Vol 3, Issue 45, November 6, 2021, made a couple of observations as he considered this week’s parashah, Toldot, Genesis 25.19 – 28.91. First, he noted tha…
Here are just a few thoughts from Chayei Sarah as we prepare to enter the Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom.
A Few Thoughts on Chayei Sarah This week’s parsha is Chayei Sarah, Genesis 23:1 – 25:18.1 It is not the happiest of passages, as it records the deaths of Sarah, Abraham, and Ishmael. Nevertheless, it is worth not…
December is just around the corner, and it can be a crazy, chaotic time of the year no matter what or how one celebrates. With this in mind, MJTI invites you to take an hour a day, for four weeks, out of your busy schedule to consider the Hanukkah/Christmas Connection. Just maybe a little of the chaos can be put to rest.
For more information and registration, visit
December: The Hanukkah / Christmas Connection December: The Hanukkah / Christmas Connection Mondays, December 5, 12, 19, and Thursday, December 22 at 1 PM Eastern A 4-hour study including relevant passages in Daniel, I Maccabees, and the Gospels. These two winter holidays are usually disassociated from each other by most people, both Jews, and....
Shabbat Shalom from Netanya Israel on a most blustery day.
Gleanings from Vayera Typically, when one thinks about this week’s parasha, Vayera, Genesis 18:1 – 22:24, one remembers Abraham meeting the three visitors while recovering from his recent circumcision. Then Abraham, whi…
On November 7, MJTI's Panim el Panim short course, Holocaust: Questions in Search of Answers begins. For more information and registration, please visit
November: Holocaust Questions in Search of Answers November: Holocaust Questions in Search of Answers Mondays, November 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 1 PM Eastern This course will not rehash gory details about the slaughter. Rather, it explores answers to germane questions presented in the sphere of scholarly thought over the last 50 years. The course unpack...
Shabbat shalom u'mevorach!
Gleanings from L**h L**ha One often thinks that Yeshua’s teachings on the cost of following him are rather harsh. Consider these verses, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and childr…
Shabbat shalom u'mevorach!
Gleanings from Noach This week’s Parasha is Noach (Noah), Genesis 6:9-11:32. Some of the key points in chapter 6 are (1) Noach was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noach walked with God (Gen. 6:9). (2) The …
On Monday, November 7, 2022, MJTI's Panim el Panim season will begin again with a four-week course entitled Holocaust Questions in Search of Answers taught by Rabbi Elliot Klayman. For more information and registration visit
November: Holocaust Questions in Search of Answers November: Holocaust Questions in Search of Answers Mondays, November 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 1 PM Eastern This course will not rehash gory details about the slaughter. Rather, it explores answers to germane questions presented in the sphere of scholarly thought over the last 50 years. The course unpack...
Shabbat Shalom and Sukkot Sameach!
Thoughts on Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot – 5783 This Shabbat is a special one as it is the Shabbat during Chol Hamoed Sukkot (the intermediary days of the moed). As such, there is a special Torah reading, Exodus 33:12 – 34:261, which is part of …
Shabbat shalom u'mevorach from Charlotte, NC as we prepare not only for the Sabbath but also our return to Israel on Sunday.
Gleaning from the Haftarah – Ki Teitzei This week’s haftorah, Isaiah 54:1-10 is the fifth of a series of seven “Haftarot of Consolation.” The first of the seven was read on the Shabbat …
Shabbat shalom u'mevorach from Netanya.
Gleanings from Eikev Driving home from shul one morning, I was looking forward to a small morning repast on the balcony with my wife when the car in front of me decided to interrupt my musings by not going through the …
Shabbat Shalom u'mevorach from Netanya!
Gleaning from Va’etchanan This week’s parashah, Va’etchanan, Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:111, begins with what many consider one of the saddest prayers recorded in Scripture. Flashback: Moses began his life under a death sentence …